Do you ever feel like you just like JRPGs because you're supposed to?

Do you ever feel like you just like JRPGs because you're supposed to?

No, I form my own opinions.

I love SMT for the mythology blend with technology and designs, but i really find hard to like any other Jrpg series, only the old FFs because i find them comfy.

Since when?

>people can't possibly like something I don't like, they must all be pretending
I expect nothing less from the """deep""" and """intullectual""" supermind that is xdck or whatever his stick figure doodles are called.

Also JRPGs aren't popular enough anywhere but Japan for someone to feel like they should like them because "they should like them"

>Do you ever feel like you just like JRPGs because you're supposed to?

Don't ever, ever say or think that again.

I really don't think I'm "supposed to" like JRPGs, in fact I think it would be more normal to not play them.

>that comic
There are other beers besides Bud Light and Miller Light out there

You're supposed to hate them, and I do. Trash genre.

no, because JRPGs after 1990 are about the most contrived "genre" after ASSFAGGOTS and post-WoW MMORPGs

I just play the exceptions to the rule

I think it was implied that the guy offering the beer was cool and the guy pretending was an enormous faggot. At least that's how I took it.

I play anything with cute anime girls.

No I generally enjoy JRPGs. There were only 2 or so WRPGs I enjoyed over the 7 or 8 JRPGs I played.

I just tried Boneshaker. Used to kind of agree with the comic but fuck that was delicious. Has a skeleton on the bottle so you know it's good.

beer is trash tho tbpf

Why drink it when liquor tastes better and gets you drunk faster? It sucks that it's the knuckle-draggers' drink of choice so that we must be all forced to drink it lest our manhoods be questioned.

Why do they play them? Is it for the immature, sickly narratives? Is it for the dismembered “strategy” gameplay of the random encounter? Is it because they’re working up some immensely pornographic fan comic based around the female leads and the most tentacle-endowed sub-boss? Is it because the joyless grinding of larger and larger numbers to make bigger and bigger damage numbers appear above their enemies provides an utterly false sense of achievement, massaging the same part of the brain that drives a rat to press on a feeder bar for a snack treat? Ding ding ding!

>I drink to get drunk
You have to be 18 years or older to post here, buddy


this anime was top-tier disgusting though
nothing cute there at all.

I used to laugh at OP's comic as completely nonsensical. Then I tried an american beer, and could see where the guy on the right could be coming from

>he doesn't want cookies baked with '''''''''love''''''''


But dead girl was a cutie

I don't like JRPGs though.

I don't trust you

>Randall Munroe
his "what if" segments are funnier.

also, of course not
the JRPG genre is a combination of too hobbies not commonly accepted before the twenty first century

weaboos are cringy and so are "gamers", but the bar is immediately raised once you encounter a combination of those two

I grew up in a world where all my options to drink were
>sweet tea
>and "juice"

When I had my first beer, I had no idea they were bitter, and was almost eternally put off from drinking it ever again. though one day I decided to get drunk as possible without giving a fuck how beer tastes, and decided that I'm willing to put up with it for the effect.

RIP visable sage


>beer is for kids... I like a beverage that makes me THINK
>*chuckles to myself*

No. I started playing them when they were good. Then stopped when they became shit. Circle of life continued.


Dead girl also had white hair unless it's an edit of course.

Did someone ask for an XKCD thread?

never liked them
turn-based games are a snoozefest for me

What? No. I don't even like JRPGs "in general". I like some specific JRPGs, generally because they give me something that I like. However, I've long felt that JRPGs never really lived up to their potential and mostly just exist now as time wasters.

Sometimes quite literally.

What makes you think that I would like JRPGs "because I am supposed to"?

fuck, i used to think these were so funny when i was in high school

i even remember seeing bits of it in my textbook

what happened

You changed as a person.

>and "juice"

Goddamnit I hated "juice," even as a kid I could tell it was artificial.

I'm very picky with them. I can't deal with generic JRPG combat, though I view Final Fantasy with rose tinted glasses. If there's not some element of strategy like Fire Emblem or FFT I'm generally not really into it. I don't really play them for story either, since books exist and all.

Modern JRPGs annoy me with their overwrought mechanics and five hour tutorial sequences. I think my problem is that I'm not much of a weeb (I was reading Marvel Essentials volumes while all my friends were obsessing over Shonen Jump) and so I tend to be more critical of stuff with an anime style.

You grew up and realized he's just a pretentious tool. He's so desperate to give off the impression that he's clever, sometimes he'll put more effort into the 'look how smart I am' aspect of a comic and completely neglect the joke.

Why didn't he just say "autism" instead of going all verbose?

Because the truth hurts

unfiltered can be amazing, but I'm certainly not an IPA fan.

You can call it "drink", user. We know about that purple drink.

Fuck I love this show.

fukkin epin comic XD


Do you guys miss being edgy teenagers?

I don't.

Did someone say video games?

you haven't seen many xkcds then. good for you

What really annoys me about this is that he's clearly drinking hairguy's beer, and thus wasting his money while complaining about it to his face.

Imagine if your friend took your wallet and ordered a pizza with your card and then started bitching about how pizza sucks.

Sadly not


I don't like or pretend to like JRPGs though

Why do half my professors put XKCD strips in their slides?

you have to change the last lol to 4u


I miss it every day.

The linear skinner box gameplay at the heart of the modern JRPG is unsalvageable bullshit, and I've always been perplexed by series like Final Fantasy which have terrible writing and character designs as well but somehow manage to find massive success anyway.

It was surreal first playing ancient ones like Dragon Quest 1-3 and Phantasy Star 1 and actually having fun wandering around figuring out what to do and where to go

...sweet baby christ, is this abstract Loss?

>complaining a game is a skinner box





no now it's ruined
why didn't you just do what that guy said?
Jeez, no subtlety at all.


Fine, perfectionist.

xkcd is alright. There's enough clever jokes in there that I can tolerate the non-existent art and the fact that it's basically the day to day ramblings of a computer engineer. A lot of the comics fall totally flat though. Too many of them boil down to [contextless reference to academic concept].

Yes, other genres condition their players through button presses but you usually have to learn something or train a skill to play. Somewhere down the line RPGs turned into slot machines where no matter how lucky you are, you're still out $60 after all the pretty lights.

Which wouldn't be so bad if they could survive on the strength of their narratives but they almost never can. I think it really is the flowery graphics and big damage numbers people shell out for.

XKCD was actually much better several years ago. Randall ran out of ideas and now he's just coasting.

His what if book is pretty solid, though.

JRPGs are fun every once in a while.

>immature stories and characters
>pointless out of place fanservice
>angsty dialogue
>no actual roleplaying
>linear with few options

>mature stories and characters who are relatable and make sense
>thought provoking dialogue
>role playing before you even start the game with character creation
>open world with lots of paths and options

JRPGs were always meant for children who just want to grind endlessly and hope they can get that special line of dialogue with their waifu

>not a meme beer

Here's the image to save you time.

Do you ever feel like people just like xkcd because it's supposed to be a "smart" comic, but really it's just not funny?

That's the gist of it, yes.

Yeah, pretty much.
It's like the big bang theory.

>ITT: I can't recognize self-deprecating humor
Who's the autist now? Hint: it's you.

I've played (finished) like 3 JRPGs in my life. Persona 3, Xenoblade Chronicles, and Xenoblade Chronicles X. They're alright. I don't have a problem with grinding but man do they pad stuff out. Paper Mario: TTYD is great though, if that counts.

And for what it's worth I've played a little bit of SMT IV and it's better than Persona 3 but I haven't gotten around to finishing it yet.

I don't like them. And i've tried: Parasite Eve, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VII, Pokemon (if that counts). All of them were too boring. Turn based combat belongs to board games.

Someone posted it, thank god.

This is truth

The best SMT games blow all the other JRPG and WRPG out of the water.

WRPG are generallt inferior to JRPG but they have some of the best games like Planescape Torment.

Do you ever feel like people just respond to the off-topic image and not the comment not because it's genuinely more interesting, but just because they feel like they're supposed to since this is Sup Forums?

>image more interesting than OP

jRPGs in the past fifteen years (sometime after FF9 but before FF13) have gotten too anime for their own good. You play one, you've played them all. The characters are flat and bland. The environments are all the same.

Dragon Quest still holds up. Pokemon G/S/C still hold up. FF6 and 7 are still great. When they focus on the adventure and not the gameplay, jRPGs are at their best. Despite its gameplay, Last Remnant gets overlooked because of how generic it looks

>Talking shit about Ramza
4/10 made me reply

>made me reply
>to an old and obvious bait image

You're a special kind of stupid.

This isn't funny. Also, beers can taste good so long as they aren't pisswater like Bud Light.

>Has a skeleton on the bottle so you know it's good.

Maybe I'm just very easily pandered to but as a horror nut I have found this to be invariably true