What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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"we want the COD audience"

Worked for Battlefield.

I find it so insanely retarded that they're doing this shit. Every fucking time there's a new COD reveal, there are fans complaining about the futuristic theme and movement system which they copied from Titanfall. It happened on AW, BO3 and now on IW, so why the fuck is Respawn destroying their unique game mechanics in order to appeal to a fan-base that doesn't like that kind of gameplay in the first place? I guess they don't want just the COD audience, but instead a more casual FPS player that is terrible on COD and was terrible on the first Titanfall.

Wasn't COD:AW based on their outline of where the former IW folks wanted to take CoD before they got fucked by Activision? I'm convinced a lot of the problem is simply how clunky the implementation is in CoD rather than it being a bad idea.

I'm not saying the idea is bad, and I don't think the implementation on COD is bad either, it's just a lot simpler than Titanfall, and that doesn't mean it's inherently worse or better, just different. What I mean is that the main COD playerbase doesn't really like when they add more 'complex' stuff like jetpacks, wall running and double jumps, because they're not used to it and/or they don't want to learn more stuff for a game that usually just pick up and play. The people who do like a more complex movement system already played Titanfall or even stuff like UT, so I see absolutely no reason for the changes Respawn made to Titanfall 2.

What mechanics are you saying they destroyed? I haven't played 2.

How come only PC games dont have the fancy color strip on the top of the box?

Because there's no-one to mandate it.

Remember when Microsoft pushed Games for Windows which included the strip, before they killed it off?

There are lots of posts and lists about the changes they made, but the general gist of it is that it's playing a lot like a COD clone. Here are the major changes:

Maps are more open and have less parkour routes, you can't go as fast as you could on the first game, you lose speed pretty fast when you're not wallrunning, and considering the map changes, you can quickly see how there's more of a focus on camping and walking around, with medium to long range combat, while the first game was all about going fast and close range combat.
Titans are not on a timer like they used to be, and instead you get them by killing people, and you lose a bit of the progress when you die, so pretty much a killstreak. They're also essentially just a premade class, so no customization at all like you could do with Titans on the first game, you just pick one of them and you need to use the weapon and extra shit they have instead of making your own.
Rodeo is just a canned animation which does a bit of damage to titans, and they also have no shield this time around.
Attrition has been replaced with Bounty Hunt, which just spawns 'neutral' NPCs in waves, you fight with the enemy team to kill them and get points which you need to put on a 'bank' when the wave ends. That's the only mode with NPCs. Also there is no banter between them about how cool pilots are, and for that matter, also no faction difference and communication from characters midgame like you used to have.

yea but the game still has a lot of time before the final product comes out.

It's out in like two months

>a lot of time
>2 months

They can do number tweaking to alleviate some of the issues, but most of it is in the game's core design. Maybe in a year or so, with a bunch of patches, it can become the game everyone was looking forward to, which was Titanfall with more content. It's incredibly disappointed to see how they went backwards on every design decision they make on the first game.

I see. Not all of those changes sound bad too me. I don't mind it being more class based, and I didn't really like Attrition that much to begin with.
Losing titan progress on death does sound kinda dumb though. And it would be weird to me if that's actually the only mode with NPC's, I liked them as part of the scenery/minor obstacle, I just don't like when they give points.

>Wasn't COD:AW based on their outline of where the former IW folks wanted to take CoD before they got fucked by Activision?

I wouldn't be surprised given that Respawn is former IW. They probably had that idea being tossed about for "what do we do after we finish Modern Warfare?" before they all got axed.

>I liked them as part of the scenery/minor obstacle
That's what made them so cool. They added a lot of life to the maps, and were a big factor for immersion. You could walk around and see a group of NPCs that had voice lines, fought each other, and helped to make it feel like a war. You could look up and see ships flying, shooting, and you could even destroy some of them yourself. Now it's just boring lifeless maps with NPCs shoehorned on a single mode.

I didn't play Titanfall 1 because it looked like it was just another CoD. Was I wrong?

Rumor is they wanted to do future warfare after MW, but Activision wanted them to keep shitting out profitable sequels to Modern Warfare, and that was before shit really hit the fan. Wouldn't be surprised if Activision did AW just to spite them

I really don't get what they're trying to do with 2. The main complain of 1 was the lack of content so I don't get why they are fucking with the main mechanics so much.

Ehhh, yes and no. Titanfall was much more about fast movement and verticality and didn't have killstreaks. Made for a very different experience.

The best thing about Titanfall was how solid everything in the world felt, without artificial restrictions of where you could go and wall-run, whereas in modern CoD everything feels clunky and like a veneer over simple models.

Well, 2 definitely is, but the first one wasn't at all. If you can, I recommend trying it out on PC, I believe there's a free trial on Origin. I redownload it yesterday and there are still people playing.

Console gamers

Nigga, CoD was the one that started trying to copy Titanfall with the double jumps and wallrunning not the other way around.

But now Titanfall is trying to be like CoD

yes, what killed it was lack of content

>have to choose between anti-titan weapon and handgun
This shit is retarded.

>OG squad from MW1 and MW2 CoD
> Make Titanfall and bring something new to the table
>Doesn't sell as much as they expected (and they dont deliver new content often)
>CoD Takes ideas from titanfall
>Sells well like all cod games because of the following
>Now titanfall is trying to be like CoD instead of bringing more new things to the table

Its a shame really.

They made titans into a killstreak and they removed titan shield regen.

What's even funnier is people are hating the new Call of duties for the direction they are taking yet Titanfall is trying to be like them. Kek

CoD will survive because even though people are getting tired of their games they still have a huge following.

Is the test still up or am I too late?

Nothing, it was actually entertaining for a few hours.
played about 2 hours a day after school for a month, pretty fun game, gets stale after a while, but all things do.
Had some good "oh shit" moments.

It's on again next weekend IIRC.

>Grapple isnt a game wide ability
>Grapple is busted and isnt fun to use
>Maps are built for grapple when only a fraction of players will use it
>Maps no longer have the wall run or roof run above titan feel, too many open spaces or small rooms
>Titan gain is slow
>Boarding a titan isnt as rewarding as it used to be
>Shoving five abilities into the titan
>Guns feel like shit. Hipfire is useless and ADS kicks like a mule.
>No AI outside of bounty hunt where they're just "Kill us while you're in your titan for a free win"

Everything else will take some time to get used to, weapons should be inproved to more suit TF1 and the map/movement team needs a kick in the ass

>hurr we want da cod audience
>Forgetting who respawn is comprised of
Infinity Ward you fucking morons

>>Boarding a titan isnt as rewarding as it used to be
Because is now in third person for some reason. Same with the titan executions. Seriously, what the fuck are they thinking at respawn?

>what went wrong?

How much time do you have?

All day family

I don't really think grapple is bad. When you learn to use it as a way to get speed instead of reaching places, you can really see how good it can be. However, it not being a game wide ability means you're pretty much forced to use it instead of the other stuff, considering the maps all seem designed around it, which really breaks what was good about the first game. It would be fine if it was a cool little extra mechanic they added, but I think there's a bit too much of a focus on it.

They didn't call it Twotanfall


Why do some animals look so unrealistic?

You know how people used to say Titanfall was just CoD with mechs, and they were wrong?

Now they're right.

They changed too many things for the worse.

The first Titanfall got so many things perfect.

it's a glitch in the matrix

Literally all Titanfall 2 needs is to be exactly like Titanfall 1 but with more weapons, Titans, abilities, and a campaign.

It honestly feels like this game was the original titanfall and titanfall 1 was the awesome sequel, if that makes sense

I agree so much. Too bad most people got bored with the game fast. I hate people that play to unlock shit instead of having fun.

Artificial progression mechanics are rife in modern games and are the fucking worst. Psychologically manipulative bs

Anyone still play the first titanfall? Got that EA monthly shit and I could get it for free but I don't want to waste my time if it's dead.

I still play on xbone.

Still a good few thousand population on XB1. PC is a bit lighter on, I can't find games in Australia during peak, but you should be fine if you live in the US or EU.

On xbone? You won't have any trouble finding games in well known game modes like attrition, hard point, lts. More niche shit like variety pack or marked for death are pretty dead.

On pc you'll be more restricted to just attrition unless you're at peak hours.

Did the first game have the grappling hook? The demo plays like a generic shooter mostly but that fucking grappling hook is the highlight. More shooters need grappling hooks.

xbox or pc?

god Sup Forums is filled with the most whiney bitches

its interesting that they nerfed all the old abilities in the first one.

instead of xray vision
-knife that does it for small area

instead of electric smoke field
-electric smoke grenade

It feels VERY different from the first one to me. Im interested to see how the final will turn out. I love the new titans, Scorch inparticular

i would imagine variety pack would have more people imo

>Did the first game have the grappling hook?

This is pretty lightweight compared to the TF subreddit. I really don't mind the TF2 beta, had plenty of fun wallrunning just like the first game and don't think they 'ruined it' or anything. As usual though, the hysterical vocal minority overpowers any moderate voices. I had no idea the TF community were such fucking prima-donnas.

Well this game is automatically better for including grappling hook technology

The technical test is literally a two month old version of the game

fuck wrong pic

its really the community of any game, i cant think of one that isnt whiney cunts.

Which Titan did you preferr?

Because PC is the only one that can support higher resolutions

Everyone complaining about this game are just people bitching about how change is bad. Its the same with every new Halo lately. If you want Titanfall 1, go back and play T1, it will have a ton of people still playing it.

I much rather them try to make some gameplay changes rather than just putting out Titanfall 1.5 (more guns edition.)

As for the maps, the one sucks yes. The other one is a Typical Titanfall map. They are probably trying to angle the game towards more ranged combat occurring since all long range rifles where fucking worthless in Titanfall 1.

Finally, they gave us the pre-alpha build to play on. The game build that is probably pushing two years old. The final build will be a lot more polished up. EVERYONE FUCKING CHILL

I'm just going to keep playing Titanfall 1, enjoy your new game.

>Titanfall 1 was on console
Fuck off retard

>people who liked the first game don't like a sequel which radically changes basically everything that made the first game distinctive so they don't like it as much
>whiny bitches

Titanfall only makes we wish there was another Lost Planet game by the same team that did the second one.
>dose mechs
>dat coop
>dat camaraderie
i want it all back

Since your someone actually willing to talk about it rather then bitch, your thoughts?

I enjoy both games and find it ridiculous that people have to 'choose a side'

Can't you see you're being ridiculously hyperbolic? They changed a bit, but not that much

>since all long range rifles where fucking worthless in Titanfall 1.
that's because ranged combat is fucking horrible. it's not fun, and will never be fun, to be shot by unavoidable sniper fire

Also, Halo has gone to complete shit under 343. Anyone who believes differently is in denial.

I did love the first as well, i really did. Kept playing looong after it died down. This really just feels like a different game to me, but i cant wait to see the other titans

I'm enjoying it

Gates is cute

Charge rifle-on-Pilot kills is forbidden love

The story has. The story absolutly has. I still dont know what the hell happend in 4.

>Kept playing looong after it died down
me too user

I guess it depends what time you play, but this summer I've started having trouble finding matches there, which is a shame because I liked variety pack

>They changed a bit, but not that much

This makes me question that you even played this first game

>They changed a bit, but not that much
They changed a lot, the fuck.

Played both a fair bit, I like the precision of Ion, definitely better for taking out pilots. I ended up preferring Scorch because the ground slam and ultimate are so strong against other Titans. Seems to gimp you against other pilots though. I found myself in Boomtown getting sniped by Charge Rifles from the roof and not really well equipped to fight back. I'd love some kind of precision alternate fire or some anti-pilot R1/L1 ability with Scorch, to counteract that shortcoming. I didn't really get to grips with the gas dispensing alternate, so maybe that's the solution.

Game was great fun anyway. I went into playing it without reading any reviews or comments first, enjoyed it and came on the internet afterwards expecting to discuss it positively and discovered this shit instead, pic related. I have 150hrs in the original game, so I'm not coming into the series fresh.

As someone who never played the first game, what are they trying to copy? Having a single player mode?


I played the first game >100hrs. You can still traverse one side of Boomtown to the other just by wallrunning and grappling. Grapple hook feels great, big improvement for the series. Crouch slide is great for evading enemies. I have no issue with the titan meter, you get plenty of meter from playing the objective and it punishes players that run around like retards ignoring the objective - which was basically everyone I saw during my few hours of play aside from a handful of people.

In what way? This sounds like every other FPS doomsday thread since 2007, and all of them have been blatantly wrong.

This game is literally made by the people that created CoD though.

I knew there would be shit just cause its the internet.

I favor scorch as well but it wasnt until i realized it could fire 2 gas tanks at a time. That area control is great for hardpoint games. The main thing I play. His shield is a little tricky though, i know it can be used for damage but im not sure how.

Grapple hook and slide are great. I don't think I've read a single complaint about them. And no one has asserted you can't wall run across the maps, just that the whole process of wall running and bhopping is slower than the first.

All they had to do was keep pilot movement the exact same and add a slide and grapple. There was no reason to drastically nerf it.

So when is this game releasing? I kinda want to get into the first Titanfall before this drops.

The grappling hook feels fantastic. So long as you keep the mindset that you're Spiderman, you can do some incredible maneuvers with it. Today I was chasing a guy who jumped into a window, and I swung around the building, went through the window to drop kick him.

More ranged combat I think can also be fun and practicial, because if everyone is swinging around like assholes, a good sniper can counter that. I sniper can pick off the grunts and spectres a lot easier than running in with an smg. Sniping is a fun counter pick to the otherwise fast paced gameplay.

Finally, I'm all for them going for robots characters rather than little, midsize, and big. I know that strips away some customization, but I feel like it adds way more depth to the gameplay by having different types of robots that specialize in different tasks. Scorch feels awsome just blowing up a city block on his own, and gave him a dash block so I could jump in people's face to sear them with the flameshield which is super good.

Overall I am really excited to get my hands on the full copy because its got enough changes to set it apart from Titanfall 1, while still keeping the man mechanics that made T1 so fun (parkour and robot fights.)

PS: Everyone who is bitching about the countdown being taken out can suck a dick. It never made any sense when the top left window called out "2 minutes to Titanfall" because you were always killing people and reducing that number severely. If you want your Titan, get gud. A percent score to killstreak makes way more sense.

I feel like slide replaced wall run. I slide constantly.
>land a jump
>drop to your fucking knees
>power slide like you are a rock god
>the crowd roars
>the titans fall


The first game had a heavy focus on movement, so much so that the maps were designed around it. The second game feels like movement was an afterthought that was only okayed because it was in 1, the maps are all a lot more open now with less paths to take and less verticality
Compared to the first game it feels much more like any other shooter you could pull off the shelf

This is a pretty good listen too, shows how far backwards they went

October 28. But don't play the first before this. It is better in every way and will only result in disappointment when you get your hands on the sequel.

titanfall 1 had very verticals maps that encouraged wall running and staying above ground. There was also always something going on in the background. AI also added a lot of immersion.
All of that is gone now

You made this thread.

The hook I actually dont use so much, though its fun to see people flying around constantly. I cant give up the sonar detection knife. The xray is too useful to me, it was also my main ability in the first one.

I favor scorch too, hes trickier to learn than Ion is, I'm still not sure exactly how his heat shield works, does it do damage on contact?

>grapple the ground in front of me
>slide while landing

>Post yfw your Titan-bro finally drops

Yeah it just it is just a big damage wall you bump into other robots with. A dash will help you close the distance, because it is way stronger than punch in close range fights.

Also I know pilot is about to jump on me or is grappling me, the flame shield just instakills them. I get so many people now grapple hooking me, only to get flameshielded as they zipline into me.


Don't be ridiculous, Homestead definitely is missing a lot of verticality, but Boomtown is basically identical to Colony in verticality, they're even pretty similar visually. There's a central high ground where snipers can see most of the map, and plenty of rooftops to run over.

>PS: Everyone who is bitching about the countdown being taken out can suck a dick.

Couldn't agree more. Not even hard to fill the meter if you bother to capture points in hardpoint or kill AI in bounty hunter. Probably 9/10 games I played everyone was just playing it like tdm and wondering why they weren't getting titans even though the game goes to great pains to highlight the objectives on your map.

Colony was one of the flattest maps in the original game
