Welcome to Weenie Hut Jr's!
How casual are you?
Welcome to Weenie Hut Jr's!
How casual are you?
i'm so casual i play rance with a walkthrough
I spent money on a mobile game.
I'm having fun playing a free mobile sports game for a sport I'm not even interested in
I yawn between reloads
I play all my VNs with walkthrougs.
I never do NG+s, just start a new character.
I play on easy or very easy exclusively
Dark souls is the hardest game I've ever beaten.
I just bought 11 loot boxes in Overwatch for $9.99
I've spent a sad amount of time on this game
I only play on the easiest difficulty
I'm so casual, I play first person shooters on PC!
The only games that I am playing right now are:
. Rainbow 6
. Overwatch
. No Man's Sky
And I can't wait for Deus Ex to come out. Also, I own a shitty Laptop and a PS4.
I play whatever games I think are fun and don't limit myself to only playing certain games.
I actually really enjoy BioWare's tolerant social agenda, it's kind of comfy
Pffft, so?
I'm so casual I still play Minecraft with friends.
How casual am I? HOW CASUAL AM I?
I once used a health potion before fighting a final boss
In a puzzle game
I only play mobile games nowadays.
Two of them being gacha mobage (That's japanese for "jewish slot machines for total idiots")
and I CHOOSE to use a controller instead of a mouse and keyboard
With the help of Aimbots
I play overwatch
Fuck you
I play nba 2k, and madden more than any game
I play overwatch, and I stop playing for the day after 3 rounds
I beat Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones by grinding all of the characters in tower of valdi
Ehh right this way, sorry to keep you waiting.
I'm so casual I always use some other dude's save data.
I play consoles only.
I switched from Classic to Casual on Lunatic Conquest because of Iago's bullshit
I played through Bioshock Infinite on the easiest difficulty and I only used melee attacks with the mod/perk/whatever it's called that lights things you melee on fire. I did it on PS3.
This is anti-casual if you can actually do good with it
casul would be using a M+KB adapter on console
I beat DmC 3 on easy mode with auto combos on
I'm so casual I played through the Order 1886 using the QTE guide book.
I like skyrim more than darksouls.