Whats the best Super Robot Wars game to start with?

Whats the best Super Robot Wars game to start with?

Fire Emblem Awakening is a good beginner game

It's not FUCKING translated though because FUCKING GIDEON can't stop SUCKING DICKS for


PIZZA -SHIT- can't even finish up his If... Translation



The games you play in English.

Alpha Gaiden

Super Robot Wars 1/2/3.

Super Robot Wars OG1/2(For GBA) and Moon Dwellers.

Super Robot Wars J.

Out of all those games either OG1/2 or AG are your best bets.

Generally OG 1/2 are very good introductions into the series since once you've played those, you'll be able to get a grasp and play any of the untranslated ones.

Speaking of which, how well do the PS2 OG games emulate? Well enough?

The ones Atlus translated


You should ask this on /m/ but I'll answer you anyway.

OG 1 and 2 on GBA were officially localized and dont need any knowledge of outside series to get the most out of outside of one or two subtle references. OG1 can get stale though so dont feel too bad if you just go and play OG2.

otherwise play Alpha Gaiden as that has a translation patch. if you dont mind not being able to read nip try Z, Impact, and MX

What's a good starting point if you don't watch mecha AT ALL?

OG1 is a good enough game. OP should play it first since the others are so CUHRAZY though.

Most SRW games are mechanically shallow and exist purely for mecha fan-service. The only 2 SRW games that I found to be mechanically challenging and/or interesting was OG2 and Z (and maybe D if you count those intermission mini-games).

OG2 pits you against really strong enemies in general and forces you to utilize every tool in your disposal to stand a chance, which is fucking great.

Z is challenging if you aim to get all the SR points, because they usually have very strict turn limits so you have to really plan your movement and manipulate the enemy AI to achieve your goals. It's also the only SRW games where I took time to think about my squad composition.

Other than that, you won't find these games all that fun unless you're into mecha, but they can be a good introduction to mecha series.

Alpha Gaiden is very good as well.

Start with the ones you can understand. It's possible to play them untranslated via a guide but that can be a bit tedious as you're going to be navigating a lot of menus.

From there pick the game with the units you like the best.

They all play pretty similarly and aren't particularly difficult so that's really all you need. It's a fan service series.

Alpha was a fun series, Alpha 3 was a bit of a clusterfuck but damn it was fun

I really wanna give D a whirl but fuck I can't read nip and I heard the armor damn near useless in it.

>mfw I've only been playing the GBA entries and then J's graphical improvement hits me

>I heard the armor damn near useless in it.
It can't be helped. I dunno why Banpresto went full Winkysoft and made Def near worthless but ah well.

The AIs actually make tactically sound decisions in that game, like targeting healers or weaker units, defend when they can't retaliate, and evade when they will die from the attack, which makes the game genuinely challenging until all the Gundams get upgrades and kill everything in sight.

Gundams have never been as strong as in D imo.

You got a point there but eh at least V is getting translated, though I kinda wonder what they'll do for the plot

So I never got to play Z3, but I heard it wasn't very good, what exactly were people's complaints about it?

Right off the top of my head.

>Lackluster animations
>Missing series from previous Z games
>In general feeling like a lackluster finale

And maybe a few others I missed. But those are some of the usual complaints.

is not that bad itself. But for a finale it's fucking terrible.

Definitely, I had a very hard time playing it through a second time.