Is it bad that I'm a 25 year old man who's friends with a 14 year old girl who frequently invites me to Overwatch...

Is it bad that I'm a 25 year old man who's friends with a 14 year old girl who frequently invites me to Overwatch matches the minute I come online? She's actually better at the game than me at a few heroes, if we play custom games and she wins she'll actually make fun of all of us afterwards.

Is it bad that her high pitched voice over the chat gives me an erection? she even tells me she admires how manly and deep my voice is. am I going to hell?

>Is it bad that I'm a 25 year old man who's friends with a 14 year old girl

Tell your co-workers and see how they react.

You do actually hold a job, right?

why is she sitting on his dick?

fuck her

yes of course. i have a girlfriend too. i don't actually have much time to play overwatch, so it's nice that the few hours i play over the week she actually invites me right away if she's online. i admit i'd love to meet this teen girl though, she has a very fun personality


Nice pasta

It's like a student teacher relationship.
Got a boner, thanks op

>i have a girlfriend too

Then ask her.

OP I hope you realize how bad this could end up if your not seriously careful

It's a man with a voice changer though. You're welcome.

You sure do like going on about this.

As long as youre just gaming buddies, who cares. Dont be a fucking creep bro.

Leave OP alone. He's just confused.

In 10 years, when you're divorcing the woman you're currently with, you can hit her up and she might have sex with you and immediately regret it!

This thread sucks as much as it did last time.
Everyone post their reaper comics.


you both deserve everything bad in the life that happens to you

Obviously record the voice and give us a listen or we all claim fake and gay.


does she sit on you like this?

It's not abnormal from a strictly biological standpoint (i.e. scientific, practically infallible) standpoint. As soon as she ovulates, she's ready to go and a hormonally normative man is supposed to be attracted to her. Nature wants it this way. Even if she's 14.
However, society has it that this fact is to be condemned and denied. Why? The explanation is simple. The majority of females is older than that, and their value on the sexual market would decrease tremendously if more young girls were allowed to compete for men. It would make it even more difficult for old hags to access cock.

Blame women. Tell your 14-year-old Overwatch girl to enjoy her youth, because she'll grow into a self-obsessed beast once it's over.

I can't wait for the posts after he finds out that his OW friend is neither 14 nor female.

I'm confused as to why he keeps making these shit threads over and over.

>They're just kids but they're sluts

give sauce


to be honest i've met a lot of girls in overwatch because of this girl. some are college aged, others are clearly teen girls just like her based on how immature they sound over group chat.

because of this girl my battle net friends list has gone up by like 30 people. there was a 13 year old boy she made friends with, but he was actually an annoying asshole and now she always kicks him whenever he tries to join the game.




Or maybe the rules are there to protect girls from deluded people like you.

does his beak touch the ground with each rep?

This thread has caused a surplus of blood to flow into my penis creating an erection. Please continue.

Online games allow for people to become friends with people they normally wouldn't. Nothing's wrong with that. I'd say enjoy your friendship.

If she makes any sort of sexual comments towards you in any sort of expectant way you may want to proceed with caution.

Heyyy, I have seen this thread before.

>you're even posting this on Sup Forums too
holy fuck mate give it a rest

He's been spamming in quite literally every OW thread here for the past week. I'm assuming he's been doing it on /vg/ as well?

she's actually a trump supporter.

one time we were playing defense and she said "OK, we're playing Defense, we just have to build a wall! Just like Trump's wall!" she told me she wishes she was old enough to vote for him.

Hearing her high pitched little voice say "Donald is gonna put Hillary in jail after he gets elected" made me smile from ear to ear.

Also she's very smart, claims to hate anime and thinks people who watch it are dumb. She knows from an early age weeaboos are degenerate

why not?
I befriend with a high school girl because we're regulars in my local arcade
as long as both of you don't step over the line. it's fine

idk bro get a pic at least then see what happens

if you're in the usa its a bad idea

if you're in the uk then you can probably get away with fucking her.

abort abort

Nobody needs to be protected from me, I'm the sane guy. I believe nothing that can't be proven. That's more than can be said about most people.

Ignore this post.

Shes a keeper.

>trump supporter AND believes in [[[the wall]]]
>very smart

lol ok

>if you're in the uk then you can probably get away with fucking her.

Only if he's Muslim, they won't do anything out of fear for being labeled Islamophobic

Omg wtf im a hilldawg now???


man i wanted loli doujins



>the hillary boogeyman

she's a fucking retard too but that doesn't make trump any less of a moron

do it

in the old days marriage between cousins was legal

Does she bully you when she wins?

Wait 3 years, then wait another 2 to become a wizard.


>being a foreigner lover in order to appear smart

Very dumb. And I'm an immigrant myself.

I wish I could beat the shit out of you, you pathetic piece of shit.

Reporting doesnt do anything anymore.

Yes, dunno why it's Zenyatta push ups.


>foreigner lover

amazing how every single trump supporter resorts exclusively to strawmen when confronted with views that don't mirror theirs

because since he's grandpa and she's been snuggly and cute and nonsexually close with him since she was little they're comfortable doing stupid stuff like this, jeeeeez Sup Forums

At least you've got a friend.

Spot the virgins.

"the wall" is a symbol for reforming the US society into something that's not dependent on immigrant labor. That's bad for the immigrants, and bad for the people who profit off their labor, but not for you. Why do you care?

Well i won't say anything to incriminate myself but there is plenty of 13-15 year olds willing to fuck an older guy.

Get help if you get an erection from a 14 year olds voice.

>Hearing her high pitched little voice say "Donald is gonna put Hillary in jail after he gets elected"
>Also she's very smart

I don't see anything wrong with having a friend you play games with even if she's 14 and your 25.


>being this fucking deluded

They're not sexually mature just because you ovulate.

I was in similar situation
Im 19
Playing gta v on ps3
Join a random lobby with mic
Its full of kids who also have mics
Decided to mess with them
One kid thinks im the funniest guy ever
At one point I tell him he sounds like my younger cousin
Turns out its actually a 12 or 13 year old girl
Some time passes while playing
She tells me she wants me to join her in a group chat
I never knew the ps3 even had group chats
I join her and talk with her every night for about a week

I forgot to put all that shit in green text...

>Is it bad that I'm a 25 year old man who's friends with a 14 year old girl
Are you fucking her?
If no, then that's bad.
If yes, then that's the normal way of things and good.

It's alright user, everybody makes mistakes and it still was an interesting read

>le magic wall that we'll ruin our foreign relations over by demanding Mexico pays for it

The reality is Congress will never back it since even Republicans hate him and even if they did, we'd be the ones paying it.

Wait for her to turn 18.

Nothing wrong with being friends with someone that young if you don't wanna fuck them.

Unless you do then stay as far away from them.

>It's like a dam just broke in my pants

Damn post more it's really cute

> I'm supposed to like 14 year olds
Sorry, I breed better with thic milfs, thank you very much

Stop playing with her right now, I'm warning you. Don't let the pedos and lolifags of this site fool you, you can land in hot shit with the feds or angry civilians like her dad. Just go for an older chick, it's not that hard.