Who else is looking forward to the best Final Fantasy game this year?

Who else is looking forward to the best Final Fantasy game this year?

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Tempted to buy the le

Me, preoredered the collectors edition. Looks like a great FF fan service game that doesn't take itself too serious

Probally I have a Vita and this looks kinda fun.
All the best FF games of the last 10 years were spin offs anyway like Disiddia which I spent a few hundred hours on and is probably my fave FF.

any pre-order bonus?

Preorder bonus is Sephiroth summon, recoloured chocobo/moogle/tonberry and Jap voices.

>This Day One Edition includes the following extra digital bonus content: Sephiroth summon, White Chocobo, Glow Moogle, Red Tonberry and Japanese VO DLC: play the game with the Japanese voice-overs


Sephroth, Snow Chocob, Lumog, Rotberry and jap voices, but it comes with the artbook which is the only thing i really want and the game.
It also comes with the soundtrack, 3 figures. But i will most likely sell the figures and just give away the jap voices code on Sup Forums

everything was so good about lollipop chainsaw except the actual gameplay

Thick thighs


What could they do to ruin this?

I don't know, nothing. Unless it bricks your console

Delay it 10 years for some more "features", hand it off to another director, and then port it to the PS Neo And Xbox Scorpio on another engine.

It could be too easy, or go full retard with the plot at some point I guess. Maybe there could be some gameplay issues as well. It's hard to say, as the team/director I am pretty sure don't have any other major works, aside from the crystal chronicles artist.




Interview from a few days ago


Are you just being contrarian or do you actually think this will be better than FF15? Chibishit is always garbage tier in my experience.

Man this looks so nice
It actually pulls off the 3d CG Nomura style better than some parts of the KH3 trailers

more than you know

>Are you just being contrarian or do you actually think this will be better than FF15

looks better graphically

There is 100% chance it is better than DNF15.

>she has boobs jiggle
Doubled my preorder

im gonna laugh if this game does better than XV

That interviewer has a wicked lisp.

Alright agree to disagree I guess. It looks like mobile tier cancer to me and cute doesn't appeal to me at all.

I don't like chibi.

Both will be terrible

what is with every japanese story and the main characters having amnesia?

>Not liking Chibi
>Not having it as your fetish

It won't sell better since it doesn't have 10 years of hype and advertising behind it but it will surely be a better game.


because their characters are japanese, and they couldn't function outside of their ant farm if they remembered they were japanese

The director was in charge of the Golden Saucer minigames in VII

I actually can't tell who half the characters are supposed to be in this game despite playing every FF. I really dislike chibi, it's just lazy.

Saleswise definitely not. Square has the habbit of not adveritsing games at all that aren't their big AAA line up

its sad cuz this game looks more final fantasy than whatever this is

>Still no Chibi Cid
>Still no Chibi Barret


Looks more KH than FF to me to be honest. The two mcs are basically kairi and roxas.

it feels like KH except instead of disney worlds you go to FF worlds it looks like

Literally autism.

>no chibi syd barrett

>read image name
>realize all their names are weather related

I am so goddamn retarded

I'm not familiar with pre-orders. Does this shit cost any extra? This is alot of fuckin' stuff

Oh dang you got me. I would have disagreed but you said literally.

All the digital things are preoreder bonuses. But all the physical things are part of the collectors edition

Here's an image btw
I will most likely sell the figures and just give away the jap voice code since i really like the english dub in this one

It's packaged in with with the Day One edition, Limited Edition, and Collector Editions. So strictly speaking, not pre-order bonus, just grab any copy with those labels; so if you rather wait a few days after release to see how it is first, you can.

It feels like KH before KH went the autism and yaoi fanservice route with sequels.

I highly doubt you've played every Final Fantasy game, both mainline and spinoffs.


I meant mainline, my bad. I've played a lot of the spin offs as well other than the mobile games and I think all the direct sequels.

>I actually can't tell who half the characters are supposed to be

You don't know FF very well then, because I can.


How much content does this game have
More than most AAA games and more care put into it
You can really tell that devs actaully try really hard when their budget isn't unlimited

This game can't be released soon enough

Half was definitely an exaggeration, but the ones without distinctive hair look fairly samey. Takes looking at the weapon to tell some of them apart.

what the fuck is this

>starts out being made for PS3
>looks like a PS3 game from what we saw

>gets announced as a PS3 game
>looks like a PS3 games

>suddenly looks like a PS2 game

what the fuck happened

Maybe this is the right time to catch up on all FF games. For some reason i'm still missing 1,2,3 and 7

I never really paid attention to this title.
Sell me on it.

They only just realised that an "action" game is not playable at 20fps.

If you truly haven't played 7 I envy you

It's pretty much a Final Fantasy fan service pack with a slightly more KH artstyle
You can train tons of monsters from FF almost like pokemon, travel to different worlds from differnet FF titles and meet different FF characters from those worlds etc.

Looks like a nice game if you like FF

>it's another Squareenix exploits characters from past games because they can't make that good any more episode


They fell for the huge ass open world and 100000000 poly character models meme and made an engine that was built without hardware limitations in mind instead of an engine that was built to scale well even on consoles

It just werks.

I know, i don't know why either.
It probably won't live up to the hype, but i don't expect a 10/10 masterpiece anyway. As of now 6 is still my favorite

>that Terra
>that smug Boko

main character trope, every MC needs a tragic background and if you cant figure one out you just give them Amnesia instead and you might give them one later down the line they can discover ingame

Did a FFXIII Trilogy Remaster get announced for this year?


It's interesting how they look more like they walked out of Kingdom Hearts than Final Fantasy. Mostly in the proportions, I guess.

Hey guys, I currently have an OLED Vita with 3.57 on it.

Should I buy a new slim Vita so I can play it on the current version?

Is that Bahamut? Looks amazing
I waited 10 fucking years for XV, but this is honestly more consistent when it comes to artstyle than XV

Will bahamut have a cute version.

No, why? You can stil play the game on your vita

It's more like Amnesia is a quick and dirty way to generate intrigue. If your character is introduced as having amnesia, it immediately raises questions about who they were and what happened to them in a way that having a normal backstory not immediately apparent doesn't. It also means you can safely not set things up right away either, and just dive immediately into the plot. Amnesia allows for twists later down the line as well, once who they were or what happened is revealed.

It's just a very convenient device for the kinds of stories these games have.

Christ he's smug

The game is gettig a physical release so I doubt you'll need to update to play.

I know this is bait but I would buy

>blitzballer not so smug since being decapitated


Who's the fucking mosnter designer on this game? Literally everything looks perfect

>Etrian Odyssey, Persona Q, Nora and the Time Studio, RWBY, 7th Dragon

Por que?

i hope this dosent get delayed too

Won't it be the ONLY Final Fantasy this year?

>Character designs = POP! figure
>Wanting a game literally sold as ''baby's first''
>Giving Neo Squeenix money

Tetsuya Nomura is listed for fullsize characters, Yasuhisa Izumisawa for chibi

It's great isn't it?

Ths is a console exclusive that will come to PC.

I'm a PC user and I always track info like this. With games that aren't announced for PC during their original reveal I always feel like a piece of shit when I play these games that end up coming to PC later knowing my platform is an afterthought and the one not intended for these games but I refuse to play games on consoles and I refuse to buy consoles so fuck off Sony and Square enix for doing this shit to me and making my life feel like a piece of shit

>pop figures
I could accept that for theatrhythm but not this
>"baby's first"
This is for people who have played all the FFs
>caring about giving/not giving corporations money

Bro they're just video games ahhaha fucken chill my nigga

shut up

>Ifrit's jap VA is Reno and Axel


Wow you're ignorant

shit PC users like to cry alot

Remember to report him.