Ok, I'm back from Sup Forums. I stayed there these past two weeks because of the Olympic Games...

Ok, I'm back from Sup Forums. I stayed there these past two weeks because of the Olympic Games, so what did I miss in the world of games, Sup Forums?

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>so what did I miss in the world of games, Sup Forums

Sonic is canon gay

Ok I never left and even I didn't know that. Literally what

Abe president.

What the fuck, tell me more about that

NX has been confirmed to be a thing you plug into your phone to stream games from the main console

He's trolling. In truth outside of the NMS shitshow not much happened.

Platinum became Mobage garbage

Sup Forums loves no man sky

So they started playing it correctly, then?

So I know the red ball is supposed to be their flag's sun. But the way it's being held implies a bowling ball.

Olympic Bowling?
Japan loves them some bowling, and they introduced Judo back in 1964.

plz the source of the soooong or the name of the band of the presentation

I just trolled a guy, felt pretty good desu.

literally nothing
oh that no mans sky came out and it was pretty lame

I hate jazz.

No Man's Sky is a fucking disaster
Deus Ex MD has a guy say Social Justice Warrior and of course SJWs get mad
Gawker is now shutting down and Kotaku now has a full blown ethics policy thanks to Univision
FFXV got delayed
And Nintendo celebrates Metroid's 30th anniversary by legally cock slapping a passion project that's been worked on for a decade and shits out a fucking terrible co-op game

Implying its bad

Tell me more about Mankind Divided, is it a worthy sequel to Human Revolution?

Are you literally me?

>Tfw coming back to Sup Forums to shitpost about vidya

The Olympics were shit

Overall reports are that gameplay is good with new augmentations mixing things up, Prague is the only hub but it's really good to explore but the story feels like it ends too early on a cliffhanger
Also Breach is fun
Also reports of shitty framerates but it might be due to lighting settings and 8x MSAA

>tfw the 2020 Olympic games are going to be Sup Forums and Sup Forums as fuck

It's going to be the best Olympics ever for Sup Forums.

Pretty sad they're over desu. It's left a hole in my life which can only be filled by vidya.

compared to the Londonn and Beijing Olympics

I know that feel


>mario dappin'
please tell me closing ceremony had japanese trap music

I'm literally you. Can't wait for the September 7th Playstation event and the inevitable NX announcement.

I'm from Rio, I loved the vibe of the city during the games. Even managed to fuck a qt danish girl (with condom, though) who was staying at a hostel near my home. I'm sad as fuck now and it's literally raining and cold.

>japan using their entertainment mascots for a world event
It's cool, but very weird and I can't explain why.

I'm also literally you. I was at work during deathmarch so I couldn't watch /ourboy/ pull out that shit soaked sponge live. That absolute madman.

>Kotaku now has a full blown ethics policy thanks to Univision

I was at vacation last week, what did exactly happen

Gawker and its sites were put up for sale at an auction and Univision outbeat IGN's parent company for their purchased and then immediately shut down Gawker
While this was going on, a Gawker editor came out and admitted Gamergate did a shitload of damage to the site by making them lose advertisers and reports of Zoe Quinn losing her book deal
It was a fucking great week for GG

I'm so ready for them. You just know there are going to be a bunch of news articles about athletes and reporters stumbling upon weird crap in stores and visiting Maid Cafes. Unless Japan makes an attempt to "clean" that all up for the Olympics, but that would be pretty great too.

In other news, Archery was a blast to watch. That Korean vs. American Men's semi-final was amazing. It's a shame they both went on to decimate in their next match and the American only got Bronze for it.

Yes but they were fun.

I'll miss mustafina and the korean archers and their cute hats. And the katie ledecky posting.

>medals presented by cosplayers
>along with the medal they get a "bouquet" of fire flowers
>scoreboards are pixelated like NES with vidya sound effects
>mascot for the games is a magical little girl

>Buy website
>Shut it down

For what purpose?

Rio was a fucking disaster for Mexico, though Sup Forums was pretty comfy

Gawker's sites like Deadspin, Kotaku and a few others are still popular but the Hulk lawsuit made Gawker itself a massive legal liability, it's pretty fucking smart to can the whole thing, especially when several key members of the site are several hundred millions of dollars in debt due to losing their assets

they should have killed Kotaku too

Did Brazil bomb Mexico?

As much as I want them dead as well, it would not be a smart move considering Univision blew over $100M to get them
But Kotaku now having to fully uphold an ethics policy shows GG won



Bowling, Skateboarding and a punch of other stuff have been confirmed to appear

>Japan had the 7th most medals, with 41
Nippon stronk.

No but the internet hurt the feelings of normies all across facebook when somebody on twitter said that woman looked fat.

>bu-but she's all muscle!
>bu-but she's a woman so that makes her beautiful!
>bu but she tried her best and that's what counts

You missed the sexy, handsome, Olympic overwatch skins.

i hope OW is still alive by 2018 for some DVA winter olympics

Nintendo won Gamescom like they won E3
They then won Rio

What did they do for Gamescom?

Literally no one gives a fuck about him outside of Japan

Stop propping him up as your poster child

They ran Die Haus Party Live for Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday as well as Limited BotW demo stations.

Breath of the Wild had huge lines and won game of Gamescom.

Not to mention the MASSIVE Pokemon Go focus.

>taiwan loves him
>china loves him
>also popular in parts of south africa
>koreans also

Do you like Metal Gear?

Nintendo did not in any shape or form win Gamescom.

Nier won Gamescon.

You be quiet now

Yeah, it's a shame it ended the way it did, though. They couldn't possibly have fucked the series more than they did with MGS V. Why?

You're in for a treat


>He pays attention to sports and athletics
What are you? Some kind of queer?

Yes, i suppose they didn't win E3 either ;^)

>he doesn't masturbate to Olympians

Shut the fuck up chris-chan nobody wants to hear about that horrific gooch pussy.

Most of them are pretty plain looking.

That's the best part, you get to pick your favorite.

This is not real, right?

Yeah, they're really average.