Which one?
Which one?
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I've got pyroar already. I'll take the bat I guess.
The lion looks bad ass as fuck
But why a goddamn bat. It doesnt even look alive it looks like an ornament. Perfect chance for a wolf pokemon finally and the make this bullshit
Dont worry user, we're getting a werewolf soon
Both, playing Moon first.
Lunala, no question.
It's based on a sextant so that's to be expected.
whichever one has aloha ninetales
I'm going with Moon at this rate, but they've shown nothing in the way of exclusives to make me care too much either way.
Sun, so glad to have another Psychic/Steel.
Both cuz not a retard that updated past 9.2
user, Gen VI ruined that type combination.
sun since i have a habbit of playing the "first" version, and because lunala looks stupid
2bh they both look like digmon to me
nope, M-Metagross almost got send to Ubers.
>Perfect chance for a wolf pokemon finally
Maned Wolves aren't true wolves.
>People keep saying Solgaleo and Lunala will play horribly
Are they just spoiled by having two extremely powerful legendary trios in a row, or are they right?
>I've got Crolbat already. I'll take the Lion I guess.
Lunaala will get destroyed by Sucker Punch, idk why people are saying Solgaleo is shit though
i preordered moon. looks like a kirby boss.
Not even close.
This. It's like people trying to call those pigfaced fucks in hentai "orcs"
That's true, unless it has really insane HP to go with Shadow Shield. On the other hand, Extreme Speed users can't fuck with you.
>playing pokemon past the age of zygote
alright brandon its bedtime, drink your milk and get off of the fourchans
But the age of zygote has just begun
>He doesn't drink milk
No wonder you grew up to be such an unhealthy, short goblin-like man
im 6'4" and 180 pounds, i drank milk when i was an underage faggot like OP and you were, its time for me to drink manly things like water
but it's fun
Moon Bat. Still don't know if I will name it Bruce or Marc.
>A fucking water drinker
>180 lbs.
Jesus christ, eat a sandwich.
>Not naming it Double X
i want a pokegirl to give me a footjob
i bet you drink tea
No Dawn/Rosa no buy.
That's a pleb drink.
I exclusively drink a homemade blend of IceĀ© Kiwi Strawberry flavor and Old Bay seasoning.
>kiwi strawberry
Ay, you got fine taste
>Not Hilda
nice english names you fucking casuals
Regardless of language Touko is best girl.
Agreed. Rosa a shit.
guess I'm going with Sun. I only wish that they would've given us a little insight into the games' differences already, according to one of the "leaks" time flows differently in each version, but that doesn't sell me on anything.
childhood is when you get Sun
being an adult is when you buy Moon
>Sun Pokemon
>Weak to Darkness
>not picking gen 1
>kill yourselves
There is no Darkness type you mongoloid.
doesn't steel resist dark?
They aren't the Sun and Moon, just the channels of their power. It's why Sogaleo is based on an Astronaut and Lunala on a sextant.
Simply ebin
more like the cat's mane is the sun rays and the bat's wings are crescent moons you dumb nigger BITCH
Dark type isn't darkness, it's evil.
>I only wish that they would've given us a little insight into the games' differences already
This so much.
>he plays video games for fun
haha, what a faggot
In gen 6 they made it so ghost and dark could now hit Steel neutral
Some mons like Metagross and Bronzong got it pretty bad because they gained 2 extra weaknesses
Will Misty be in this game?
Why is misty lying near a starving african?
>It's a dream catcher
>found 3ds
>can't find charger
buy one
why would you want such a low-tier girl?
Imagine mega Metagross w/o these new weaknesses.
It would be banned even from Ubers.
>but I wanna play nooooow
yeah probably while I'm out doing my errands tomorrow
>Google maned wolves because I thought Mighyena was a hyena(forgetting americanized names mean jack shit)
>it's a canid that is not close to wolves or foxes, like a racoon dog.
Nigga, the Box Legendaries always have multiple layers to them.
the lion. im going full pussy for my team. persian, alolan meowth, purugly, pyroar, solgaleo, litten
noveirn closer desu
True enough, but before ORAS it was a rough time for ol gross, so this was a nice thing to get.
I can understand ghost, but dark was a poor decision. Dark is a physical type, most attacks represent dirty fighting.
There should be no reason steel should take neutral damage from the type that showcases shit like bite and crunch.
Dark types took a pretty significant nerf with the onset of Fairy types so that was to help balance things out.
I'll do as always do in pokemon games.
Get a couple of nidorans (a male and a female) and build a team around them, more or less.
In every pokemon game I like to pretend the nidorans are my starters and we go all full ADVENTURE! in the game
i bought this shit game when it came out 12 years ago and i bought digimon world: dawn, so i might as well keep the theme going
lunaala looks pretty dope, though
>not drinking cum
I thought you were a big boy, not a faggot.
Wasn't he still pretty decent?
I didn't follow the meta back then, but from his stats, ability and moveset I imagine he would be decent still.
I wont pretend like i'm some expert on the meta, but Metagross had a slow decrease and didn't gain too much over time, even his STAB wasn't covering much and they had shaky accuracy on the physical side which was its stronger stat. Steel and Psychic aren't great offensive typings.
It was still high tier until gen 6 where ghosts and dark were more common, knock off became an easily spammed move with the buff it got, gross had it tough and fell from grace until ORAS gave it hope in a new mega.
I like the lion more than the bat, and I like orange more than blue.
That would be fun to do in the Gamecube games, where double battles are the focus.
That's supposed to be a hyena
And hyenas aren't canids at all, they are in the suborder Feliformia, meaning they are more closely related to cats than dogs.
A bat is a bat.
Sun cuz the porn is great
Waiting for version exclusive list. I will not make the same mistake I did with Y.
have fun user
I bought one not too long ago but still haven't messed with it
His Stab also hits the new type quite hard.
And many of the pokes that have megas in 6th gen are Fairy.
Maldu really need to stop making pecs look like boobs
I can't decide if I like Sun Lion. Is there another angle of it?
I know the sun isn't made of fire but I still think the lion should be a fire type.
fire/steel or at least fire/psychic
I really don't know why I wasn't expecting this
>We will never have a true orc hentai. Instead we get piggu-face old fat men surrogates