New Frustrated Fernandez

Why does he talk like carlos mencia?

I bet he'd thank you're retarded ass for giving his fucking video more views.

Seriously what is his real name?

>why does he talk like every mexican ever
it is a mystery

Did he get fatter?

Agitated Andrés

Irate Inglesias

Grumbling Gary.

Furious Eduardo.

Enraged Enrique

Mad Manuel

Jackie Spic

Smelly Spic Salvador

Ticked-Off Telipe

Fellatio Felipe

Pissed Pablo

Grumpy Mario

What hasn't he ripped off from Carlos Mencia?

Why did you post Angry Joe?

The hair

Is this the Pissed Jose I keep hearing about?

Peeved Pepe

stop asking the same question in every Angry Joe thread. This meme was never really that funny. Off yourself


Butthurt user.

For you.

Raging Rodrigo

Then stop making Angry Joe threads

This threads literally only exist for this question

as much as I hate pissy pueblo, I agree with him 100% on this one

This, it's the only thing anons have to do and yet they're still retarded enough to think posting an unfunny "videogame" spic give you respect.

Angry Joe might be a spastic retard but his reviews are usually spot on. Very little biased involved and he doesn't get bribe money.

this 4


I think everybody secretly knows that to be honest.

Besides like the time he got salty over daddy nintendo stealing his Mehican Sheckles I can't think of any time he's particularly annoyed me?

I suppose him literally dropping his reviews to like three a year while he goes to watch shit Superman movies with his fat neckbeard fuck of a friend is getting really annoying and that gets amplified when you take into consideration his bitching on twiiter saying people are "too entitled" but beyond that its been a while since he's really had a review I disagree with.

Its just fun to call him Hasty Hombre, so I'm going to keep doing it.


I don't even watch his shit I just like making fun of that fat beaner because it's obvious he shills here.


Friendly reminder.

>that facecam gameplay footage
Jesus Christ, man. PewDiePie: Taco Edition