Who the fuck should I main?
Who the fuck should I main?
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A lot of classes are just snore fests, and others are fun as hell.
Snorefest: Warlocks
Fun as hell: Warriors
Retribution Paladin
>Still no necromancers
>no witch doctors
Some day, right?
Naah. We need more melee classes.
Who would be a witch doctor besides trolls?
is there any alliance players on medium/low pop servers that would want to group together when legion drops? looking to avoid levelling phased into stormrage. i'll be staying up all the way until 110
no we don't, we have more melee than ranged
if you wanna do everything, monk or druid
if you wanna pure dps per second class, worry.jpg - you'll probably end up with a single viable raid spec anyway even though you picked a class with 3 DPS specs.
But every class can equip a melee weapon
Do you really think Blizzard cares anymore about race restrictions to classes?
>tfw they added a 3rd leather tank instead of turning survival into a mail tank
you mean warlocks? thats a class already
>Another bow/gun class never
Yeah, they proved that with demon hunters
You haven't read a damn thing about legion, have you retard?
shadow priests for the knife wife and surrender to memeness
>new class is only playable by elfs
Good. Will they expand the restrictions to the other classes as well?
PvP: You're basically retarded if you're not maining warrior or rogue
PvE: who the fuck cares rofl
Monk or Shaman?
I like the idea of either is pseudo-psychic matrial artist or a battle mage in armor. Can't decide and I don't care about being either a tank or healer as long as my melee DPS is fun.
Because they are the most basic bitch class I have ever played.
More like shadow priest but yeah
Each class has a few restrictions, albeit not as strict as demon hunters
I can't think of any other class in the lore that could be that strict. Even letting Blood Elves into the DHs was pushing it a little bit
I've been down that road before in WotLK.
>LFM heroic 25 man! NO (your class) allowed!
Enjoy not getting any groups for the next 2 expos
>Will they expand the restrictions to the other classes as well?
Lol no. They've only been reducing the restrictions since release
so glad shamans are absolute shit for another xpac
only blood elf DHs make sense actually. No night elves followed Illidan into Outland except for Altruis the Betrayer
they are pretty fun, but Shaman has no global cooldown free and monk is more slow and sometimes don't have anything to press
monk mobility destroys shaman in pvp if you care about that
No, BE's make perfect sense, remember Illidan convinced them by promising to cure (or sustain, not sure) their magic addiction.
Just that they're not, Enh is great
>tfw no tinker ever
My Discipline spec does more damage than shadow. The buildup takes a ridiculous amount of time.
>Even letting Blood Elves into the DHs was pushing it a little bit
No, it really wasn't.
Blood elf DH's have been in the lore since BC at least.
Arms is gay and has shit artifacts
Rogues are shit now and have shit artifacts
I read the Illidan book recently and I fell in love with demon hunters because of their lore.
The game-play was the whipped cream and their /silly is the cherry on top.
>Rogues are shit now
Why lie on the internet?
Enh is indeed great, but has the worst survivability of like every melee class.
Everyone has told me Ret was terrible so often that I started to believe it myself, but I just can't convince myself to abandon the pally I have mained since BC. I tried Enh and loved it, I tried Warrior and loved it, I tried DH and thought it was pretty ok, and every time I try to choose a main I can't and end up falling back to my Ret.
I don't think they are even that bad.
>thank you for reading this latest issue of my personal blog
>rogues are shit now
assassination ?????????????
you must be joking
How are death knights right now?
Also rogues
Mostly talking PVE but PVP too
I think Blood DK's are the best / second best tanks at Mythic level, along with Guardian droods.
Unholy is better than frost.
No idea about DK PvP, but Rogues are just as annoying as ever. Possibly even more so.
Outlaw Rogues are shit in PvP and PvE
>tfw raided as Resto Shaman for Progression in MoP
>tfw coming back for Legion since I did not play WoD at all
>tfw hear that Shaman is Tier 1 this expansion apparently and Resto is Amazing and Enhancement is also fucking Amazing
>tfw always wanted to raid a Enhancement
I don't know why I am so torn on this option honestly
Help me Choose Sup Forums please my Autism can't decide for me
death knights suck ass right now because HFC gear is itemized like shit with their new stat priority, they look fun at max level though
Only Blood Elves and Night elves make sense to be demon hunters. Blood elves moreso but during the Illidan book Which i still haven't heard word on if it's official cannon or not Illidan spends a few years recruting people to become demon hunters. He can open portals to and from azeroth himself, this is known, but it's still unknown exactly how normal folk can get to outland, and they did in the book.
Are any of you excited to one day see N'zoth or are y'all bored of Old God shit now?
I wouldn't say Enhance is 'amazing', but they are definitely very good. They just have absolutely no sustain (their self heal is absolutely pathetic), and are squishier than every other class in the game by far.
They shit out damage like no tomorrow, and are very fun to play as long as you aren't taking damage.
>mfw want to play dh but I know it will be played mostly by shitters and then I won't be able to find any group
The William King novel is an official tie-in commissioned by Blizzard, so I doubt it wouldn't be canon.
Nah man, sign me the fuck up for that shit.
Void Lords are cool too.
>I wouldn't say Enhance is 'amazing', but they are definitely very good. They just have absolutely no sustain (their self heal is absolutely pathetic), and are squishier than every other class in the game by far.
>They shit out damage like no tomorrow, and are very fun to play as long as you aren't taking damage.
So thats the problem with them? I've been hearing that they went from a fast class to waiting until your CD's come back up and doing just Massive Damage with them when they are up and Apparently Auto-Attacking is a huge fucking deal now with them.
And I'm not playing PvP so I don't know if your talking about their healing for PvP or just because it's that shit
unholy dks are top tier on the pvp department taking the abomination pet as a talent opens up more lock down for you and it's amazing.
Help me yo. I would play all specs but since I'm fucking retarded and can't choose class for myself. Any input?
as long as the ghost of Cho'gall comes back to lead the invasion
it would make sense to do old gods again next seeing as how it's been a few expansions
maybe it'll finally be south seas with Azshara headlining and N'Zoth as the final boss
Should I change this helmet out?
It could work as a troll/Draenei hero class.
Could a full powered Old God 1v1 Sargeras?
helmet looks fine swords don't match tho, change them.
Warlock, druid or shaman for my new main?
I don't like his design. He doesn't look as creepy as Yogg "mouths for eyes" Saron and C'thun.
He's supposed to come from outer space but the octopus tentacles make him look like he's a generic submarine creature like a kraken or something.
Sargeras cleaves planets in half m8
>Guild doing split runs at the start of Emerald Nightmare
>Still can't decide between Shadow priest and Fire mage for a 2nd character
I mean I get that Fire is amazing right now but it feels so fucking boring compared to shadow and its artifact.
Guys, I cannot decide which tank I want to main into Legion, I'm not part of a raiding guild so there's no restrictions. I have both a Guardian Druid and Prot Warrior that I cant decide between either. I like Guardians artifact and the spec alittle more, but hate the off specs. Prot is ok and the offspecs are sick as hell. What do?
I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a real appearance as of yet, and that's just his Hearthstone card art
no, titans have already 1v1 old gods and sageras 1 vd the entire pantheon and won
Outlaw is the best rogue spec in PvE.
Is Proudmoore cool if I want a good alliance raiding realm, or is it like TOO much LGBT friendliness?
>Aman'thul pluck Yshaarj from the surface of azeroth like a worm and crush it
Hopefully he'll be different yeah.
>arms is gay and has shit artifacts
Prot, best class at 1v1
>Rogues are shit now and have shit artifacts
what did he mean by this?
I never played an Enhance Shaman before pre-patch, but CD's aren't that majorly important (imo). In fact, the only CD's I have are Feral Spirit and Bloodlust, and only Feral Spirit will be used off CD.
Stormstrike and windfury procs are the essential part of your damage and rotation, and they happen so fucking often, it is unbelievably satisfying smashing a million 50% cost, double-cast Stormstrikes in a row, all proccing and critting off of each other.
You only really need to keep your buffs up, which you do as part of your normal rotation anyway as they all come from Maelstrom generating and damaging abilities (Boulderfist (which is your main Maelstrom generator), Flametongue and Frostbrand if you talent into the buff).
The talents I picked are 3,2,1,3,1,3,2 by the way, if you have a Enh.
Just try it out on a practice dummy and you will see.
Also apologies for not being able to explain things very well.
>literally a spec for gambling addicts
not really
It's really not. It's the worst Rogue spec by far in PvE and PvP.
i am this fucking close to buying and resubbing but i have to resist.
I am not going to play it for at least a few months into it to check the reviews n shit. I will not make the same mistake as in wod.
I play on it and couldn't care less about LGBT shit. There's plenty of non-faggots on there.
Arms is gay but also amazing in mythic+ dungeons.
Suitable for the pirate spec
>They've stripped Warlocks of every ounce of visual flavor it had
All three specs have Doomguard as their cooldown. All three have five soul shard combo points. No more embers and fire. Aff has no visuals to it at all besides a decade old Drain Life. Demo got fel pups and imps mostly.
Did they just run out of time?
What happened here?
In Legion it's the best single target and cleave.
Maybe the best cleave but is not the best single target
But release night is the most fun. You'll far too far behind!
What are you... a dirty boosted casual?
N'Zoth sure has fucked a lot of shit up, and he hasn't even showed himself yet. I bet he's the most powerful Old God.
New ranged when
Warlock is now shitty Mage and all Mage is shit besides fire
Also hunter is a joke
Y'shaarj was the most powerful one but he's dead.
Arcane is fucking amazing
if sarg didn't want to fuck azeroth then he would have won already. He can just literally cleave the world in half and keep on rolling with his crusade
Arcane is literally the least fun caster spec and always has been
ill be too bus with uni anyway. And mid MoP was more fun than the honeymoon starting phase of Wod imo
He can't just walk through the whole universe to get to Azeroth.
The only way he almost managed to get there was when Azshara opened a portal using the Well of Eternity, the biggest source of magic on Azeroth.
The fifth could be even more powerful
i miss the visual soul shards the most on my afflock
also the grim of sacrifice nerf is the worst thing they could have done. Literally no interrupt without a pet, who though this was ok?
Go with prot then. You don't want to be locked down into one spec for a class
>walk into a barn
>see a giant demoness bullying a midget in a corner
what do?
>cockblocking a fellow azerothian
leave him, just watch like West Plains Dn
It also has garbage damage