Besides SoulsBorne, what are some Essential Sup Forumscore?


Other urls found in this thread:

Super metroid
Metroid prime
Paper mario 64/ttyd
Shadow of the colossus
FF 4-7, 9, and 12. X is arguable
Link to the past
MGS 1-3
almost the entire platinum games/clover studios line up
mother 2/3
Xenoblade chronicles
Monster hunter series

Sup Forumscore doesn't play video games

fucking poser

Planescape: Torment
Deus Ex
Baldur's gate
Vampire The Masquarade: Bloodlines
Diablo 2

Hello ribbit

What kind of fucking loser plays video games?


>dark souls is Sup Forums core
Since the beginning there hasn't been a consensus on how it's taken. It's not like deus ex or s.t.a.l.k.e.r.

get cancer fucking nigger

>PM64 not included with TTYD
>Oblivion not included with Morrowind
>Dark Souls nowhere to be seen at all

Has this list always been shit?


>new vegas is not there


I've been here for 2 or 3 years and I'd consider it Sup Forumscore

>"Dark Souls nowhere to be seen at all"

Implying it even deserves a spot.

>2 or 3 years
Great your opinion is useless then. Just because you've been in threads where are people that people that like to play the game doesn't mean there aren't any other opinions or voices. One big criticism had with it has been how it gives an illusion of being hardcore just because it's punishing for one. I'm not about to try to say everything but do know there still isn't a consensus to the point where it can be considered that. Stalker, deus ex, Mount and blade, the original xcom, these are Sup Forumscore.

*where there are people that

There needs to be a modern version of this list. It wouldn't be hard, it'd be a lot shorter. New Vegas, BioShock 2, Witcher III, F.E.A.R., STALKER, Mass Effect 1 all come to my mind.

user please, a shit ton of people on Sup Forums agrees that Dark Souls is the best game of seventh gen

I don't really agree with that but you can still tell that souls games are Sup Forumscore as fuck.

>there are a lot
And there are a lot here that don't enjoy it and find the design philosophy to be crap.
Senran kagura is Sup Forums core now because a lot of people enjoy it even though it has nothing to do with Sup Forumss thought on good game design philosophy.
>you can tell they are Sup Forumscore as fuck
Being/v/ core would mean it has actual good game design not simple "learn the patterns and exploit obvious weaknesses. If you don't you get punished." Such design philosophy has often been shat on before with titles like one of the lost planet games where the whole thing is "SHOOT THE GLOWY SPOT"

>Senran kagura is Sup Forums core
Opinion discarded, what the fuck

>a lot of people enjoy it
"And there are a lot here that don't enjoy it and find the design philosophy to be crap."

>Being/v/ core would mean it has actual good game design
>Dark Souls has bad game design
Then name 5 7th/8th gen games with good game design, instead of hiding behind shit like "senran weebura doesn't have to be good to be Sup Forumscore"

>Not a single mention of God Hand in this thread

I fucking hate secondaries so much.

>couldn't pick up on sarcasm
Holy shit you are retarded. I'm just showing you how the first line of logc doesn't justify anything.
>didn't even address the second thing you are meme arrowing
>implying anything coming out nowadays would even be definable as Sup Forumscore
Sup Forums core doesn't mean the best shit of the year, it means games with actual good game design worthy of recognition of the merit had in the game. I already pointed out how the design philosophy is the same as a game widely shat on. It's basically lost planet but you die in less hits.

>I already pointed out how the design philosophy is the same as a game widely shat on.

Yeah user. You didn't point out shit, you described the game in the most simple way possible. FPS games are learning the patterns, avoiding projectiles and clicking enemies.

>Dark Souls is basically lost planet but you die in less hits

You're basically a redditor but you're even more retarded.

If you are going to be this uneducated I'm just going to drop this conversation given how observable it is you don't know what you are talking about.
>ad hominem being posed as an argument
Yeah your levels of retardation are too observable now, I'll just drop this given you can't actually respond to anything.

>One big criticism had with it has been how it gives an illusion of being hardcore just because it's punishing for one.
That's a criticism of the playerbase, not the game.

holy shit user it was sarcasm I swear you're retarded, I'm just showing you how the first line of logic doesn't justify anything

fps games are basically neptunia but you dance in less combos

What the fuck does that statement even have to do with the players? If you mean that's a criticism the player base has I barely see such a thing, in fact I barely see any criticism in the games level of punishment, in fact people advertise it as an appeal.

>there isn't a difference between insulting someone while making an argument and just insulting someone as if it's an argument

>couldn't pick up sarcasm

Because the game itself has nothing to do with "hardcore" or difficult gameplay, that's marketing at most. The reputation from the game came from the advertising and the cancerous playerbase.

The only games I'd call Sup Forumscore would be porn games. Weeaboo hentai shit like Rance or those Monster Girl Games. Senran Kagura. Violated Heroine.

I haven't played any of them but VH but porn is basically the only thing that ever brings Sup Forums together.

>implying sarcasm doesn't serve a point when it's used
How soulless

>marketing and advertising serves no purpose in conveying a games point

>implying that you were merely pretending to be retarded

>Pokemon Silver instead of Crystal
>no PM64
>not RE4: Wii Edition
>Mario Kart 64
>no Diddy Kong Racing or Double Dash


>Sup Forumscore
Fuck off faggot

...correct, they don't have anything to do with it. Marketing often differs strongly with the core intentions of the artist(s). Warner Bros. tried unsuccessfully to market Van Dyke Parks' Song Cycle as a pop hit, but failed immensely.

You seem unaware of the fact that capitalism and art are inherent diametric opposites.

>implying I'm the same person
There have been multiple ips popping up when someone said something anti dark souls. Now you are just assuming too much.

I guess gtav isn't an open world game

you gonna tell me any of that list is wrong?

besides final fantasy cause the only good one is 2

you telling me the best game ever made doesn't deserve a spot?

That in no way addresses my point. I guess Song Cycle is a bit too thoughtful a comparison for some mouthbreathing videogamer to understand, though.

How about this? Classical composers worked for kings and other aristocrats, but often had larger goals in mind with their works than simply party entertainment.

>trying to compare two different industrys to one another

>not SMT II or SJ

>pretending the creative process is an industry
The marketing and advertising are the industry, not the game that's designed or the music that's composed.

>you are allowed to lie in advertisements XD

Sup Forumscore is stuff that's popular on Sup Forums, and more popular on Sup Forums than elsewhere.
So that includes stuff like battletoads, planescape torment, cho aniki, god hand, mother 3, that one winnie the pooh baseball game, dwarf fortress, and some hentai games I don't pay attention to. And of course kung pow

No, Sup Forumscore doesn't like games. learn the fucking difference

Okay settle down there buddy. The first half of Dark Souls is pretty great but they really shit the bed on everything past Anor Londo.

Here's one of the Sup Forumscore collages I have saved.

Now you can't even retort yourself? You're trying to deflect.

Missing the point, kid.

Not those guys but you are neglecting facts in the differences when it comes to advertising for different industries.
Games have functions, artwork doesn't. If the product doesn't function as advertised it falls under what counts as false advertising which can then be taken to trial as a case. Foolishly trying to compare the two types of products while just deflecting the law makes you look utterly retarded. If we where talking about cinematic advertisement then yes there is room they can argue, but dark souls advertisements have always been "SOOPER HARD GAYME! YOU WILL DIE MANY TIMES BECAUSE THAT'S HOW THE COMBAT WORKS GIVEN THE GAME IS MAINLY ABOUT MEMORIZING ATTACK PATTERNS!" it is correctly applied advertising, the games are punishing, a boss can often easily take you out, the entire thing is as punishing as advertised.

>demons' souls


>Games have functions, artwork doesn't
Oh boy, it's my favorite "What is art" discussion curated entirely by Sup Forumstards without any experience in any artform.

It's a RPG made in Japan, so yes.

Oh boy, it's my favourite comparing things that have functions to things that don't while claiming they are the same! All whilst the guy just deflects everything rather than arguing his points! Boy art sure has never been considered a subjective field making what's definable as art something that ranges from person to person!

If art is a subjective field then why are you saying here that games aren't art?

JRPG is a style, not a location.

Who says I'm the same person?

And what defines that style?

Design and storytelling aesthetics mostly.

Like what?

Not him, but I'd argue that Demon's Souls is very different to many western RPGs. Or at least it was during launch.

General anime-ness

I disagree with that definition.

Like soundtrack and graphical style?

Genres should be defined by either gameplay style or location of origin. Video games genres are fucked enough as it is, saying shit that isn't specific and doesn't mean anything like "anime-ness" doesn't help.

That's fucking ridiculous. So if Demon's Souls had the exact same game mechanics but was a cell shaded anime game it would be a JRPG?

If WRPG and JRPG aren't styles, then why separate them? Genre titles are meant to differentiate general structure. Why would you have a different genre name for something purely based off of location?

It should honestly be based off gameplay mechanics, JRPG and WRPG doesn't mean much anymore as the RPG genre is a joke.

I agree with gameplay style, but not location of origin. Otherwise you are saying that JRPG and WRPG are literally meaningless terms, as they do not differentiate between different kind of games, just where they came from.


>Sup Forumscore
>wanting to show your gaymur cred to the biggest containment board on this site
>implying that 80% of Sup Forums doesn't just play TF2, Dota, and weeb garbage

yume nikki

I agree with that, RPG is already a very nebulous term with absolutely no unifying features that are required to identify one.

Also, how would you define a jrpg and wrpg in terms of gameplay then?

>implying implications
>i imply you're retarded
might as well make it more streamlined.

>b-b-but my waifu is in this game user

JRPG and WRPG are terms that lump wildly different games together, they don't really mean much as far as gameplay is concerned and are worthless as genre names.

Not one mention of the Thief. Fucking tastless millennials

>Thief best stealth game because it was first good stealth game
There, now you can fuck off.

Here are some off the top of my head:

>Resident Evil 4
>Metal Gear Rising
>Devil May Cry 3/4
>The Evil Within
>Dragon's Dogma
>Red Dead Redemption
>No More Heroes / Killer Is Dead
>Lost Odyssey

Nano-machines, son.

You're batshit insane senator!

>insert right-wing politics for 20 minutes

it appears to be at most one per series

There's not a single Dragon Quest/Dragon Warrior title in the JRPG section. That is the epitome of a JRPG.

Im surprised no one has mentioned this

>pretty much all clover games

It's like the third post you crybaby

Just got dark souls on pc.
What do I need to do before i play?

Nothing, as long as you have a controller.
Play it without any "enhancers" and as long as it works fine keep it that way.

Download DSfix

Yep got my controller ready to go.
Do I need any mods or that dsfix thing?

ok. idk how but i will look it up

DSFix is only if you are unhappy with the game as it performs regularly. It's completely optional.
Don't ruin the experience for no fucking reason. Try the game first.

I don't think there is anything particularly wrong with pattern identification games. Take the Punch-Out series, it's a good series that does exactly what it sets out to do. The player reacts to the patterns of the enemies and works around them. It's a simple game that takes the idea of pattern recognition in a combat context to it's most basic form

Better version.

Why not include MegaMan 1?

How is fixing a broken port ruining the experience?

It's not a broken port unless your PC has issues running it. For the large part it's just the console game put on a PC. If you have rendering issues, use DSFix to correct them. Otherwise, don't "fix" the game by adding unofficial, often atmosphere-breaking "fixes."