Sell me your favorite game

sell me your favorite game

No, I spent good money on it and I want to play it often.

You can launch demons up into the air with your 5 feet sword and juggle them with your pistols.

Sell me some qualudes.

How about YOU sell yourself my favourite game.

Sup Forums hates it

sell me this 6

i want about three fiddy

here you go

If you play The Secret of Monkey Island, attractive people who conform to your favorite fetish will come out of your computer and have sex with you whenever you want for the rest of your life.

All sales final.

That'll be about tree fiddy.

how about
zombies... but in space?

I have some very fine digits for sale. Would sir care for this exquisite 3?

It has one of the most creative, well-crafted, and interesting interpretations of many forms of classic Western literature, backed up by one of the most talented art design teams in gaming.

You can kick literally anything in the dick.
You can freeze the ground, kick monsters in the dick and make 'em slip and slide to their deaths.
Your companion is a qt succubus.

"I don't need to because if I'm personally offering it to you, I know you'll love it and you don't then it not only hurts my good name but my reputation.

Those two things are worth far more to me than your money and my commission."

5 bucks, already used

If you play My Favorite Game from start to finish individuals of whichever gender you find most attractive will inexplicably be attracted to you.
It's been scientifically proven*.
So now I say to you, why aren't you playing My Favorite Game yet?

*no actual scientific proof exists

You can actually almost do anything.


you can do anything.


Do you like vampires? Do you like time travel? Do you like faux Shakespearean dialogue? If you do then you should play this shit right here:

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. You're the thousand year old vampire son of Kain, the biggest badass in Nosgoth with a sword that eats your goddamn soul, and you totally show him up by growing wings and he gets so pissed off he executes you by throwing you into water, which burns like acid. That's the start of the game. From there you come back from the dead as a soul-devouring ghoul, and go on a rampage of revenge, killing almost all of your younger brothers who betrayed you and eating their souls to gain their powers. You can travel between the physical world and the spirit world, you have to kill vampires by setting them on fire or impaling them or throwing them in water, and some really badass Gothic Industrial-type music plays in the background the whole time.


It's Fallout 3 but except actually good.

my six is better

nope mine still is

it's unpopular



Its the greatest game ever made
Don't believe me? Just play it and find out