Hey Sup Forums, I was talking to my friends and one brought up a pretty good subject. What are the saddest games you guys have played. I honestly can't think of one myself.
Sad game endings
Mario Kart
Actually, no. Sonic '06 was even sadder. I accidentally got it instead of Sonic Unleashed one time as a kid. The game was so terrible and broken that it literally made me cry.
fuck you kid
Drakengard 3
Professor Layton games. All I wanted to do was solve puzzles.
Black Ops 2
Klonoa gets me every time
The last half of most pokemon mystery dungeon games get really heavy
1213 Ending was sad as fuck
Off the top of my head
The Walking Dead Season 1
Keep that hair short
"Ark fell into a deep sleep...and Ark dreamt his last dream...
Can't think of any more right now.
The Witch's House.
Mass Effect 3 has a sad ending, if you ignore how shitty it is
LISA is one of those games designed to be sad and depressing, there aren't a whole ton of those.
Nier. And not just the ending. The entire game was depressing
You were talking about it with your friend and you can't think of one?
Sine mora
Kana Little Sister
Op here, I do remember Hotline Miami 2 being pretty sad (Not sure if that's the first or second one, even though I've completed both)
Paper Mario: Sticker Star
Hey You Pikachu