There are people on this board that use Blood Vials & Estus Flaks when being invaded/invading

There are people on this board that use Blood Vials & Estus Flaks when being invaded/invading.

Why do these people exist?
If you're so bad at a game you need to heal, its time to stop and git gud.


I never minded it much, except for when we'd be having a 3 minute fight slowly whittling eachother down and so it looks like we are agreed no healing, then he sprints away and biggulps

if you're so good then why is your post so salty senpai? :)

I do it because it makes you buttmad

If you can't kill a host that wants to chug then you're shit at the game to be honest. If you prep for pvp and then invade someone struggling to clear the npc enemies then you have a massive advantage. If you leave someone alone long enough to get a full chug then it's your own fault.

Op if I invaded you I expect that you would use estus, else the fight wouldn't last long enough to be any fun.

DaS3's healing is so retardedly fast because of the speed of PVE.

DaS/BB thread?

Question about BB co-op. How exactly does the bell work? I want to co-op with other players in the chalice dungeons. So I ring my bell and I see players from other worlds ringing their bell aswell, but we don't get matched up. What gives?

You couldn't sound more wrong if you tried.

Prove too me you're not a scrub for healing.
Its because you CAN'T kill someone by learning how to dodge/roll and attack at the right time

It's because you CAN'T use the enviroment too your advantage or succesfully bait players towards where you want them

You my friend are the cancer killing video games. Just off yourself and die

I don't do it, and it's slightly annoying.

But it's part of the game, and has been for a long time.

If they can't get good, you have to get better.

All's fair in love and war.

>There are people who use game mechanics in this game and not obey my arbitrary self-made rules.

If I can kill hosts that heal and gang up then you should be able to too.

I'm mediocre at best at the game.

Therefore if you can't do something that a mediocre person CAN do, the logical conclusion is that you're worse than mediocre (aka shit).

Now I'll start doing it just to piss off OP

Good. Don't whine like a bitch if I throw you a Numbing Mist.

>Being an honorrabuutard that falls for every dirty trick
>Not abusing every possible advantage you can

more like if you're so shit you can't punish people for trying to heal, you need to get off this board. also sage and gay

Question, is it ok to use purple or red moss to reduce poison or bleed build up?
During an honorable fight or a fight club.

if you can't kil someone who heals it means you couldn't kill t hem to begin with. if you can do it once, you can do it ten times. if you can't do it ten times, it means you couldn't do it once.

TL;DR: git gud

Yes. It is up to the opponent to try to punish you for standing still to eat a moss.

You faggots are the reason everyone mocks gamers

You're pathetic

>1v1 honorable duel
>hes a abyss meme sword user
>easily beating the guy
>he chugs on me
>fuck with him by hounding him with knives, thorns rolling damage and other stupid shit
>he about to die and chugs again
>spam clap emote over and over and just dodge his attacks
>kill him
>chug all my estus while he fades
Probably one of the best things in souls is being a cheeky cunt

Honorfags are the fucking worst.

If you invade then your job is to kill the host by any means necessary. If you're a host who gets invaded then you do everything you can to survive and fight off the invader. Not hard to fucking understand.

Don't invade in my world, run up to me, bow and expect me to follow whatever arbitrary rules you honorfags come up with.

I miss the days when invaders gave no fucks and just attacked on sight.

I just started Bloodborne and I've died at least 10 times going down the street and trying to kill the mobs of faggots carrying the torches. I gave up trying to go other way and fight the fat dude with the axe. What do?

if you heal on legit duels then you are a gigantic fag, but invasions?, thats another story, if a faggot enters uninvited to my game and tries to ruin my shit then I have all the right in the world to chug as much sunny Ds that I want

I stopped playing DaS3 because of the retarded invasion system and shitty PvP in general. So glad I didn't buy the season pass.

All of this, bowing is for fucking kids

uh no sometimes you can do it once but not ten times. are you ricky bobbys dad or something?

Mastodon set will always be my favorite set. Look at it, quite noble isn't it?

underrated post
all your Sup Forumsirgins BTFO

Throw pebbles

Quite thrilling

Is there any way to throw a Molotov quickly or do you have to go into the inventory every time ?

Don't you realize all that bowing and all that kind can give you an advantage for catching them unguarded? Let the honorfags do what they want until they get what's coming for them.

When I invade I usually stay still until they bow, then I pounce them with a cannon or throw them a Numbing Mist. If we both stand still, then all bets are off.

Learn some fucking tactic dumbasses.

Put it in your quick inventory which is used with square. It's the big black box near hp and such. DONT PRESS UP to scroll backwards, doesn't work.

Maybe you need to git gud and deal with it, fuckin scrub

This. Invasions were intended to augment the single player experience, it's not supposed to be a fucking multiplayer mode. 2011 Dark Souls invasions were the shit