What did Sup Forums think of this game? I'm at Junkyard right now and I'm sort of losing interest due to the lack of a plot. Does the story pick up later on?
What did Sup Forums think of this game...
please respond
yes after junkyard the plot picks up. That doesn't mean it is a particularly juicy plot. The game world opens up quite a bit and you get to visit a couple places and do some side quests. The plot exists late game, but the game is mostly about exploration, side quests, and worldbuilding. I really love this game, but it isn't about strong writing. It is about fun combat encounters and exploring.
>he needs a plot
I hated the last area. How the hell should I know that I won't be coming back up after the Faceless invaded the University?
No plot, no play.
That goes double for rpgs little boy.
what about combat heavy dungeon crawlers?
what build were you?
finished the game twice, first as full psi, second as sniper (both hardest difficulty) and I didn't mind it as much
Almost all video games are combat heavy and most rpgs are dungeon crawlers so my answer stands. Go to your room.
>Almost all video games are combat heavy
thats not what combat heavy means
>most rpgs are dungeon crawlers
double no
>Go to your room.
I'm already in my room
I was a melee/gunner with metal armor. I wasn't prepared in the very least. Didn't think that elevator would break down.
if didn't drop that one faceless down the shaft like a supreme edgelord he warns you what's about to happen
Six also warns you if you manage to find him and he's also standing right next to an escape hatch
then again how did you tackle the institute: infiltration, stealth or combat?
The problem was that I was thinking that the institute is the mid game and that Tchort was the mid game boss.
I was hyped as fuck when they said that the passage to the North Underrail was opened, but then got blue-balled when it ends the game.
I infiltrated the institute, met Six and the Faceless I saved in Core City. Yes, they both said that everybody is going to get killed there, but I didn't realize that it was already the end game.
Poop from a butt. Insufficient story, too many non-combat skills in a game that is 90% combat, over reliance on crafting so you get all the excitement of finding wood and plastic as treasure, and "Alternate viable builds" such as stealth, where you can still engage in almost all the combat a combat character has to do only now you do it a lot slower and worse.
It has some cool points like the setting and especially the world/map design/layout, but the game on the whole is far too fucky for its own good.
And now I shall post a picture of Todd Howard so that someone can refute my entire post with >fallout 4
i got u fam
you probably skipped a lot of the optional quests and made the game feel a lot shorter than it was
an xpac is being made and is supposed to be done "soon", but to me the deep caverns and Tchort felt very much final bossy
I did everything there is to do in the institute. I even wasted my time deciding if I'll be a physicist, geneticist, chemist, or a soldier.
It didn't matter in the end, I found out.
Art for Praepostor Amelia when?
meant more like maybe you didn't do the free drones/protectorate quests
and yeh the game does have a nasty case of blueballing going on with half the characters giving you just enough info to want more
yeah, but there's sequel bait in the final sequence, especially if you board the train .
was anyone else sorta upset the institute was fully murdered?
plenty of genuinely nice folks inside that most certainly didn't deserve it
>no map
I mean, good for those who haven't got to do it, but I'm done with that sort of stuff last decade.
So this... is the power... of underage...
Good people with good intentions under an evil organization. Just like any modern day religions.
I wonder just how evil they were
okay they did do some shady stuff but it seemed to me like Eidein genuinely wanted to advance humanity and allow them to crawl out of the shithole that's the underrail
Tchort itself is pure evil sure but I wonder if the actual evil starts and stops with it.
It never was about advancing humanity. It was all about Tchort. Take that dude with immunity outside the institute. The genetic investigator wanted to analyze the dude so that maybe they can apply it to humans in the future.
The dude was then sent straight to the Nucleus. Tchort was operating under the disguise of benefiting everyone through evolution but only ended up benefiting itself.
the bosses of the 3 science department were all genuinely good people though so its not just the followers, at the very least the middle to high management positions can still be staffed by decent folk
its a very grey conflict and honestly, the faceless went way overboard with their assault
Yeah, it was only Eiden and Tchort who know the truth. Everyone else was a victim.
who is the most redpilled faction and why is it protectorate?
>tanner was a godmen all along
>alien exists in this game
>all the strange eldritch artifact like the one from silent isle are alien artifact
>godmen is responsible for everything wrong with underrail world
I bet godmen shitposted this thread
>full psi build, no persuation because fuck persuation
>Deep Caverns power plant
>That last room
seriously that place just made me upset, the game was easymode on hard with a full psi build but that place was just hell