Creepy/surreal vidya

creepy/surreal vidya
About to explore worlds for the first time, wish me luck.

Other urls found in this thread:

good luck


fuck haven't played worlds in a while

soda drinker pro

Crypt Worlds
10/10 pissing simulator and tips their hat

Is the "remake" good?

The fun begins.


You know? In a sense, second life is as much creepy or creepier than some of these games. There are very weird people browsing in there.

Bumping for interest
I wanna see OP get kidnapped and totrued

Mostly for the shit grafix and batshit soundtrack

Not OP
Someone sent me this over worlds.


Who could forget this classic

The small group of people who still play Worlds are probably as strange as I'd expect.

Never heard anyone else mention this game before

Watched a stream and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Also it's [ spoiler ] [ / spoiler ] newfriend

Nigga that's Sup Forums as fuck.
But this one is just bad.

Play Flow on the six axis while tripping balls on acid. You won't be disappointed.

Also, even though I'm not a huge fan, doing 3-MeO-PCP while playing Skyrim makes you feel like you are actually in that world. Highly recommended.

Are there people who "play" worlds regulary?

probably some fucking crazy ass motherfuckers or people who want to spectate said motherfuckers

I fucking love this launch title

I always see Cake, Uro, SirGemini, Fallen_Angel and Lerxst there.

Wish I could get the arms white.

Or the track that sounds like a woman getting raped

I'm playing Pandemonium 2 on PS1 right now. Not a very good game but it's pretty out there at times.

these people are odd


The second picture.

I already posted the first one in the thread.

this guy is clingy

Dr. Penguin is in the house.

Will this evolve into something screencap worthy?

probably not

The only surreal game I ever played was Sonic Dreams Collection. I need more.

Seaman was pretty fucking strange. Though it seemed to somewhat be an advancement of the Tamagotchi craze that was going on around that time.

I just got that as well.

hey these are awesome. anyone knows more albums/OSTs like this?

Is there anyway to hop into random worlds or do I have to get linked to everything?

It got a sequel called Forever Kingdom (I think) so that's your best bet

There's also the AC games worked on by the same guy, they're a lot more focused though

What exactly is Worlds?

Don't joke about the worlds cult or else.

Is there a discord for Sup Forums world explorers?


nice. it seems like this guy gives no fucks and does whatever he feels like. sometimes it sounds sloppy as fuck, but there are times it's very interesting.

I'm trying to find Youtube videos of Worlds but holy shit that is an extremely vague search term.


Worlds cult? What

If what I hear is accurate, the people that still play this game are basically shitposters on many levels of irony.

pls respond

I remember these threads on /x/, good times

>you are being watched
oh fuck

Chat room client where you can make your own places and shit.

Finally downloading worlds now after seeing so many threads.

Thanks man, appreciate it.


In what game do these actually become relevant? I feel like I have played all of them and I don't remember these signs...

yo this is pretty fucked up
keep going

I'm going to pretend I'm a member of the cult in a second.



>do not be taken alive

h-here i go

eyyyy yo how in the fuck

absolutely incredulous

If he believes he is being harassed/stalked by the cult why the fuck is he still on worlds

Holy fuck
>that scream
fuck this shit I'm gonna go watch Ice Age or something fuck

You don't simply leave Worlds.

fuck this is creepy

I ain't clickin' that shit, nigga.

good. don't.

Ha, what a doofus.

That's actually pretty fucking weird, that cake guy is on literally all the time.

I was just playing like 3 weeks ago and he kept PMing me stuff and trying to start conversation. is the penguin image the guy was talking about in chalk.

user, you dick.

>broken on hover

Have I been spared

What is it, I can't hear anything. I'm on mobile

You can't click it.

i don't get it

I opened this .gif and this is the captcha I got

I think it's over for me

I've opened this gif on several different occasions and nothing has ever happ



I go on worlds almost every day a lot of the people on it are very normal and friendly people. For example the guy in OP's pic with the dog and bicycle.

What did he mean by this?

post more like this


I feel like Carl in that episode of ATHF where he fucks with his alternate reality self with the hair.

just finished worlds download, is there anything i should know about this before jumping in?

i also dont get it. are the fags replying to this memeing?

its just a gif. of a girl in generic horror makeup walking towards the camera...

Having worked with mentally ill people, I feel bad for him. They truly live in their own small worlds.

This was fun. We had fun today.
This might help.

some people are literally always in the fucking lobby. And they aren't bots, either, because they talk sometimes.
>tfw gemini senpai tells you to stop swearing :(

got a link or something? Googling "fatal lands" give me nothing

>not telling him the truth at the end

the gif is supposed to disappear

You're one of the lucky ones. It didn't choose you.

You should tell artificialcarpet about the thread.
