Virtual Reality with technology comparable to or even superior to the stuff described in this book is already here...

Virtual Reality with technology comparable to or even superior to the stuff described in this book is already here, if not commercially available. For those who haven't read it, VR equipment includes a full body suit capable of simulating most sensations through haptic feedback, which is like those vibrating chair things you see in shitty arcades, only on a smaller scale. Already we have beaten this and simply communicate directly with the nerves using electrical impulses. The same can be said of smell, as of right now there is a mask designed to release up to 7 different scents at a time when signaled in a game.
With this in mind, what do you want to see from VR?
I'll be posting what I want later in the thread when I actually type it all out

Waifu, waifu is all I want or need

>ready player one
shit taste

edgy as fuck and meming to boot? yes
realistic (apparently pessimistic) idea of how VR would evolve? absolutely
it's the best example I have
still writing what I want to see

I will wait for Matrix-like VR

That book is fucking awful, trust Sup Forums to have pleb taste in books.

Seriously I'm not just /lit/ memeing, it starts out good and rapidly drops the fucking pace and becomes a childs book

Also back on thread topic - I don't ever see VR reaching as it is portrayed in ready player one (or what the book heavily borrowed the concept from: red dwarf's better than life) but I do see VR as becoming something people do get addicted to.

My reasoning is that while I guess it could be feasible to have a full suit and smell (though current tech for both is really quite shit) the cost would be enormous to produce or to even be a commercially viable product, and if the masses don't adopt it then you won't have a huge sparwling game to match as the demand would be tiny.

Maybe this might happen long long after we are dead in 100ish years but right now VR is very very gimmicky and simple, yes I see it becoming the future eventually but we are long way off being remotely compareable to the book.

alright, here's what I want, my "this will never happen but if it did I could die happy" magnum opus of autistic hopes and dreams:

>A crafting system that is 100% grounded in reality
that seems like something simple at first glance, right?
ahaha no
first off
>all real elements that exist in the modern world would have to have their properties in the game
>then all fictional ones
>then how they interact
>then the physics behind putting things together using string or screws or whatever
>and it has to keep track of such things for every object made
>and let's not forget magitech
>it would also have no GUIs anywhere in the process (except maybe at the end in a sort of "finalize item" thing that might make it easier for the game to handle it)
in the end, it's an impossible dream, but it's my dream, to be capable of building shit like a gun that fires adamantium bullets with a vibranium bayonet that propells it's projectiles with the power of Love

I had a summer reading list once in HS and RPO was on the list.

Completely unreadable. Couldn't get past the first chapter before I switched to Ender's Game.

cĀ“mon RPO was awesome, people who complaint wanted to get some kind of masterpiece out of this material but is just a great fun trip.
The final battle between Leopardon and Mechagodzilla is great, i love that he has to become ultraman at the end and btfo the EVAs
great stuff

your failed quads say otherwise

yeah but can he beat madara uchiha?

Does the book have any of its own content, beyond references?

The VR HMD in Ready Player One projected laser directly into your retina. Pretty sure that's still Sci Fi.

Ready Player One was kind of cool. I didn't get alot of the references, as they were mostly based on ancient ass commodore games. And I'm only 32. Imagine the rest of the gamer demographic.

It might have been more poignant if they talked about lord British, Chrono trigger and Tool. Who the fuck listens to Rush.

hahah great post my friend but

This book was fucking horrible nostalgia pandering. How does a teenage kid who spends all of his time watching shit play a perfect game of pacman in his first attempt? It's fucking stupid

yes, when they are in the real world, there is some fallout shit, a lot of cool concepts on world building, kind of a mix between mad max, judge dreed

This book was fucking awful
I could only get in a few chapters before I had to put it down

>first attempt
the book is shit, but he tries SEVERAL times

>Seriously I'm not just /lit/ memeing, it starts out good and rapidly drops the fucking pace and becomes a childs book
It reminded me of every shitty isekai LN I've ever read. Promising start and interesting world/scenario that ends with wish fulfillment bs.

until we're at the matrix level, VR will always be a meme.

No, is a poor man snow crash.

>The VR HMD in Ready Player One projected laser directly into your retina. Pretty sure that's still Sci Fi.
No that's easy to do just see google glass. The hard part is beaming it into the eye when you're looking around. Not a hard problem to solve though expect to see this in the third generation of VR head sets.

It's literally just a knockoff of .hack// right down to the fucking headset's description, but without the fleshing out of the real world.

>I don't ever see VR reaching as it is portrayed in ready player one
It will surpass it. There is already tech in the works of being able to send commercial advertisements into your dreams as you sleep being tested in countries like China. If we get to the point of being able to fully manipulate what we dream, we could essentially, eventually, see VR tech that puts us into a hand-crafted world via brain chemicals.

>tfw can't ever remember dreams

In the future you'll be the equivalent of people now who get motion sickness from games and can't play them. Sorry.

nah, I'm sure they'll figure out how to make me remember dreams
in all seriousness I'd much rather have Ready Player One's VR over than making me dream

This book was pure cringe. I can't believe it's getting a Spielberg movie

If it was a controlled, deliberate dream via some chemical arrangement, it would hopefully not be foggy like a dream... it would be more like really being awake and fully alert in a fantasy world.

Can you imagine if we got so good at controlling our own brains through chemicals that we could actually "dream" ourselves into a situation where you're going on some fantasy adventure, with a full narrative and everything, and if you're playing a fantasy race you can physically feel what it's like to have that race's physiology? Furry motherfuckers would be in their glory.

These are the important questions.

>all those Otherkin validated at long last and no longer needing to shitpost on the internet about it
my god it'd be wonderful

Aside from this being an awful book, written at the teen reader level with lots of "hey remember when", I have to say rather than the big open fully immersed VR of this book I would prefer the augmented reality professional LARPing of the dream park series. With a RPO VR world you end up with a bunch of sad lazy autistic weirdos dominating the scene, rather than god like paragons of humanity.

just have the physical movement be mandatory, instead of being able to control it with hand motions

I'd still prefer Dream Park style augmented reality, if you read them skip the second book it's a let down, the third is the best.