What are some bad games that normies think are good?

What are some bad games that normies think are good?



dark souls


Any Bethesda game ever.



mass effect



assassins creed



>haha these normies have awful taste
>*plays old clunky outdated game like Morrowind or MGS*
>h-hey its not s-shit, g-git gud!


>Morrowind and Oblivion
>any Fallout game, yes even the "look I'm so underground and smart and cool I'm playing Fallout 1 and 2!
>Pokemon games aka "slightly more complex rock-paper-scissors"
>any moba
>any card based game like hearthstone
>these anime games that are sad excuses to pay money for censored porn

Kill yourself fag.You probably sit around playing hentai VNs all day

Any of the Arkham games, or any superhero themed game actually.

Doom (2016)
Assassins Creed
Almost any pixel art indie game ever

>Using normie uniornically
I want autists off my board.

>t. someone who died on the way to Balmora


I feel like that's debatable. First half of Dark Souls 1 is fucking great - everything after Anal Rodeo is a drag though.

Fallout 4, I seriously can not think of a single good thing about that game. And that is not even me being le grumpy Sup Forums man, like I cant think of an actual good quality to fallout 4 at all

Looks like I hit someone's nostalgia nerve. I can tell you that without playing morrowind in the past it doesn't have anything up on any modern game. Also I listed that those anime ""games"" are shit, read before you post friendo

Anything by recent bethseda old bethseda is not very good but at least has a game to it
Anything by ubisoft
Anything by naughty dog
Anything by Gearbox
Anything by activision (including blizard)
Anything Mobile (with like 3 exceptions)
Anything by EA
Anything by EA sports

Dark souls has it ups and it's downs, it's overhyped to all hell which can make it seem worse than it is but over all i'd give it a 7/10.

Fallout 4
The Witcher 3
Assassin's Creed series
League of Legends

>Almost any pixel art indie game ever
normies hate this shit tho
every time there's an indie announcement look at youtube comments and twitter, you'll see dudes with assassin's creed avatars complaining about indie games

The entire GTA franchise

All of them, faggot.


>Only indie games and games from before 2005 are the only good games

Assassin's Creed
Anything Blizzard (save for SC1 and BW)
Anything Nintendo
Fighting games
Sports shit
Dark Souls


All nintendo first party games

Metal Gear Solid


Back to tumblr faggot


God Hand

You must be new

This user knows what he's talking about. Sup Forums loves it but nothing is more normiecore than GTA.

More this, really.

Fire Emblem Awakening and Fates. ESPECIALLY Fates.

Any C&C game

Is GBF the new KanColle?



Fallout 4.

Life is Strange. Cringe writing choices that don't matter at all because of the ending and just ripped off popular movies like Groundhog Day and Donnie Darko. Yet people praise this as pure perfection

>Dark Souls

Any title marketed as the next AAA title you have to get. I think there was some The Division game or something that people were talking about a few months ago.

>Not playing shit games is a bad thing
>This makes you fedoracore

Nice filename, faggot

Weak b8 if I'm being totally honest



do normies think it's good? does anyone?


nehrim was 10x the game morrowind was
