Is this supposed to be a city?

Is this supposed to be a city?

answer me honestly Sup Forums

what were they thinking?

No, a penis.

>tfw I got a mod that makes the city populated and adds tons of buildings + another part of the city outside of the gates

Let's see how big a city was in that century.

Someone tell me what time period Skyrim is based on and we can try and compare the sizes.

>expecting a 1:1 scale of a city in a video game
fucking retard

They could have made it bigger, but do you want it to be bigger?

Do you want a bunch of homes you can't go into? Do you want to spend more time walking from one side of town to the other doing nothing interesting?

It would be nice if there was a market or something though.

most of the 'cities' in skyrim were just a collection of 10 houses and an indoor castle.

Yes, skyrim had better graphics, but as time passes they seem to sacrifice the size of the locations to make up for it.

>implying it has to be 1 to 1 to be good
And before you say
>b-but open world!!
look at Novigrad in Witcher 3


Oblivion and morrowind cities were far more impressive

Looks more like a fort or stronghold

Novigrad was good for a video game but it was still too small for the story.
Somehow a city with a port that could hold less than a dozen ships was home to the largest fleet in the world.

>Assassin's creed 1
>good anything

>what were they thinking?

we are selling these games to braindead casuals who dont care if the content is bland and shallow

>Do you want a bunch of homes you can't go into?
>Do you want to spend more time walking from one side of town to the other doing nothing interesting?
Yes. You can't go into half of the buildings in Novigrad and it takes a while to get from one side to the other, but it's infinitely better than the """""cities"""" in Skyrim.
I get 40-60FPS in Novigrad.

the issue here is that they have this stupid sense of thinking every asset has to have a single function at all times.

See this house? it's not here to be someone's actual home, or scenery, it has to be part of some questline or something otherwise it's a pointless investment in time.

Might as well just remove all rocks and trees from the game as well since you don't interact with it either.

It's actually the capital city of an entire country

AC1 is still the best AC. Don't debate me because I probably won't have valid rationale and haven't played anything past part of 3.

>The cloud """""district""""" is one building

Fuck Assassins Creed 1 was so fucking good, why the fuck did the series go so damn wrong

All roads lead to Gran Soren

>Assassin's Creed 1
>not great
>tfw I played every single AC game up until AC3
>played AC3
>it was trash
>never bought another AC game again


>I get 40-60FPS in Novigrad.

I was replying to the guy talking about his Skyrim mods, you nigger.

>40-60fps in novigrad

Turn down some diminishing returns settings, doofus.

Well here is London nearly 1000 years ago, centuries before industrialisation. Nothing but horse and cart and people shitting in buckets. It has over 2 dozen churches alone.

Novigrad and Beauclair forever btfo that shit argument. Bethesda is a bunch of incompetent hacks that's all.

I'm 20 hours into The Witcher 3 and random villages feel bigger and more full of life than any Skyrim town.

Yes I'm aware they're just randomized NPC's unlike Skyrim where each has a name, and you can pickpocket them, kill them etc, but as far as immersion goes I would take Witcher 3 anyday

It's a case of a living city vs pretty city. See GTAV for least interactive city ever.

Also a damn pity Morthal has no salt mine or peat bog. I so wanted to taste Morthal scotch.

I'm the same person and thought you were replying to my other post, user. I saw the (You) and that was it. Also I usually get ~60FPS but it sometimes drops to around 40. And my computer is from 2012.

Witcher 3 is a this gen game, Skyrim is last gen

The city in Fallout 4 is even more pathetic than those in Skyrim.

It's supposed to be a capital city

If only they could see London today, what would they think?

Full of muslims

Are you me?
I feel Assassin's Creed 1 had the greatest challenge, but that could be from being clunky.

There were more people living in one city 5000 years ago than there are in all of Skyrim.

Also White Orchid the """"small"""" map in the Witcher is bigger than the Fallout 4 map.

Ok, let us assume that it is 10000 years ago and the first stationary agricultural societies are forming. That still results in a village ten times the population and area of the "capital city" of skyrim.

I'd recommend Black Flag and Rogue if you can get them cheap or pirated actually, they were back on the right track for a bit and genuinely enjoyable. The rest are shit though.

whoops that one is only 5000 years old, this one is 10000.

No, it's a fortress.
If anything it's overpopulated.

Such a shame. I wonder if it's really paid off to have quick releases rather than more polished and appropriately timed installments.

Though, iirc, AC3 went through the necessary years of development while the Ezio story was being told by another team. It just sucked anyway. RIP.

Doesn't matter, it's the same for Witcher 1 too.

Yes I want it to be bigger. It's not like those NPC's where each had a name had anything interesting to say. Adds tons for immersion which is one of the most important things for RPGs

>you will never live in Beauclair
>mfw some retarded Polack told me Beauclair is based on Krakow and that the entire Witcher universe is based on Poland alone

They wouldn't, they'd be beheaded for insulting Islam.

forget it.
its hard even if shitthesda was a good dev\publisher

Overpopulated with its regiment of 6 soldiers and a general?

Cities during the rise of civilization were significantly bigger than any city in Skyrim

Exactly. All those civilians are using up all the space for troop's.

>There are people on Sup Forums who think Skyrim is good
This is a bad feeling.

No OP, it's a giant gun meant to be wielded by a Titan.

Each city should have been the size of or bigger than the Imperial City.

Don't really care for loading times between districts,a lot of stuff already were behind a loading screen either way

Should have asked him why Aedirn has Germany written all over it.

This is a city.

this is what happens when bethesda continues to use an absolutely garbage engine.

i am praying that they ditch the creation engine (gamebryo with a coat of paint) for TES 6

They won't. They can't develop for anything else.

I think, with the music and atmosphere, it could be pretty comfy
I remember a lot of the quests and locations quite fondly

I think they could have done a lot of things better, but I was happy with it
Fallout 4, on the other hand... Everything in that game was dull, unmemorable, and unsatisfying


No, that's an Imperial Hive planet.


See that mosque? You can climb it and eat bacon on top

>put skyrim in and I still dont get what they really meant

Why dont they make a TES that takes place in a huge city?

It means most people never developed the ability that's so familiar to our kind, the ability to discern good from bad.

>What is Oblivion

What? It means that it's easy for the media to influence and sway public opinion. "good" or "bad" is subjective in this situation

I never realized how ugly cities look. It really looks like a pockmarked callus, or something like that.

You fell for the meme. The quality of a product isn't up to opinion. Skyrim is and remains shit, no matter how many people like it.

In the context of that image, and the speech in the game, it doesn't matter what the quality is. The point was that if the media tells you it's good, then you'll think it's good.

like I get that skyrim isn't a good game but don't pretend like that's what the speech was about

Is that Tokyo?

It is

>obse comes out for oblivion
>beth doesn't incorporate anything from that in skyrim
>skse team has to fix it

They can't do anything right.

>The point was that if the media tells you it's good, then you'll think it's good.

That doesn't apply to everyone. It doesn't apply to me. Most anons understand that 90% of everything is garbage.

he said huge, user

Well no duh silly it was a commentary on people who actually do listen to top 100s music and only see capeshit and gobble up Fo4

b-but you can't talk to every single one of those townsfolk and ask them who to talk to if i had questions about heavy armor or mudcrabs

It never really bothered me that much, massive cities are impressive mechanically sure but whats the point if its mostly empty, or filler like most of the Imperial City in Oblivion.


I guess, but I'm rarely looking at a city from above counting the number of buildings.

>what's the point of adding roads if it's mostly empty filler
immersion, realism, world-building.
What bothers me the most is that there are barely any wheat fields in skyrim. Where do they get their food from?

They have small farms outside the city. You can clear them of all produce in 5 minutes. You're supposed to sell the picked produce to the owner of the farm, but I usually hoarded it for use in cooking mods. I single handedly started the worst famine in Elder Scrolls history for the sole purpose of making soup.

Roads actually serve a purpose unlike an arbitrary number of buildings that typically do not add anything but the allusion of numbers.

>have a big city
>have a bunch of buildings which don't have any significance

It depends on the scale and purpose of the game, but in something like Elder Scrolls, it would be a bad idea.
The areas of civilization in Elder Scrolls and Fallout are well designed to some extent given that almost every area in the town has some sort of importance.
Everything is either a shop or the home of a named NPC.

Granted, because of this design choice, the cities end up rather small and limited.
The cities already do what they can to fake being larger than they are.

Honestly the best solution is simply for Bethesda to put more interesting named characters, quests, and interactions within each town.
However, that means they have to do more work, and it's hard doing that for multiple towns.

One to three large cities stuffed full of quests and NPCs would probably best for Bethesda's style.
Unfortunately even when given less cities to work with, such as in Fallout, they still seem to have the same density of content as Elder Scrolls cities so whatever.

Two bomb wasn't enough, so we send in Godzilla

I guess it was a bad comparison as roads act as guide lines but houses also serve a purpose. How are you supposed to buy that skyrim is in a civil war when there are like a total of 50 houses in game?

>That doesn't apply to everyone. It doesn't apply to me.

oh look, the classic 'everyone is sheep but us' Sup Forums mentality.

How are you supposed to be convinced that they're in a civil war when the biggest battle is fought between like 10 people?

90% of people are idiots. That goes for 90% of Sup Forums users as well, obviously. It's called Sturgeon's law.

bethesda really needs to scale things up.

does the law also state that 100% of people think they're in the 10% that aren't idiots? Because otherwise I don't see how the law makes sense

>If we make the cities too large, people are going to complain about how most of the houses are the same and nothing interesting happens in any of them.
>Do most of the players actually care about them?
>Not really, they're just running/jumping to the people who give quests or sell stuff they're interested in. So as long as we make it look like a city and easy to travel through it's okay.
>Won't this make die hard fans of the series mad?
>Sure but whatever, we are aiming at a larger crowd.

I'm guessing something like this. To be honest it's logical to remove houses-people who are just there as scenery. But I still prefer larger ones.

that's an incredibly ignorant way of thinking. you assume other people are stupid simply because you perceive them as being stupid, the same way someone could see you and think you are stupid simply because of something you did.

Why was Ur such a popular city?

>it's logical
no, it's not. Casual players would have appreciated it as well. Plebs love the wall in GoT.

The Skyhaven Temple is your wall, it has nice view and everything. Have you ever noticed how empty it was? Just running to the top from fast travel point is really annoying for casual gamers.

I was disappointed in first 20 hours of the playtime where I rode everywhere, but then I didn't care because I wasn't really exploring cities anyway.

>that's an incredibly ignorant way of thinking

No, ignorance would be pretending everything is great, even though it clearly isn't. That's exactly the way Todd Howard and his legions of drones approach TES and Fallout titles.

>you assume other people are stupid

You don't understand. I'm stupid in 9 out of 10 cases as well, same as everyone else. The only difference is that I'm way less patient with mediocre video games than the average vidya consumer.

Freak out about tech and wonder why moslems are traveling half a world to come to England

>That's exactly the way Todd Howard and his legions of drones approach TES and Fallout titles.

his 'legion of drones' are people who are new to RPGs and elder scrolls games in general. so naturally they have less developed tastes.

TES veterans didn't like skyrim because it was worse than the other games.

would this game have larger settlements if it never came out for consoles