Is there ANY game that Sup Forums likes? I'm seriously wondering...

Is there ANY game that Sup Forums likes? I'm seriously wondering. I don't think I've seen anyone actually PRAISE a game here. The most I've seen are passive aggressive remarks, complimenting a game,and then COMPLETELY shitting on it? What's your problem, Sup Forums?

cave story

Metal gear rising

People who like games play them and don't post on this shit board.

I think all games are shit, so I'm here.

uh.. luigi's mansion, right?

I think?

this as well

Fuck off star shitter nobody asked you

I generally see nothing but praise for the Ace Attorney series. Advance Wars too, but to a lesser extent as I have seen some people say they didn't like it.

>it's a Sup Forums is one person episode

Luigi's Mansion sucked. A handful of interesting setpieces in what is otherwise a dull, dull game.

The STALKER series tends to get a lot of love, or at least it used to back in the day.

Kirby SuperStar is usually not shat on.

All I can remember at the moment.

The trilogy of course, others no.

I have to give you Advance Wars.

>Sup Forums is one person
No thats what I like about Sup Forums there are so many varying opinions and your free to express them with no risk of being banned.

It doesn't matter what game your talking about there will be someone who does not like it.

Popular games also will never be universally liked because there's always some contrarian fuck out there who thinks popular is bad.

I haven't seen anyone on here did not like either of them but honestly those are the type of games that attract shitposters, they tend to stick to threads for newer or more popular games. I would bet you there's someone out there that thinks both games are shit though.

Ghost Trick
Cave Story
Ape Escape

>I come to the threads of the shitty games

If you had better taste you would probably realize Sup Forums actually likes a couple of games, Overcuck.

Sup Forums is for shitting on games, in order to balance against other sites on the internet where anything less than absolute praise for whatever game is popular in the community is "just trolling"

STALKER and FEAR are about the closest games to being universally liked here but I've seen people who didn't like them.

Fallout: New Vegas

there were threads here for basically forever full of quality discussion until they finally got their own cancer-free general at /vg/

pic unrelated

God Hand

i recently played ape escape 2 and it wasn't as good as i remembered at all

Subtle recommendation thread, nice one OP

Lisa the Painful RPG.

Do you guys like Nuclear Throne

There was no 2 in that post

Risk of Rain I never see get any opposition here.

I like NMS.

I don't like New Vegas, but I think Bethesda is all shit anyway. Elder Scrolls is horrible, Bethesda fallout is horrible. New Vegas was just less terrible than 3,4 probably because it wasn't made by Bethesda. Still was the same bug infested mess that a typical Bethesda made Fallout game is.

Only reason I ever played them was because I didn't pay for them.

well stop entering threads for shit games if you want to see people praise a game

are they fundamentally different? was 2 worse than 1?

Hey, OP! Welcome to Sup Forums, I see this is your first time here, along with your post trying for your first misguided meta thread :) Have a great time!

Yeah 2 was way worse than 1. 3 was great though.

I really enjoyed Furi.

Honestly my GOTY so far.

no shit, might have to give 1 and 3 another try then

but NV wasn't even made by bethesda

>New Vegas was just less terrible than 3,4 probably because it wasn't made by Bethesda.
>probably because it wasn't made by Bethesda.
>wasn't made by Bethesda
Re-read that

Sup Forums isn't one person, but the games and/or franchises that "Sup Forums" appears to enjoy would include

>Thief 1+2
>Kirby series (frequently mentioned as a series with 'no bad games')
>Wario Land franchise (although Wario threads are less frequent these days, they used to be regular, recurring threads on Sup Forums, generally devoid of any shitposting)
>Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines
>The original Deus Ex
>Fallout New Vegas
The last three here get their share of shitposting or criticism levied at particular aspects of the gameplay, but also get a huge amount of love

And finally, as others have pointed out
>STALKER Franchise: Similar to the above three, but not as frequently discussed - particularly recently
>Advance Wars, which again, has very rare threads (unfortunately). I can guarantee we'd have Sup Forums multiplayer threads if they ever fucking made a new one.

>I can guarantee we'd have Sup Forums multiplayer threads if they ever fucking made a new one.
They are really due for a new one but Nintendo is too busy making Intelligent Systems make new Waifu Emblems.

The online multiplayer in days of ruin was awesome.

runescape is shit

Risk of Rain is SHIT.

>Is there ANY game that hundreds of thousands of posters can agree is good
Probably not

It's below average in its genre

>liking things

What are you, a child?

>Is there ANY game that Sup Forums likes? I'm seriously wondering. I don't think I've seen anyone actually PRAISE a game here. The most I've seen are passive aggressive remarks, complimenting a game,and then COMPLETELY shitting on it? What's your problem, Sup Forums?+ 0 post omitted.
Sup Forums Is not a person it is place. A place of cynicism and anger, a place of happiness and joy, a place of despair and apathy, a place of humor and togetherness.
Sup Forums is not a person faggot.

>Ace Attorney
The "videoGAMES are about the GAMEplay mmmkay" crowd automatically hate it

>asking if Sup Forums likes anything

I fucking hate Kirby

>so many varying opinions and your free to express them with no risk of being banned.
Except "Reddit is good"

DISCLAIMER: I don't browse r*ddit, not ever

t. guy who only browses Sup Forums

No, because it is a rougelike

Honestly I'm pretty indifferent to reddit, been there a few times but never saw the appeal.

People follow the you must hate reddit attitude to fit in.

Yume Nikki
Early-life TF2

>Sup Forums is a single person
also fallout new vegas


Dynasty Warriors and musou games in general seem universally accepted on on this board.