>the ending is a cliffhanger
The ending is a cliffhanger
> the OP is a stealth TVTroper
>sold like shit and won't get a sequel
>who cares
Haven't visited Sup Forums since GoT ended.
>The ending is actually decaffeinated Colombian coffee crystals
Why do I always mix up John Candy and Louie Anderson?
>the ending was better left as a cliffhanger rather than the true ending
>you are actually the bad guy
>sequel never releases
>you are the guy
>the ending is a cliffhanger
>No sequel NEVER EVER
fucking psi ops
>the DLC is better than the main game
>the DLC was supposed to be the main game
Dragon dogma, Dying light and Bloodborne comes in mind
any other games?
>The ending is a cliffhanger
>there's no sequel
What's her name Sup Forums?
>villain wins
>literally hilary killing herself
>world in flames
>lol no sequel
Isn't that Chris Farley?
I knew i wasnt the only one thinking this
>Call of Duty Ghosts and the awesome Extinction mode
Stupid fucking anti-CoD shills had to ruin it. I expected an emotional moment where Hesh had to kill Logan.
And I wanted a new and improved Extinction mode with the continuing story.
Dead Space 3!
>Isaac and Carter killed the moon
>but did they die!?
>DLC is a continuation
>fuck yeah
>get to Earth
>more moons
>main characters have a spaz attack
>Dead Space 4 is not in development
>manipulated by the bad guy to summon him on your world
>hyped for the battle against him
>the whole fight revolves around QTEs
>your buddy that aided you from the start has you arrested for being able to handle the thing that brought the bad guy to your world when only your enemies can
>you're left on a cliffhanger and you never know why you were able to do that
>Chris Farley is dead and he's never coming back
- How does the phantom go about his operations after finding out that he isn't the original Snake?
- How does Kaz plan on using the phantom against Snake?
- What happens to Eli, The Third Boy, the third English parasite strain, and Sahelanthropus? That 18-minute video is just one big deleted scene.
- What was the real Snake up to?
Fuck, MGSV left me wanting more. Fuck Kojima and Konami. I will never not be mad.
>The real mastermind appears in front of you.
>Game flops.
>inb4 read the comic.
I know your feeling.
Do you feel it user?
The phantom pain?
>an ancient evil awakens
>you are that ancient evil
Fucking Bulletstorm.
I wanna know what happens to Ishi for fucks sake.
Fucking Advent Rising.