Vivian James plays Star Citizen, why don't you?

Vivian James plays Star Citizen, why don't you?

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Because Doomfest is a giant fucking faggot advertising his own work behind the scenes in SC

I'll pirate it I guess. Never really did any research on it.

>person from Sup Forums has bad taste in video games
Wow did you hear the news user the sky is blue

>he paid $20,000 for a ship

But user, I only bought the base package.

Because I play No Man's Sky.

>Vivian James

oh shit i'm getting cringe reverberations from the past

try not to be so choosy about what underage girl you fantasize about being

There's no game out yet, I don't throw money at crowdscamming projects and I don't preorder.

Why would you waste money on something that isn't complete, or even remotely guaranteed to ever fully launch?

Seriously Doom, this is some fucking terribad art of yours for a SCAD graduate. All that hard surface modeling has wasted the only useful talent you have.

> but it was 2 years ago

whatever poofter

Considering the technology to make the game they wanted to make didn't exist prior to the game's development, I'd say that they're doing pretty well.

A project of this size and scale would have been in utter development hell if it was published by a modern publisher, and at the same time, we would have never heard of it except with some vague interviews and trailers/ screenshots.

Not saying im happy with how long its taking, but at least they're transparent about the game development and player feedback, unlike Elite: dangerous which turned out to be a massive scam and No Man's Sky, which was hyped beyond reason, and had a fraction of the features everyone thought it was going to have.

Meanwhile, star citizen, from what I can play on the alpha version right now, I can fly around in a space ship crewed by multiple people, EVA and board another ship or a space station, ect, the technology still needs some work, but the core foundations of the game are there.

This is everything you need to know

>and had a fraction of the features everyone thought it was going to have.

and had a fraction of the features the developer outright stated it was going to have up to 4 months before it launched*

Either way, No Man's Sky just turned out to be a generic survival game in the end.

No I didn't.

she's an idort, is there something she doesn't play?

Friendly reminder to report this gamergate shit.

>using to x52 pro sticks
>no throttles around

That's not how the X52 works.
The stick connects to the throttle and the throttle connects to the PC.
You can't use the stick on it's own.

Girl gamers amirite

x55 brah they work anywur

except theres no left hand available to my knowledge

Kill yourself.

kill yourself

except im an idiot nvm i didnt look at the picture close cuz anime. you are right.

carry on.

Clearly an x52

Please post the original, non VivianShit/GamerGate edit pic.

>why don't you?

>early access crowdfunding
>$1500 content
>p2w combat
>first person mmo space simulator
>community more arrogant than TOR in its heyday

Man whatever

>gamefaqs poster pops on Sup Forums
>posts image about Sup Forums and neo-Sup Forums
>complains about GG

This could go more wrong, but it'd require emoticons.


> needs crewmembers past 150 to be efficent.


Why don't you like my game?

Is there a good place to discuss this gamekino that's not the reddit or /scg/?

You'd potentially be less full of shit if it was actually going to be possible to have more then 16 players in a single instance in star citizen

>they donated 68,000 dollary doos to feminists for e-cred and still got bullied by trannies on twitter

I wasn't talking about one ship user.

Well that was lame.

You seem like a person who isn't interested in space simulation