Why is he such a schmuck?

Why is he such a schmuck?

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You misspelled faggot.

>puts his face on EVERY SINGLE VIDEO

I'm almost certain he's a narcissist.

>I'm almost certain he's a narcissist.

But that's...


Dude spent his entire draw my life video bragging about his perfect SAT scores and overall superior intellect. Of course he's a narcissist.

"matpat" is such a stupid fucking name fuck


Brown eyes make anyone instantly uglier.

And yet he spends his life making shitty theories that blatantly ignore canon.

What a waste.

>bragging about his perfect SAT scores and overall superior intellect
>went to Duke

You're kidding

Nah. He went to Duke.

Hes like a bootleg smart person.

Because he gave the Pope a digital copy of Undertale.

Dunkey, Vsauce and TFS are LITERALLY the only Youtube channels you should ever subscribe.

What about Nintato?

No wonder I fucking hate him. He's a typical Duke ego stroking cockstroker

Matpat is going to live out his dream of being an actor

Well I meant to type cock sucker but I guess that works too

>superbunnyhop isn't listed
>opinion discared

>that one video where he talks about how he felt vsauce stole his content

I want to deck him in the neck.

Yea I sure do love me some unfunny shit dubs

>subscribing to dunkey
Tumblr please go.

That feel when you want the channels you are subbed to to not become popular. Seriously, Gnoggin went to shit real fast.

All about the money and status




He has a very punchable face.
I'd like to cuck him.

>tfw discovered Dunkey isn't actually a black guy
My whole world shattered.

>liking tfs
seriously consider suicide

What? I've been avoiding his videos because I thought he was black.

It's getting worse
>his girlfriend is LITERALLY fattening him up so that he never finds another girl

Dunkey got like 40 kgs heavier in the last few years.


Dunkey. I thought that was dorkly.

Fuck I'm tired.

Pardon me.

Starts at around 5:32

I'll literally never understand Dukefags. It's the equivalent of buying the best house in the worst neighborhood. Paying $45k for a school that isn't even Ivy league when Princeton is only $4k more is just silly.


>doesn't even list CrowbCat

He's white as fuck. And that's kinda sad.

What a fucking faggot.

Yea have fun fucking his Orc of a wife

what a fucking loser.

Am I the only one who thinks he looks better fat?

Because Duke is the only place that accepts their "center of the universe" attitude. I've only met a handful of Dukefags that don't believe they're better than everyone else

kek post his wife
idk what this bitch looks like

I do miss skinny Dunkey

Does he actually believe Vsauce actually went back to his small channel at the time, go back a year, just to cover something he's done?

What a fucking faggot.

>makes video about overwatch and tf2
>didnt did his research so he and his jewfro friend look stupid throughout the video
>video filled with memes for the kids cause he knows he isnt funny himself
>blizzard removing porn is a plus
>deletes comments calling out his bullshit

He's a dramafag, of course he believes everyone is watching him all the time

This faggot has a girl-friend right?

Im terrified to think what sex would be like with him

>that fucking voice
>posting the pondering cropped picture of himself

>waaaahhhh why cant i do unique shit on youtube
What a child.

I haven't watched anybody besides Jerma, Star_, or Tamiyaguy in a long time

I'm literally the only person on this site that likes him. Even Sup Forums wants to crucify him. I see why you guys don't like him but at least he isn't an asshole in my opinion. His theories are actually interesting, ridiculous or not.

> but this is Sup Forums so I'm gonna get hung by my balls in 3...2...1...

Sorry I like UnkleJoe. His animation is really good abd he bullied Bernie Sanders.

No wonder he admires George Clooney so much.

>being impressed with yourself for doing something that all students from the eastern side of the world are expected to do
It's just memorization, it's very embarrassing he's still impressed with his sat score at his age.
>Going to college and then starting a YouTube career
Way to waste time and a scholarship that could have gone towards a guy who wanted to become a doctor or a engineer.
>Thinks he's smart

I like SovietWomble

keeps popping up in my suggestions and just le fanny overwatch gameplay

>at least he isn't an asshole
He's the definition of a asshole.

I hope he eventually breaks and realizes he will never be as big of a star as his heroes

His Overwatch stuff is meh because it's mostly just unedited footage of him by himself

His other stuff with Jerma is gold though

Is this real? If he's into science and theories (Idk if he really is, I just think he is based on what little about him I know), than why does he admire actors? Is he retarded or gay?

Isn't this the guy who gave Undertale to the Pope?

How exactly besides the supposed narcissism

I suppose he might be tolerable if you're under the age of 14.

His Arma 3 stuff gets me.

super bunny hop
action points


Dude probably tossed it in a waste bin somewhere

I enjoy his fucking insane Pokemon theories

He isn't, he is into drama club

that's exactly the same person
the person who needs to be fucking shot for doing that, I don't care how fucking chill the current Pope is you don't give him fucking vidya as a gift.
.t agnostic

I don't really want to get into this with you.
You don't have to watch many of his videos to see the clear signs of his narcissism.
Read the thread for examples.

>super SJW hop
>super bunny cuck
>super my wife's bunny's hot
>super cunny fuck
get out you pedo shitlord

>people on YouTube who want to act
always makes me laugh until i see them in movies, bombing their lines and being completely unbelievable.

Every single time they have sex, he can't help but blabber about his "theory" on how certain sex positions are "statistically more pleasurable"

You forgot one.

dude like rohfel lahmaow my man haha

What about hazel green?

>essential "I was born in the late-90's"-core

WHY IS HE?????

But user, everyone on youtube has these traits. Many people bragged about themselves in their draw their life. Plus he admitted he isn't perfect. He's a failed performer. It's funny I'm trying to get into the acting business myself.

just a reminder to the dunkley fags

thanks for the nightmare fuel, user
end my life now





He wanted to be an actor, but sucked so much dick at acting, signing, and dancing that Broadway would never take him.

You know dunkey has several videos where he's not even trying to be all that funny? Like when he does reviews on things? It's not always all about the humor.

His target audience is kids in high school and below, so him gloating about his SAT scores earns him major brownie points with his fans

i like star....

I figured sucking dick was how one makes it onto Broadway in the first place

fucking faggot is to blame for all those clickbait, red arrow thumbnail shit that is infesting YouTube.

General Sam is pretty good

He still is a faggot

>no LGR
>no Gamesack



FilthyFrank has never been funny

What does Sup Forums think of Classic Game Room?