what the fuck is this
>starts out being made for PS3
>looks like a PS3 game from what we saw
>gets announced as a PS3 game
>looks like a PS3 games
>suddenly looks like a PS2 game
what the fuck happened to Final Fantasy XV
what the fuck is this
>starts out being made for PS3
>looks like a PS3 game from what we saw
>gets announced as a PS3 game
>looks like a PS3 games
>suddenly looks like a PS2 game
what the fuck happened to Final Fantasy XV
Other urls found in this thread:
>what the fuck happened to Final Fantasy XV
Luminous Engine.
Tabata fell for the huge ass open world and 100000000 poly character models meme and made an engine that was built without hardware limitations in mind instead of an engine that was built to scale well even on consoles
Should've aimed for consistent artstyle and good performance right from the start
It's a fucking ARPG ffs
If Luminous Engine is so great, how come they're not using it for Kingdom Hearts 3 or the FF7 remake?
Wow they can make trailers with it. Amazing. Why can't they make a proper game with it?
>tech engine
I bet you think that the PC version will also end up looking like that
An engine isn't great if it only produces good graphics in a demo on PCs
They're making a fucking game for consoles, and that's what they should aim for. An engine with no scalibility is useless
Enjoy FFXV on PC, cause you'll need at least 2 Titan XXX when it comes out
Way back when I thought FFXV would be the reason to get a PS4. Now....
What the hell happened? This looks like an ubisoft tier graphics downgrade.
>tfw I will be playing this on xbox1
I know it will be $60 I can never get back but I waited too fucking long for this game to come out
>>gets announced as a PS3 game
>>looks like a PS3 games
Did you mean PS4?
Holy fuck I haven't visited any FFXV threads since 2013 because I wanted to avoid the spoilers
What the fuck happened to this game and how can you compare it to PS3 games, this shit is straight outta 6th gen
thats even worse than xenoblades pop up lmao
>>FFXV fags shit on XCX
>it ends up looking better than their pos in eevery way
lol. hahahahahaha nigga kill yourselves lmao
In all honesty, why even bother adding reflections if that's all you can manage? Just add in some decent shaders to give the water some 'life' to it and use the freed up resources for other shit that matters.
>those reflections
Holy shit.
because team Tokyo was not very proficient with the engine like the FFXV team was so they switched to unreal to save time
>save time
SE isnt very good at it
>10 year development
Screenspace Reflections at their finest.
They're using Unreal because its a better engine, plain and simple.
And if the FFXV team is so great with Luminous, how do you explain this garbage?
Hey man it would be like 14 years if they had stayed with luminous, and kh3 is coming out next year so at least they made it
console downgrades, this isn't the first time we have seen this witcher 3 had a notorious downgrade from console compared to PC
Also the company ubisoft should ring some bells about this issue
Even for consoel standarts this is too much
The dev team told Tabata that Luminous wouldn't work with open world on consoles, but he said fuck it do it anyway
They should've aimed for a consistent artstyle and perormance insead of an high end engine that is only highe end on super computers
Ohh wow not looked up much about this game for a few years since it kept getting pushed back
what the heck happen it looks awful.
This game SERIOUSLY needs two more years, not fucking months.
>witcher 3 had a notorious downgrade from console compared to PC
W3's downgrade was across-the-board, not limited to just consoles.
In any case, Luminous isn't being used in any other upcoming Square Enix projects. If that's not a clear indicator that SE's lost confidence in it, I don't know what is.
>kept getting pushed back
This is the first time it's been delayed you retard.
I'm just posting webms user
It's not shitposting anymore. This is worse than any Ubisoft downgrade in history.
nah man, it's been too fucking long now, people will eat it out of spite anyway. they need to release it this year or it will be their end.
I told you all about the downgrade bro but you didn't listen.
Now you know.
>10 years
>not been delayed
Awww babby doesn't understand how game development works :3
I always knew it would be downgraded, but this is too much even for consoles standarts
The Uncovered trailers didn't look like anything that isn't possible on consoles, but i guess the cahracter where each hair has 10000 polys take up 90% of the performance
Y'all niggas do this in every thread. XCX is garbage, which sucks, because XC was decent.
Yeah i mean this guy made this by himself
is it wrong of me that the 2014 techdemo with that preist beard guy was what got me interested in the game? because of how nice it looked?
>you'll need at least 2 Titan XXX
good thing I'll have them because I'm not poor
quality visuals are reserved for the elite
You do know that top 2 images are CGI or pre-rendered footage and not in-game? That being said, the difference between the last two images is jarring.
>it looks like an PS2 game XD
Granted, it looks like a PS3 game, but when the fuck will these meme end already.
Yes because video games won't look like that for at least 10 years.
Never, just like all the other weak-ass memes this place uses over and over and over again.
PS2 Rockstar games looked like shit. There are better looking games than OPs image.
holy shit, this makes me not wanna buy it.
A delay is something that happens once there's a release date, and it's pushed back you fucking idiot. Being in development hell =/= delayed.
please stop bringing this up it's not even a full game
Final Fantasy XII might be the best to compare it to. same series, and it was a really nice looking game for the PS2.
This looks like FFX.
I knew it would be, but not this drastically.
I agree look at he doesn't even try to post an image.
Weak memes and half-assed trolls, at least try to entertain if you're gonna take up such a pitiful position
In-house engine that only works well when on a high end PC.
Nah, nigga. That the best comparison for you. If we want to be fair, it should be against other open-world games from this gen. Witcher 3, GTA V, etc. If we it compare it to those games, it does fall short, but at least we are making an apt comparison. I'm not trying to defend XV, I just want shit to be fair.
That just looks blocky, textures still look as bad.
>open world game with massive focus on graphics and story
>gameplay turns out to be utter trash
Oh this is perfect. It's Xenoblade all over again.
I'd liken it to Dragon's Dogma.
That's good for you, but it isn't a fair comparison. Dragon's Dogma looks worse all around and that's coming from the PC version. Using DD as the comparison just makes DD look bad.
i mentioned FF12 because it's a PS2 game, and the comment thread was about comparing FF15 graphically to PS2 games.
that said, i actually agree with you. it should be compared to newer games, not a game that came out in 2006.
DD looks much much better than
Not him but DD looks better in some ways. You can compare FFXV to games like Dark Souls pretty easily too.
FF12 looks better.
>Still falling for the same bait and switch
At this point, it is your fault.
yeah people saying PS2 comparisons are unfair are retards undergoing damage control
Why the fuck are those guys wearing armor like they're from the medieval time period in a modern setting. This world is so fucking retarded.
No, it really doesn't. Even tho thats the X1 version and is not up to resolution standards, it still technically beats DD. My friend, please stop being willfully ignorant. If you want to say that XV is dissapointing graphically for the time and effort that went into it, then say that, but do not make foolish comparisons to games that are technically inferior.
i can't tell if this is so bad because it's a screenshot of an already compressed video or not. the UI looks pretty clean though...
I miss actual Final Fantasy now
desu when it comes to FF - the graphics are usually top notch
These guys are supposed to be royalty. LOL. This is worst than fan fiction.
Dragon's Dogma looks vastly superior to You can deny it as much as you want.
Bro. FFXV barely has any shadows and the textures are completely shit. DD on the other hand is pretty great here.
I saw no single tree in Dragon's Dogma that looked as bad as
Shhh babby you'll get your game soon :3
Honesty, I'm more interested in seeing what the end product will be rather than actually playing the game.
What happened?
You tried to make a game run on inferior hardware that's what happened
This has to be the game on LOWEST setting. It just comes off as a game on the lowest setting possible.
>those trees in the water
My hype went from greatest Final Fantasy game ever to maybe it'll be worth a buy at half price.
>This is PS4's Xenoblade X
>Manages to look worse
How the fuck
i feel really bad for anyone buying this for Xbone.
This 100% looks worse than Dragon's Dogma.
I thought FF games were supposed to give us the best graphics consoles are capable of. What went wrong?
>not liking PS2 graphics
you are not hipster enough to play jrpgs user
I like them when the artstyle is consistent, that's why PS2 games still hold up
But now you have high poly models and shit everything else
How are these models even high poly? They were downgraded and look terrible, even the fucking hair is worse now.
Crystal Tools 2.0 disaster all over again
Iris is CUTE
Way better than Stella or whatever the main girl's name is.
luminous tech demos WERE running real-time on a GTX960 at the time so actually this shit is possible on todays PCs and possibly NEO/SCORPIO (at 900p/30fps)
They're high poly enough to drag down the performance. They look way worse because the textures just like everything else are now set to very low
It's almost like it's unable to scale at all. It either looks amazing and needs a high end PC or like shit and can still barely run on console hardware. I don't even know what the fuck is going on with this engine. But the even the dev team tehsmelf told Tabta that open world is not a good choice for Luminous on consoles
That's not how it works
Tech demos are fixed aniamtions, fixed enviroments, built to show what the engine is theoretically capable of.
It's a whole other world to create a game with those graphics let alone an open world game
That was before HD game development. Now Japan is stuck catching up to the rest of the world.