Why do I not see more people talk about this game? I've been replaying this game and having such a blast

Why do I not see more people talk about this game? I've been replaying this game and having such a blast

>Gameplay focus on dismembering over headshots makes combat interesting
>Stasis and kinesis add more layers to combat over just simply gunz. The melee is also highly usable
>Immersion is incredibly high. There is no HUD. Everything that we takes up space in the game world (like the menus and reading etc.) with the exception of saving and pausing.
>Setting helps both the story and the gameplay.
>Guns are fun to use and well balanced (besides the fucking ripper stupid piece of shit). Different guns fit different niches for enemy types
>Lots of varied enemies keeps combat fresh
>Zero-G meme actually added lots of cool depth. Survival horror genre is usually constrained to flat environments, adding the zero g parts made the combat way more 3D
>Puzzles are interesting and never rage inducing
>Dem bosses

If it wasn't for the horrible fucking asteroid shooting part this would be in my top 3 games. That being said, this game is fun as fuck, why does no one talk about it???

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Like it took everything I loved about RE4, made it better, and more fun. Why do I not see people sucking this games dick all day?

Also, how are 2 and 3?

2 is more streamlined and more linear but still fun.

I had some fun with 3 but it left me feeling empty inside by the end.

2 is a mechanical master-piece
Everything you liked (in terms of gameplay) are improved in two
2 also keeps the scary and claustrophobic atmosphere but pushes more action-horror sequences

3 is... well its a step back from 1 with some good moments but a bit of a cluster fuck
You can like parts of 3 but it's a jumbled package

DS2:Severed is also amazing
DS2 has an Ishimura sequence also and FUCK its good
I wont spoil it but it's easily the scariest part of the series

Shinji Mikami actually said he saw Dead Space as a more worthy successor to RE4 than RE5.

All of the Dead Space games are worth playing, even 3 (especially the Co-op).

Sadly we haven't gotten any kind of sci-fi horror on the same level. It's too bad Colonial Marines was trash.

There's co-op?

Why must all survival horror games fall for the co-op meme?

Dead space 1 is very good, feels a niche not many other games do. Very atmospheric and scary

Dead space 2 is more action oriented and streamlined, also good. But less niche feeling. Solid combat all around

Dead space 3 is good overall. But it's not worthy of the series, but it also has the only form of gun-experiementing and space-exploring in any game ever. The story is also complete and utter shit, only play it with a roommate or bro.

Glad to hear 2 is neat. What went so wrong with 3 though? New people helming the project or what? That was all around the time EA went to shit right?

I like to think of Duskers as a non-cannon sequel to DS3

Same tone and horror but completely different gameplay

Because there's really nothing about Desu Space to discuss indefinitely.
Don't get me wrong, I love it, but what more is there to say?

also, 2 is mechanically great but ditches what little horror there was in the first game

It's hard to say but I'm sure there are articles of speculation
As far as I know Visceral didn't confirm anything (to keep EA as a publisher) but it's widely believed EA forced the new mechanics to push micro-transactions during their horrid period of fucking over devs to get a quick buck
This was near the Dungeon Keeper situation I think, probably earlier

The game is good, it's just not a good Dead Space
If it was a different title it would be a forgotten gem but now it's a stain on the main series decent track-record (at least in terms of the main series)

They have confirmed a fourth is in the works. It will probably suck sadly.

>cliffhanger ending

Everyone in this thread not shitting on Dead Space 3. Fucking faith restored in gamers. Dead Space 3 is easily my favourite game in the series. I've played them all. 3 just hits all the right notes for me.

Also agree with everything OP said. Sadly most people play and hold games like a consumable product, especially by todays standards. You only see Sup Forums talking about what's hot/out right now in terms of video games.

>What more is there to say?
Well, what do you want to happen to the series?
Reboot or spin-off sequel?

I'm hoping for another DS2:Severed type story. Perhaps taking the Halo:ODST route and exploiting some loose threads from the first two games to change up the mechanics a bit

god i remember the hype building for ds2 when they were talking about it pre realease. probably one of the few games that lived up to its hype in this day and age. its one of the few games with almost no shitposting about it.

Ds3 was great as coop. Seeing my friend flipping out while I had no idea why was a nice little twist

I loved the fuck out of 1 and 2, but 1 is still the best IMO, even tough 2 is way better gameplay-wise, I couldnt even get past half of 3, what the fuck happened with that

I wish it had more replay value, there's some oh shit moments but by the time you do impossible you'll remember where shit spawns. Part of what made DS great for me is not knowing where they were coming from accentuated by the shit movement controls and all the vents it was nervewracking but very fun, still wish the games were harder though save the elevator segment in 2 with the limbs slamming you and maybe later game leapers it's a breeze especially if you tele their handscythes off

>had to buy a dlc to see the cliffhanger

It's probably for the best that this series doesn't get continued. That setup they had going was retarded and reeked of potential CoD/Gears shit.

DS3 was good but no where's near my favorite
I even liked DS2's multiplayer more than DS3's co-op but I can see where you're coming from

One thing I couldn't get past, even if minor and dumb, was the suit designs in 3
They make sense in context (cold weather and such, although I always though fucking outerspace would've been colder but whatever) but I just don't like the design
It's not techno-porn and jagged metal anymore and now a poofy Pomeranian to me

they cant due a continuation from the ending of that dlc(the dlc was fucking great though)

there isnt much to hate on ds3 about, its mechanically as good as 2. but fuck was it just flaccid.

what can possibly kill Isaac Clarke
he seems to always be cheating death

Yeah it was pretty good. Except for that beginning cutscene. I can't tell if it was trying to be meta or not by them not explaining a single fucking thing of how they survived the end of the main game. Even Carter asks that I think and they both just go, "I dunno."

Great series. Just finishing up my impossible run of DS1 now.


>why do I not see more people talk about this 8 year old linear single player game?

Gee I wonder.

I can understand that. I just really adore the snow suit from Dead Space 3. Dead Space 2 is also high up there. Honestly I probably can't choose which one I truly like more, but I guess 3 wins by a landslide purely on how refreshing it is in comparison to 1 and 2. I just liked how 3 took the whole Necromorph threat to the whole galaxy.

Also, if I count Dead Space 3 Awakened as part of the main DS3 game, then yes, it easily beats DS2 for me. I just found the awakened dlc to be more terrifying than the first game, but I guess that's just because I see cosmic horror as being more scary than just boogiemen monsters.

Yeah, that got a little ridiculous in 2
Fucker survives so much shit in that game

I liked that in 1; he is pretty weak throughout the game and seems to survive through a combination of luck and a pretty strong suit ribbed for her pleasure

Fourth game will have him be some ebin space marine of high rank leading an army against the necromorphs. There will be endless cover shooting and yelling, "get to the marker!"


>snow suit
the arctic suit in ds2 is best snow suit.

>Why do I not see more people talk about this game?

because we talked about it 8 fucking years ago

>why does no one talk about it???

Probably because it's fucking old.

Not to go off topic, but I personally think it's unacceptable for a game to be purely multiplayer in this day and age, especially if it's a paid game. Hell, at least Titanfall 2 is fixing the shortcomings of the first game by having a campaign this time around. Personally, back when Dead Space first came out, I thought it was awesome that it was a single player only game in an age where online Multiplayer games were all the rage

>not the EarthGov Security Suit
whoa there friend, you might need to slow down

>tfw the ds2 multi was actually fun but the severs sucked and no one played it.

>not being stylish in the hacker suit

>Dead Space 3 is easily my favourite game in the series.

This is some advanced retardation.

lol why do you guys keep talking about old ass games like Deus Ex, Thief, or Bloodlines?

like come on it's 2016 let's talk about new games XD

Humans were too overpowered and the latency was just ridiculous. You could never tell if you were actually hitting anything.

i just looked up a picture of it to remind myself what it looked like. but fuck ds2 doesnt even look that bad by todays standards. it holds up pretty well.

Ever heard of an opinion? I just prefer the snow setting and Isaac growing a pair of balls and finishing the Necromorph threat one and for all. I think it's a fine conclusion for the series. Even more fitting with that cliffhangar ending in Awakened where earth is practically FUCKED.

best suit imo

2 is to 1 what Aliens was to Alien. Haven't played 3.

I only ever played the first one

I enjoyed it but IIRC it caught flack for being more suspense/action than true survival/horror which probably colored the opinions of some around here

Good game though, like I said I enjoyed it

I've heard of opinions, yours is shit.

There's something to be said about the infinite replayability good multiplayer games but it just pales in comparison to a good story

A linear game with a good story (not that Dead Space has a great story but is just a great series) has the ability to fucking END
And the end can be so much more satisfying than the slow death players get as they tire of the endless matches of multiplayer

Dead Space is special to me because it's a linear game I can replay anytime
I know the whole story by now but it still feels fresh and fun everytime I get stuck on the Ishimura

Well now I'm glad I never uninstalled dead space 1 & 2, because you I'm going to replay them. Thanks, threadfriends.

>I personally think it's unacceptable for a game to be purely multiplayer in this day and age

The point was more that it's linear rather than it's single player only.

New Vegas still gets discussed because of all the different ways you can play it and all the special things you can find. It's expansive enough to discuss many years down the line.

Not a lot of different things you can do in Dead Space other than choosing which suits and weapons to upgrade.

it always bothered me that they didnt use the level 5 suit as a base for this. kinda pissed me off.


ds2 is probably my favorite game of all time due to the shear fact i got to ng+22 and could speed run the fuck out of it.

The level 5 suit was a Soldier Suit from the USS Kelegan though

It's not even an engineering suit anymore

lets be real, half those new vegas threads are argue house,ceasar, or ncr.
fuck why was 4 suck a failure even compared to 3

My problem with DS3 is that
>Isaac isn't with his waifu from the 2nd game
>She has a boyfriend that's so fucking obviously the bad guy
>Retarded organization
>Co-op partner is basically James from Mass Effect 3
>Story's dumb
>Characters are worse
>Villain's retarded
>Is basically the RE5 of Dead Space

I hated the storm trooper suit. On my other playthroughs I would never buy it.

that was level 6 friendo. i guess its time for another play though.

CheeseGrater was the only way

I wonder if there was a modding scene for DS1
Love to see some different suits in that game

>Is basically the RE5 of Dead Space
What does that even mean

memories of the amazing looks of the tank suit.

Why is Isaac's butt so great?

PC port requires some work for it to be playable

Focused way too much on the action, took out elements like multiple ammo types

Oh shit you got me

It's not even the Kelegan's suit, it's the EDF Soldier suit from the USM Valor

>pic related is level 5 RIG
So where do you find the level 6?


Because you're a homosexual. Nothing really wrong with that.

Also, there was a baby in the dryer.

The level six? Is that the white one? I'm fairly sure you can only get it after starting new game plus.

Say what you will about Dead Space but I think the one aspect that everyone can agree is great is the lack of a HUD. Integrating the various gauges into the suit and the ammo counter into the weapons was brilliant and made the game much more immersive.

straight in the shop for new game plus

I kind-of like the helmet design...
The mouth section does not look ready for low-oxygen environments though

Tfw you have a good ass but dont give a fuck because you have extreme PTSD and face horrors every second of your life.

I started replaying DS1 a few days ago.

It's shit.

I like the dismembering, but there's nothing else good about it.

Stasis is poorly implemented (Only needed for bullshit non-puzzles, barely useful as a 'slow enemies down' tool), kinesis is never necessary.

Immersion is pretty weak; by trying to make the interface diegetic while still a videogame UI, all it does is highlight how the interface simply wouldn't work in real life (Ever packed a bag through a block menu interface? Ever had videogame buttons appear on your suit to tell you how to brush away some insects or other pests?)

I have no idea what you mean by 'setting helps the story and gameplay,' that sounds like nonsense but feel free to elaborate.

The guns aren't balanced, but they are fun, sure.

The enemy variety could be worse but I wasn't impressed either. The limited variety was completely undercut by the complete lack of originality in enemy types.

Zero G was nice.

Puzzles are rage inducing due to the fact that they require no brain power or any problem-solving skills. They are puzzles in the same way leaflets are novels.

Bosses are generic.

'Twist' at the end is dumb.

Generic repeated environments are boring.

Jump scares are predictable.

I don't see why anyone would find the first game enjoyable. It put me off replaying the second even though I remember preferring DS2.


DS3 is shit and so are you, faggot.

>why don't more people talk about this 7year old game

cause it's 7 years old. And it's still talked about a lot. What a weird thread.


I love the helmet. It reminds me of a lion or something.

the scene when you get the normal advanced rig was fucking epic, why was the schematic in that hidden engineer room i wonder.

DS2 made the Kenisis much more viable but yeah, rather worthless in 1

The enemies are pretty much all the same apart from a few special ones

The jumpscares are predictable because of the mechanic they added where enemies trank you using the vent system when you enter the room, so every time you see a single dude you know you can expect a scare
You get conditioned to not get surprised much after a while

The levels were usually very claustrophobic to both add some tension and give the player a better chance to shoot off limbs when the necros started charging

The guns are some of the most satisfying though
Between the Javalin nailing dudes to a wall and the Ripper taking you on a chainsaw massacre I've yet to have more impactful guns to fire (excluding the pulse rifle)

The mouth area looks like it needs an apparatus or something though
It looks like they're just wearing a baklava underneath, which would make for a really poor deep-space suit

3 has tons of replay value. The other 2 are mostly annual replay value sadly


Try replaying it on nightmare. You will gain a new appreciation for stasis and kinesis bruh they did add a lot to the game, you just chose not to use em

Also the bosses were not generic. The leviathan nigga in zero g that was all round and stuff was super cool.

to be fair the advanced suit and security suit from 2 were just body suits with light armor. who knows, maybe they have futuristic nano armor.

See what I mean about it being a poor space suit design!?

>play every FPS ever
>don't get sick
>play Descent
>don't get sick
>play a ton of 3rd person shooters
>don't get sick
>play Dead Space
That fucking offset camera and weirdass camera movement. Every goddamn time.

It's too bad the PC port is ass.

Even if the combat does get better on Nightmare (my memory of it is it just makes the combat more of a slog) it wouldn't improve any other aspects of the game, so I don't see why you'd suggest that, but I do appreciate your contribution nonetheless, thanks for trying to help.

its good iight?!

This happened and wouldn't let me go on

Deqd space 1 was probably the last true survival horror game. 2 kept the momentum going but took a slight turn more towards action which worked for the game, made you feel like "I've dealt with these shits before" and made sense that you would be slaughtering them.

Three was like the lost planet of the series and was alright, but wasnt as scary or action packed as the second.

Best series moment is by far going down the elevator and hearing the woman hiding in the shaft scream as you crushed her.

>ds1 is shit

and into the trash

2 is amazing in pretty much every way.

3 is....3 is okay.

>no compelling story
>paper thin characters
>terrible obvious villain betrayal
>starting gun is best gun
>enemies aren't challenging
>stasis literally breaks the game
>so does kinesis
>your girlfriend is DEAD and everyone knows
>two boring ass boss fights accompanied by a few mini boss fights with palette swapped "regular enemies"
>A terrible finale
>An embarrassingly easy final final boss fight
>that ridiculous jump scare sequel hook ending

Fuck this game. Its mechanically fine, but their is nothing worth exploring, they butchered all the elements they needed from other fucking movies, stories, and games. It has no identity, its just a nice RE4 clone in space.

First one is very solid. 2 is too actiony and imo way too scripted, every area is a set piece, though overall I liked the game.

>Dead Space 1
>True survival horror
Do people really believe this?

I suppose if you stretch 'survival' to mean 'some resource management on higher difficulties' I guess I can see that, but where's the horror?

Wait, when did you crush a lady?
In DS1 a lady screams in the distance as you go up in the elevator to the astroid defence system
In DS2 you fail to save someone trying to get in your elevator as you go up

I dont remember finding out you crush someone on accident