What games did you play today?

What games did you play today?

Nothing, played with my dick instead

Zero Time Dilemma and Overwatch

Trying to escape from Dumpster tier.
Dropped like 300 points but ended the day 200 above where I started.

Monster Hunter Freedom Urine

Diablo 2 and Vanilla WoW private servers.

Dead by Daylight
Elder Scrolls Online

Pretty boring day desu


Kirby Planet Robobot and Rhythm Heaven Megamix

Ys 1 and 2 Chronicles.
Played through the first game again just for the fuck of it. Never beat the second game which is the main reason I started playing it.

Resident Evil 4 and Legend of Grimrock


Sorry didn't get to update it.

Monster Hunter Generations

Adol is the perfect man.

No Man's Sky and I'm booting up MGS4 for the first time right now.

I don't get all the hate for NMS but it is optimized like shit. It's already crashed my entire PS4 twice.

Hey, we had headless corpses and all the rock hard penises you could stand.

ratchet and clank deadlocked and shiny hunting in pokemon y

The hate for NMS is because the devs are filthy liars.

Adventure Capitalist

>tfw wrapped in my blanky watching my profits rise

Fate/Extra, Danmaku Unlimited 2, and Alltynex Second

I got a little bit further in the last two on a single credit than I normally do, and chipped away a bit at the Fate game. I'll be back to that one when I can focus a bit more time on it; I prefer to play full weeks together whenever possible, given how the game plays out.

Super Princess Peach

The ending sucked

Dangaronpa 2, not kidding

I wanna hug Chiaki

Death Road to Canada

and a little bit of Nuclear Throne

Zela hyrule warriors leyends, Kirby TP and PR and super metroid

fuck, i meant to type Kirby TD

Playing gurumin a monstrous adventure right now. Bretty comfy.

So far I've played SRW J and had to do the next to last mission over again cause the emulator didn't save (using gbSP) and completed Jasmine's Hearts story in SK:EV.

I grinded Warframe for a little bit and then played some Fractured Space. Also a bit of 4craft. The Discord is comfy as fuck.

I wait to judge the game until after I play it. I never buy into the hype, so if you're asking me, if you actually believed all the shit Murray promised, you're retarded.

metal gear online and pokemon puzzle challenge

What, you didn't like the idea of your mom hiding her Vibe Wand in her closet?

Terraria, still need to kill Duke Fishron

Man I didn't even think of it that way

I just felt like Perry's story didn't get concluded. Where's my grandpa?

Love Live! School Idol Festival.
Spent most of the day watching the Pokemon World Championships.

Assassin's Creed Syndicate.

Shame this one had to come out after Unity, people didn't feel like giving it a chance, rightfully so.

Pity because I would put this one right up there with II and Black Flag, as some of the series best.

Honestly, that pissed me off as well. We had Perry's tale up to halfway through the game, spent a huge amount of time getting all those damn treasure chests, and... nothing. Really, Nintendo?

I mean, I didn't even mind that the Princess Peach game had a story about a talking umbrella instead of one about Peach. But to just start randomly telling the tale, not have it really relate to much of anything, and just... drop it?

My only assumption is that Perry got dumped into the Mushroom Kingdom lost-n-found after that and promptly forgotten. You would've thought that he would at least guest-star as Peach's umbrella in the Smash games or something.


Tomorrow I'll play some M2 with EBII

Pokemon Go :^)

Nah I'm kidding. I finished Persona 3 FES and I got Red Faction Guerrila installed now. Tomorrow night I will give it a shot.

Nintendo didn't make it.
But they should've butted in and say "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

Played some of the mutant pack DLC for EDF 4.1, playing as a Ranger when those big puke green ants and speedy little puke green ants rush the map is literal suicide and frustrating as all hell.

Played a bit of Fallout New Vegas, still trying to get into it but it's just... Fucking awful, I'll never understand what Sup Forums sees in it.

Other than that... Just been jerking off all day.

To be fair, just looking at how Other M turned out, I think that Super Princess Peach got off lucky.

worked on a DM map in new DOOM. snapmap is pretty limited but there is one way to make custom geometry, as tedious as it is

>New Vegas being awful

I get it, the graphics are shit and the "feel" of the guns is inferior to most FPSs/TPSs but we all think its good because in every single quest there's plenty of tought, design and story. It's just a great RPG.


>EVER mattering in a video game more than gameplay

Nah, it's shit.

I honestly don't think the gameplay is THAT bad senpai, but I can totally see where are you coming from.

Planet Robobot was so fucking good. That final boss was top tier.

Kill Dad
Sexy Hiking

Might play some Symphonia

Get your ass back in the surreal games thread, faggot.

Honestly, if the gunplay were better and your character moved at a faster pace than a mere crawl, I might like it better.

Still looks like sepia toned dogshit though.

I'm still there friend

Tales of Symphonia and Cod Blops 2

Gnomelette's are fucking annoying