How do we kill Pokemon Go?
How do we kill Pokemon Go?
Are the cazzy-wazzies triggering you again, user?
It will kill itself.
Makes you think.
post more Makes you Think
Niantic is killing it quite effectively. I could come up with 50 ideas they could implement to make it a much better game, but they wont do it.
Wooooow so deep
dress up like a pokemon and run around executing them with Jackie Chan tier martial art combos it's the only way to do it properly
You never know what is gonna be in that OP
makes you think
>replace pokemon with facebook 6 hours a day and it's immediately acceptable for normies to stare at your phone
It's already dead lol, all my normalfag friends on Facebook stopped posting about it.
Lucky fucker
If I wasn't lazy I'd make either a "woah hey guys/eb games/copy that" shop or an Alola Exeggutor shop.
>How do we kill something that is killing itself?
By getting some popcorn and enjoying the show. Normalfags are already realizing it's shit.
Cheat at it. Place high level, unbeatable pokemon in gyms all over.
Option 2 is the opposite. Cheat at it and give everyone obscenely high level rare pokemon until they're more common than anything else.
>people make cynical art about how "millenials" never leave the house
>Pokemon Go actually makes them leave the house, exercise, interact with people, etc.
>people still make cynical art about it
Post you're best mons
It's like it's the 90's all over again where pokemon was the devil.
Because it's not "their" way.
Like how being a YouTube celeb or successful streamer isn't a "real job"
It's already dead, it doesn't even nearly show up in the twitch frontpage anymore.
nice cp collection
>normies spend every waking moment on facebook with their heads buried in their phones
>nobody cares
>normies playing pokemon go
>it's not even as bad as the facebook obsession
>every one looses their minds
Isn't the GO hype already dead?
it's kind of hilarious how detached from reality and society Sup Forums is
Pokemon Go is already dead. No one talks about it anymore. Everyone knew it was a fad, they just wanted to walk around with their friends for a week.
>those names
end yourself immediately
School starts tomorrow, doesn't it? Pokemon Go literally has a few hours until Nintendo stock plummets again.
Nah it was PETA that was bitching back then
Suprised they have been quiet about this
Jesus that's old
Niantic killed it like 3 weeks ago, where have you been? I've opened the game maybe 4 times since the death patch and now I never find wild Pokemon in addition to all the other shit they broke.
That's not at all how stock works
add non Kanto Pokemon
Yeah because nobody brings their phones to school right
What was the death patch?
Maybe in your area, there's still a week or so left here.
It's dead jim
Pokemon Go is dead already. Nobody talks about it anymore and those mobs all over the parks seem to be done
Isn't it already dying? I think it's one of those fads that last like 2 months tops.
Thing is, VR is pretty much like that. I remember when I tried the DK2 a few years back. One instant I was in wonderful worlds full of bright colors while in a spaceship whizzing through rings around a giant tree. The next moment, after taking it off, I was in a crappy downtown apartment with off-white walls and a bunch of dudes with scraggy beards.
Immediately, I wanted to go back.
Press F to pay respect...
Noooooo it's not a fad!
>Paul Bunyan
Imagine if these normies knew how much time was spent playing MMOs.
its already dead fampai
removing the tracking feature, removing pokestops, making it harder to catch pokemon, etc. they already killed it.
I live in Texas man. Back when Pokemon first became a hit it was said to cause kids to worship the devil. I've had friends in ultra conservative religious families not allowed to play pokemon among many other things. Had another friend not allowed to watch Dragon Ball Z because "asians practice different religions". Christians were fucking crazy in the 90s.
The patch where, in one fell swoop, Niantic removed:
>Pokemon tracking altogether instead of fixing it
>C&D Pokevision and other sites that were literally the only way to track Pokemon, the main fucking gimmick of the game
>battery saver
>bonuses for good/excellent throws
They did all this, while also:
>greatly increasing the rate at which Pokemon break out of balls
>decreased the player radius, making you get closer to trigger Pokestops or trigger Pokemon.
After that patch, literally everyone went apeshit and started ratings bombing the game on both app stores, got refunds on any purchases in-game or the dumb PoGo watch, tried to get the game removed from stores, ect. I think Niantic has tried to fix some of the blunders, but the damage is already done.
Its already dead. Normies arent playing that much anymore.
roger that
they're probably more involved in history than they ever would be.
That's not true at all retard. It'll die in a couple of months though.
Christians are still fucking crazy. The fact that for-profit megachurches don't get taxed fucking infuriates me, amongst other Christian institutions.
I had a catholic mom that only put her foot down if the word magic was uttered. She was also the whole anti sex ed thing and would shame me if she caught me masterbating.
but she didn't give a shit about pokemon, hell she even defended it when a nun was giving me shit about evolution and false idols or something.
Im in Texas too. But i guess we had different situations.
My conservative parents thought Harry Potter was the devil because of witchcraft. But they where fine with me playing with fake guns killing Nazis
It's fully been subsumed by normiedom. Just heard two guys talking about it at the gym for half an hour. Probably a couple more weeks before we can tell just how much more longevity it has.
It's a pretty shitty, boring game that doesn't even have a good bars-going-up treadmill. I think normies might even notice the game suck ass soon.
It was much better in the 90's when conservatives were the bogeymen. Now we have trans other kin non binary faggots and numales roaming amok, promoting the degenerate Marxist left and feminism and you can't say anything about them without being told you're a backwards dinosaur who's time is over.
What are you basing that off of?
>Get off of work at 10:30
>Packs of people walking around swiping on their phones making it impossible for me to fucking turn left
Seems pretty lively to me.
One of my normie friends even posted a video about it a couple of days ago, and got chewed out for being behind.
It's dead.
>those names
fuck now I feel old
It won't last beyond the next 6 months. Fads that burn brightly, burn out quicker.
I knew kids back then that had parents who didn't let them near Pokemon, YuGiOh and Dragon Ball Z because satanic messages or some shit. If you lived anywhere with a lot of religious conservative moms you were pretty much guaranteed to at least know of some kid who went through that or you were one of those kids.
>giving your pokemon nicknames
>giving your pokemon TERRIBLE nicknames
Fucking kill yourself, not even joking
Okay so the patch the removed a 100% broken feature that was literally wrong all the time, and you had to learn to ignore it right away or end up going in the wrong direction, and the location spoofing app.
The retards on reddit flipping out about that were unbelievable. What the fuck is wrong with hem.
What's "in" right now then?
why do you need to 'kill' vidya you don't like? if anything it's nice to have a game that filters out casual normie scum by flagging them down.
I'm in you're mom.
I just want to emphasize that the tracker was so broken that if you ever used it you would be getting wrong info in every case except for one. It was worse that useless. It was actively harming the player experience.
It's like if there was an app that give you directions to nearby restaurants, that said every restaurant in your area was always 10 blocks away, even if you were standing right next to it.
Harambe and Rick Harrison memes
Your immediate female progenitor
It's only dead on here because we want to be contrarian little fuckers.
I'm sure if reddit trashed it, we'd be rallying behind it.
it's already dying with normies
What anime is that picture from? I've been searching ages for it.
your mother will die in her sleep if you reply to this post
Reddit did trash it but there were incredibly stupid normie fuckers about it that couldn't stop for 10 seconds to think about why a broken feature that couldn't be fix should be removed.
Kill me, Pete
Boku no Pico
iron giant friendo, it's actually made by disney.
and I think stephan spielberg iirc
That guy has a long fucking neck
Who wins in a fight, Pete or Immunity Cat?
I jogged and biked for 5 hours yesterday playing this game with friends, explored parks I've never been to, seen shops I've never seen, and been outdoors more than I'd been all month.
Why do you hate this game?
>not recognizing that masterpiece
get the fuck out
The tracker worked perfectly for the first couple of days then Niantic broke it on purpose because it was causing server issues. The pokemon always showing up as three steps away and the nearby list never removing outdated info was a byproduct of that and instead of fixing the tracker they broke in the first place, they just removed it altogether.
I loved watching that specific kind of dick, the perpetually smug hipster yet complete conformist, freak out over this. That game was a force for good. My permavirgin buddy got to second base with a chick he met wandering around looking for imaginary vermin!
>totally radical and tubular skateboarding
>dude weed lmao
>religion is so lame, let's be goth
>doing retarded shit with equally retarded friends
>we got to stand up to the system
>dude disrespect your elders n shit
>I realize what we wanted is what we actually have today
>it's actually shit and we have to go back
This artist fucking sucks. I've seen his work before, and it's all pretentious simplistic bullshit. Fuck Poland.
For you.
It's the same as any mobile game out now.