Is Mass Effect: Andromeda going to be good?

Is Mass Effect: Andromeda going to be good?



but I'll buy it hoping to be proven wrong anyway

Not if Curry Thunder has anything to say about it.


Only if it has explicit gay krogan sex

Hell, just make it a dating sim. I don't care about the original's lackluster gameplay anyways.

I don't have much hope after DA:I.
I expect a bunch of boring open worlds and a shitty main story.

There is almost zero chance of it being good. The best you can hope for is decent gameplay and a good soundtrack but everything else is guaranteed to be shit, especially the writing and the animations.


Even if Andromeda was the best game ever I still wouldn't buy it unless it explicitly retconned ME3


I'll be extremely mediocre with maybe some good music and weapon selection. It'll also have several spots of awful animation and dialogue that will be posted all over Sup Forums for a month at minimum.

It'll be shit

I probably won't play it myself just because it will require Origin. I have to wonder if EA will ever make up with Valve and start allowing their games on Steam again.

never found it again

post the webm
jmbn's latest picture getting me hard

no mang

they're full of people that use videogames to push ideological positions

not even well thought out pushing
they just give the good guys lines about how what they like is great

and the evil bad guys do not like that thing that the designers like

Gonna need a sauce there, bro.

For science.

>expecteting something good from SJW effect

Idiot or EA shill.

>whole first trilogy is playing a human and learning about the setting
>still have to be a human in the new game

>Is Mass Effect: Andromeda going to be good?

If they allow me to make a male character and romance a male krogan, all past sins will be forgiven.

When Andromeda comes out, we should send him a bunch of pasty white Ryder's with the hashtag #happywhitehistoryyear

Pls I need more sappy shit in my life

seconding this

fuck curry thunder

Google "Rite of Assage" and a thread on another message board should show up in the first few results.

Holy shit


Oh, and you have to use quotation marks for it to show up, because Google assumes that everyone is retarded now.

>28 pages
Bless you, user

it's going to be baaad

>buying EA products
>buying Ubisoft products
>buying Activision/Blizzard products

I almost wish this weren't fake

What a fucking degenarate shithead . I ll never buy mass effect andromeda .

you seen that female asari (male)? 10/10 GOTY

>Honkey Magoo
>Calls whites a separate species

Now that IS straight up racism

>"Rite of Assage"

who /stillupset/ here

At this point I don't care too much about the single player, hopefully the story is laughably bad. So long as the multiplayer is like Mass Effect 3 i'm going to be overjoyed
Human Vanguard best character

I'll always be mad.


What an asshole.
If I actually purchased EA products, this would probably be enough to make me stop.

Please link it?
google is being mentally ill.

Should be fun.

Always user. Always.

Me, what a fucking let down.

I can't see any ME game being 'bad'. Even with the shit ending of 3, it was an amazing and immersive experience.

>tfw quarian
>no big krogan boyfriend to eat ass with

Well... at least he's the gameplay designer and doesn't have to write the game, right?

But user, if they writers don't listen to him and go against his ideas they'll be branded as racist

It's on page 2 of U 18 chan's GC board.


No. Bioware has gone full retard with its waifu simulators.

>u 18 chan
fuck that garbage site

I wonder what his opinion of Ben Kingsley playing a Chinese man is?

It would be the first good Mass Effect game, so my bet is on a big fat "no".

Hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Mass Effect: Inquisition

degenerates like him are why I'd go through hell and back for white people even though I'm kebab

>Whites are evil
>Continue to to live in a country founded by whites
>Continue to use inventions created by whites


If the dialogue isn't horseshit awful and the gameplay is progressing well like it looks to be then it will be worth it IMHO

Five years in development and we have seen mere seconds of actual gameplay is worrying though

He said mean things on twitter. Most of us aren't so sensitive to actually be offended by him. We're just laughing at him.

they never learn

he should stop speaking English while he's at it

>I'd go through hell and back for white people even though I'm kebab

But why? Sup Forums preaches the extinction of you and your people on a daily basis.

>tfw krogan
>no small quarian bf to rail all day

How ya doin'?

Grunt or Wrex?


Im not buying a game made by a white hater.

Grunts way more handsome tbqhwyf

He's literally the perfect krogan. He's what they should be without all the defects. His head crest is nicely shaped, pretty blue eyes, and nice legs and arms. He also doesn't have a massive hump like the others.

Don't get me wrong, I love krogan, but wow is he pretty.
n-no homo

That's nice, but his kind makes me ashamed of being brown. I'd like to punch his face in.

I'd help them anyway. Saudis, Lebanese, North Africans, basically 99% of all Arab speakers are little more than villainous mobsters who believe they're some sort of cultural elite.

>Being a pedophile

Wrex only

The director wants white people dead

i'm skipping it

The game is doomed from the beginning.

This guy is gay and his shit is all retarded but I fail to see how his terrible opinions will affect the gameplay in any way

If he was a writer then yeah this shit can go fuck itself

>fade- shit! arse!
What did Bioware mean by this?

Is there a way we can get Curry Thunder fired, or does Bioware just have its head so far up its own ass, they're tasting last weeks shit eating politically correct FOTM, trying to look good in the eyes of everyone?

He's not. He's just a designer who builds things to spec. But you can guarantee he has no white male models on his computer.

Just knowing he's working on the game doesn't sit right with me.


They meant that if you are retarded enough to not tell her to gtfo the first time you meet her then they are going to make the experience hell


>Using anyone besides Dorian, Blackwall, and Cole

I've seen some ugly sand-niggers before, but this has got to be one of the ugliest.

rp with me fag

>using dorian "sassy gay best friend" pavus
incredibly shit taste you have
even sera is better than him

If I offered $5000 to somebody on this sight to assassinate this stupid sand-nigger, who would take it?

I thought he was Indian, hence "Curry thunder"

He is a bro if you reject his advances, it's cole that is the weak link of that team

Anyone who uses Vivienne, Iron Bull, or Sera needs to be executed for shit taste

Honestly? I would if I wasn't half blind.

anyone who plays the game needs to be executed for shit taste

fair enough

I'll always hate them for 3. Never let them forget.

i just want to be a space captain with my own fucking ship and do cool fucking missions
please bioware im begging you, make a good game please

U eighteen chan.

Typing numbers in extensive because spam system thinks it's spam, so replace the written number for cardinal number.

Bioware has never once made a good game. What makes you think they will start now?

>No 1st person FTL

Id kill for a 1st person FTL. Nu Males Lie, while fun sometimes, is just a huge let down.

If you kill them, they win

What is Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

What is Jade Empire

mediocre shit and mediocre shit

Probably not, but I'll still play it anyways because I love the universe.
