This is a ps1 game right?

thats a nice upscale of a ps2 game

lets see you make a better looking game that has as much content as FFXV, dick

That's a Sega Saturn game, right?

No, this is a PS2 game.

ahh less than 5 posts and already salt

>you can't even drive the car
>not even joking, car is on rails
>all you can do is listen to the radio and look at the environment
>which is shit

can't make this shit up

they'll patch it


not salt, just sad that you retards have to just judge games by there graphics before you even play them


>by there

Fuck off retard. They were bragging about how groundbreaking the graphics were for FFXV, and now we have pic related.

You're fucking damn right people will judge.


So this... is the power... of the PS4...

thats just because modern consoles cant handle the sheer size of the game. when it comes to pc we can play it at its full potential



darling...darling...STAND BAH MEEHEEEE

no wonder it was delayed.

wait for the PS neo/xbox scorpio or PC version


Please let this be the nail in the FF coffin. It needs to die already.


Florence has a great voice and she is cute!

Is it coming to PC or do i have to buy it on my shitstation 4?

Is this an open world ff then? Or is it like Witcher 2 semi open?

What went wrong?

>can't make this shit up

You just did tho.

You again ?

I hope people realize it's always the sae faggot who brags every single day for the same shit.

Get a life or kill yourself.


They really built up the infrastructure on Hyrule Field.

Your butthurt is hilarious.

Reminds me of Xenoblade Chronicles X, but that at least had mechs.

Is this a recap on how /o/ dropped the hopes and dreams of the whole site?

It is more colorful