ITT: Great potential gone to waste

ITT: Great potential gone to waste.

Pic severely related. I still love it, honestly. But there's nothing to it.

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I agree with you. It had such potential, but the only thing to do in it is grind items. And the drop rate on Radiant Fire Crystals is so awful, that I just had to stop.

It still has potential, but they just refuse to actually add legitimate content to the fucking game, it's insane.

Do we know how many Grey Haven devs are actively working on SK?

Hey, you got a Five star item! Nice work!

Now you gotta level that thing up. Collecting heat is no big deal though right? Just clear some levels and you should get enough to heat that shit up!

But hey hey hey not so fast. We gotta put that thing in the forge now! You do have enough fire crystals for 100% right? You don't? Well, you can take a chance and maybe waste some crystals or you can take the other option.

Just waste an hour or so at time clearing tier 3 levels and MAYBE just fucking MAYBE you might get three crystals from a loot box. Remember though, you need an absurd number to get a 100% chance, and you need to level your whole gear set! 10 fucking times.

You don't like that? Well, goy, er ehem, boy, you can spend some sheckels, erhm.. money on some energy and buy the crystals instead! No grinding needed!


>Gray Haven will save it!
>No substantial new content
>Still just doing prize boxes
Considering the state of thier website, I am pretty sure the answer is 0.

From what I've seen looking around, absolutely no idea at all yet. Grey Haven used to be described as a "Studio that keeps games in a museum sort of fashion" wherein they basically just keep games up and running without actually adding any new content to them. But supposedly they've since then stated that was an outdated way of looking at their studio, and that they want to change that.

So who the hell even knows what they're planning to do with it.

Still? I took a two year break from it and found it bastardized beyond F2P-belief.

Fuck, now I want to play again ;_;

Fuck, now I know why I shouldn't.

It's frankly bizarre that how easy it is to get heat compared to how hard it is to get fire crystals.

When fire crystals were first introduced, radiant fire crystals (5 stars) were quite easy to get and shining fire crystals (4 stars) were scarce. Those were strange times.

And now it costs ~500 radiant crystals to max out an item. And you might get 3 from an hour-long vanaduke run.

>sparks of life and Radient fire crystals drop farily frequently on elite, making it almost as good if not better then the old revive system.
>nope cant have people having fun in this game without paying us their annual fun tax
>radients pretty much stop dropping all together along with sparks of life for an entire year
>weapon RECIPES that require PVP points to purchase and require materials that also require PVP points to purchase are locked behind the laggy literal grind to win pvp that no one even plays anymore due to how shit it is and how their are only 4 maps and one gamemode
>battle sprites were fucking money sinks that are useless combat wise because the devs are fuck tarded and dont know how to scale attack damage, making them only good for the perks which you only get when their on the cusp of max level that requires multiple cashshop items to get to because fuck you
>the Christmas event was bullshit literally designed to kill you as many times and as cheaply as possible along with the promise of rewards that fucking expired at the end of the month and reskins of existing weapons
>make the drop rates a tiny bit more bareable a year later
>still no weapon balance so theirs still no reason to use anything but the elemental brandishes in pve
>still no armor reworks so theirs still no reason to use anything but chaos cloak since defense against anything in this game is pointless
this game fucked its shit up so hard and it makes me furious because of all the potential it had to be great

4stars are still retardedly hard to get
I dropped the game because of it

Still hurts...

By the time 3 came out, I completely lost interest in AC. I fucking LOVED 1 and 2, but all of these spinoffs just lost me.

>Right around the same time frame when it first popped up
>Was fucking insane
>Sold off and lost all potential

What the fuck are these fire crystals? Then again, I last played the game in 2012.

In addition to needing heat to level up items, you now have to pay a number of fire crystals that depends on the level and number of stars the item has.

Fire crystals come in 6 varieties, 1 variety for each star level. The level 5 fire crystals (radiant fire crystals) are stupidly rare. You can buy them with CE, but they are also stupidly expensive. I don't think $2.50 worth of them is enough to get you from level 9 to 10.

Don't care what most people say, I still think back when elevators took energy and you could buy an elevator pass were the best times for SK. Grind rates weren't so rediculous back then because they had to keep them within reach of people who'd just use their 100 free energy to play, so for $5 a month, you were free to play as much as you felt like and not waste tons of time grinding gear. I'd rather have paid the tiny monthly fee and had fun than have to pay for fire crystals to get anywhere, which quickly becomes never ending.

In my experience, Playing Spiral Knights was like having hemorrhoids.

Playing Warframe was like having rectal cancer.

Woah, wait, what? How? I was JUST thinking of trying this out.

I see where you're coming from, but on the other hand, they did make alchemy much easier. Eternal Orbs of Alchemy drop often enough and you only need three of them to upgrade an item from 4 to 5 stars. Much easier than grinding enough crowns to afford 650 CE.

Basically, I just gave up on getting 5 star items to level 10. At level 5, they are about as strong as 4star level 10 items and come with the perks of having 5 stars.

Anyone happen to have any gear/energy/accesories/costumes they don't want in Spiral knights if so can I obtain them from you since you don't need them that much?

>killing off Desmond


You got some unbound items in there somewhere I know you do user.

What's changed since then?
Last time i played Argent Peacemaker and Divine Avenger were the best weapons out

Is that your real inventory, or did you just find that off the internet? If it's true then how long have you been playing?

Grindy to the point of making Spiral Knights look good. Shitty Devs with a god complex who ignore their community, treat them like shit and still manage to ruin the game that little bit more with every update.

Hillariously bad balance across the entire selection of weapons and characters, but strategies that are too effective are nerfed into oblivion because they don't want you climbing over their paywalls. Community is full of jaded assholes because the only way to advance yourself is by actively screwing over other players. I could go on but it's uh.... basically getting jewed, the game, the experience. Really, your life will be happier without it.

Yes, but still no.

made that screencap two years ago.

So you still play the game?

I remember the soundtrack was pretty tight.
Also I felt like the only faggot who leveled up the Dread Skelly Helm and Cold Iron Vanquisher because they were cool and edgy.

i dont see it, i play off an d on and while it is grindy, you can still get something you like without a mouintianis effort.

dont know much about the community, worst ive ever seen are some snippish people and trading jewery, but that normal.

also the art style is very nice, i would love to get ahold of the concept art they must have


Oh boy, are you in for a surprise.

Can you add me in spiral knights I need help to get to dreams, and nightmares, and I have no sparks to use IGN:Kudelia Also why is the fucking Kat event so retarded I hate it so much I just want the black kat cowl.

>sharing your player name

I agree about the Kat event thing, though. Shit is stupid, but just the way the event is handled. The new armors and enemies are pretty cool at least.

cool, although i was talking about warframe.

also, so spiral knight was a standalone project at one point?

It's killing me how dead ended Spiral Knights became. Art style is way too cute and charming to be forgotten. I fucking hate people, man. Oh my god.

I don't think people even care about my name in general not like I'm posting an email. Would really appreciate the help though I wanted to get to dreams and nightmares so I can get radiant crystals to increase my gear levels, and get eternal orbs cause I need tons.

Wait, didn't Spiral Knights have fucking Bomerman in it? How did it not take off? Who the fuck doesn't love Bomberman?

Had Wizards not been fucking idiots for once and actually properly funded this game (dev team is super understaffed, they actually said they can only update the game 4 times a year) it would have been amazing and compete with other popular CCGs.
Right now it's a buggy mess with barebones multiplayer content. Single player campaigns are cool though.

>the Christmas event was bullshit literally designed to kill you as many times and as cheaply as possible along with the promise of rewards that fucking expired at the end of the month and reskins of existing weapons

Going for that sweet ass mug was practically a mistake, but I'm glad I have it now.

Is DA still the hottest sword in this game? Hot meaning everyone wants one.

Now you know my pain. I just chose to continue.

Blast Network is too slow-paced and natively stuck with lag to be anywhere as smooth as an actual Bomberman game is.

Also you reminded me of how badly I wanted Bomberman in Smash. Fuck.

Oh my fucking god that Bomberman cross-over gear is adorable.

I actually voted for him in that stupid ass Smash Ballot thing too. He's the only character I for some reason actually had hope for. I figured why not, he's a classic character, surely he was at least considered or something... Fucking christ.

Completely dead. No one plays blast network ever.

Just do vana runs over and over. Dreams and Nightmares is really difficult and probably not worth the rewards.

Acheron beats it, but it's still a hot weapon.

This is my favorite crossover fanart.

I'm legitimately becoming irrationally frustrated and depressed that Spiral Knights never became more, as I continue to flip through these illustrations. Oh my god.

This still fucking angers me to this day.

Wait... they just reused the same base model and altered it only slightly and called it a completely separate helmet set?

it seems to be part of a upgrade thing. like the mark 2 of that helmit or whatever.

The latter model is not used for any of the fucking armor sets, just the recolor costumes. Hell, not even the Iron Dragon and Gold Dragon costume helms make use of it despite being a blatant step or two above the recolors.

Here is something that angers me even more.

THAT I remember. I remember the fucking UI being SO close together, it honestly does make me wish I could hide everything but my own health. It's so weird.

So I played Spiral Knights for like 3 hours three years ago and never touched it since, but I've always been into the addictive grindy genre with games (warframe, mmos). This kind of interests me but if I were to start playing without any prior knowledge would I be too in over my head? Do people still actually play this game or is it just for the TF2 hat? I'm really interested, but not sure.

Around 500 players a few hours ago, but that's specifically just people playing through Steam. No idea how many people play it normally without Steam.

You honestly have all the time in the world to learn and pick things up, it seems like it's never going to get another content update probably, like... never again. Possibly. Probably.

>bomberman is dead
>no PSO in the West

>Do people still actually play this game or is it just for the TF2 hat?

I'm pretty sure nobody cares about the latter now in the same way they did years ago.

And while I also dig addictive grindy games to some extent, I don't recommend that you play SK for that basis alone. You'll be sorely disappointed.


You get more freaking radiants from dreams, and nightmares then VANA. Vana is only for crown grinding nothing more nothing less.

>this literally could of been the western successor to pso
>modern sega and three ring had fuck it all up

Holy fuck I've seen this.

This was posted in Spiral Knights General back when there was a Spiral Knights General, for like, 3 weeks it felt like, or something. Right? It did NOT last long. I frequented, but never spoke much or joined the clan or anything.

How does a RAcast see with a head without optical features?

I remember too.

death school master race


three years


100% sexy my ass. Look at that clipping.

Someone win the lottery and get Spiral Knights back on track with the winnings.

>option to hid shit is bold and underlined
>cant hide any part of the curent oversized fucking pointless laggy ui
I dont understand how one game can go so wrong, its like it was fucking intentional

I miss leaving shit on the floor for everyone to pick up.

This is not me.

fuck off sock

Shit I want the rose set so badly I feel like the rose set costumes are true end game costumes.


why you can young goyim! only 25$ for the hat or vest! (Crystal energy not included)
the obsidian cthulu thing costume set looks a million times better


Speaking of concept art, here's one that was dug up from an older version of the game files. Current client for the game files doesn't have it anymore.

Got a picture? that shitty wiki doesn't work.


looks great in-game too. so does the obelisk sword but its a weaker version of the now ridiculous shadow katana.

Fuck that's so cool.

Fucking Spiral Knights, fuck. I lovehate it.

I'd put a amethyst/black rose hat on that shit, and make that look spiffy as fuck.

How many of you all joined that last Sup Forums guild. It was moots mooks?

Also looks pretty good in Garry's Mod.

I was a part of yotsuba knights. We said we would all come back when the gunner update was released and then when it came out everyone but me stopped giving a shit. cant really blame them after seeing all the content the year-in-the-making gunner update held.

>not the chinese moeblob knight

Yeah we had a couple of you guys come over. We had started again because we thought with grey havens taking over we would get new content. That never happened except for slot machines I think. After like two weeks only a couple of us logged in regularly. I havent gone back on in about four months. Might have to do that

I did. People seemed to stop caring pretty fast so I stopped logging in as well. Might log back in later

Oh yeah, should also mention that guild hall upkeep fees now have gone down by two thirds or so. It's a very good change if you intend to revive a guild back up.

>thinking about going back
>remember i did everything i could
>cant even get my stupid ass battle sprite to level 100 because i dont have a shitty evo cube because those can only be bought from the cash shop since everyone stopped using the AH for anything but overpriced Divine Avengers with pointless UV

>tfw playing the Bomberman minigame with 250 ms ping

>we'll never get those poses in the game

Fuck you OOO for wasting away valuable ressources into shitty mobile games.

Thank god. I was (I think, maybe not) the last officer to log in and I was honestly kind of scared for the guild upkeep because I was at midtier and there was no money coming in.
Dont forget uv brandishes and thousands of orbs at the same price.

>mobile game didn't even last a fucking month before it was take off the store
>they had the gaul to try and try and tie in the real games lore with it

There was a mobile game? Oh my god, I would have played. Fuck.

>they had the gaul

That was the gameplay.

Oh motherFUCKER, I would have LOVED that. Oh come on.

and now the thread dies

ill miss you spiral knights rip