Can you get electricity to the houses, Sup Forums?

Can you get electricity to the houses, Sup Forums?

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lol but this game isn't DF

Can't make an efficient power grid to save my fucking life.

I also wish I didn't have to change my system locale from Japanese to English to play this, since all ASCII games outside of Dwarf Fortress seem to display incorrectly in Japanese locale.

Can your dwarf fortress endure Armageddon?

Only difference AFAIK should be the "\" is changed to the yen symbol. The game only uses the base ASCII set, which (I thought) was the same between Western and Japan, with only that (and maybe a few other niche) changes.

When I saw a person playing it on a Japanese machine, the houses had cute little antennae on them - but that was the only difference I noticed.

Have you noticed any other display differences?

wtf is this

mobile DF "clone?"

Dwarf Fortress isn't actually ASCII, it just uses a graphical tileset that looks like ASCII. That's why you pretty much just have to replace the tileset images to use custom graphics.

The main issue is really that everything seems to be shifted one tile to the left (or right, I forget exactly which), and doesn't correct itself to display the correct character that's actually on the tile until you manually hover over the tile.

Yes and It has cute dwarfettes If you buy the DLC
check it out

Oh, that's strange. And you're sure it's a locale issue?

Maybe messing around with the font type / size might help (I know if the font size is too big for the window, it will bleed into the next line, or not even draw at all - this is simply how pdcurses prints text in the Windows terminal).

Right-click on the top bar, select "Properties," then the "Font" tab. Here, you can change the font size and even the font type. Try messing around with these options, and see if it does anything.

how can I get into DF?
Looks so complicated yet fun to play.

This pdf actually helped me a lot:

ty dog


I didn't even know you could do this, thanks man. Was able to correct it.

The Dwarf Fortress wiki is a goldmine of useful information, and there's a bunch of written tutorials for everything on there. If you're more of a hands-on kind of learner though, there's a million video tutorials out there for basically everything you can do. is also an excellent resource.

Also, if you don't know what something on the map is, pressing K, which is the look command, lets you hover over individual tiles and tells you exactly what they are if they're visible.

>I didn't even know you could do this, thanks man. Was able to correct it.
No problem - I'm glad it helped.

This looks pretty fun, actually.

There's going to be a huge update Soon™ introducing 64x support to dorf, the glory days are soon my friend

I thought the last big updated already added that.

Motherfucker you're right!

time to get out the shitty vodka and play dorf 100% vanilla 'cause no way in hell anythings been updated yet

Godspeed user. May your fortunes span as deep as you can delve.

>play dorf 100% vanilla
That's the only way to play.

well, honestly, I've been meaning to give DFTherapist a try, as sometimes micromanaging jobs is annoying

Thanks man

I usually play therapist, simply because the hassle of micromanaging a 60-100 large fort is way too tedious for me

Ahhh, I didn't know that. The game is C++ with SDL, right?