He still plays western games

>He still plays western games

>He plays Korean Pig games

What are some good games?


Welp I think it's about time I get off Sup Forums

>he thinks liking futa doesn't make him gay

futa is straight

This is the kind of people that hate JRPG,let that sink in for a second.

>he plays garbage because Japan made it

>tfw I haven't played a western game made in the last 5 years.
What am I missing out on?

>he plays garbage because the west made it

Oh wait its not like you have a choice


nice meme faggot


>he still plays games with girls with penises

Can I get more cute anime girls laughing, this is my fetish.

>he doesnt play games featuring cute grills.

Executive meddling and hack devs killed jrpgs. Executive telling devs to dial back character ages and story changes just so that it will appeal to younger players and otaku. Hack developers that are clearly on the spectrum filling their games with cliches just for the sake of them.

Xenogears, Final Fantasy 4, Suikoden 1 and 2, and Lost Oddyssey are pretty fucking good. although xenogears gets kinda bad at disk two.


It's okay if it's a feminine penis

Get you own laughing girls ameri-fat.

>he doesn't exclusively play japanese loli porn games

Of course I do.

they're just pixels, user.

>Executive telling devs to dial back character ages and story changes just so that it will appeal to younger players and otaku.
Who the fuck do you think develops these games?
Prudish dude bros?
This may be a hard concept for you to grasp but many jrpg devs LIKE what they make for money