What does Sup Forums think of Rimworld?

What does Sup Forums think of Rimworld?

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poor man's dwarf fortress

Dwarf Fortress for people with high time preference

>poor man's DF
>DF is free
>Rimworld is 30 buckaroos

Its good. Makes DF fans insecure as an extra bonus.

Also this isn't an insult.


>being this poor

>oddly shaped rooms
>not building a single compound
I hate it and it sucks

i just started it and it's the only game I've played in a while that's kept me entertained.

What? How can rimworld be DF's poor version when DF is free?

someone get this hothead outta here!

he probably thought you were shitting on rimworld so he got defensive

>arguing over who is more retarded
Youre both retarded. Well done.

Dwarf fortress but with even LESS depth

Love it. Really comfy base building game went you get around the cold snaps, heatwaves, raiders, surged, toxic fallouts, mad animal herds, infestations, blown up electronics, psychic drones, solar flares, and fires.

Really comfy.

I think the the game is pretty fun and comfy.

11/10 dont play pheebe tho it's boring

>tfw pirated subnautica, papers please, enter the gungeon, super hexagon, rabi rabi, luftrausers, stardew valley, rogue legacy, nuclear throne and had fun with none of them
>tfw pirated serious sam 3 bfe and enjoyed the second half of it

>pirate rimworld
>have the greatest time of my life
>can't wait for alpha 15 so I can pirate it and play it until bannerlord comes out

Rate my base

more like rimjob

>not playing Randy "The Colony Killer" Random on extreme

Mortar raid incoming/10

what are the essential mods for rimworld

also whats the best mod for character customization

Should use granite instead of steel tiles for beauty buff
Ugly claustrophobic rooms
Plants won't grow in the winter needs a enclosure with sunlamps
Other than that pretty good

Cool, not like you were going to buy anything in the first place

And a question: are you going to pirate bannerlord?


>granite tiles
It's on the list. Need stone for ZA WAARU.
>ugly claustrophobic rooms
Yeah. Might convert it to a dorm but the colonists don't seem to give a shit.
It's the savannah biome, winter is ~70F

Super fucking fun.

My pyromaniac lesbian colonist got her arm blown off so now she spends all of her time researching and trying to fuck her stepmom.

Its neat. Its like a dwarf fortress I can actually play.

>playing for the first time
>classic on challenge with permadeath
>build my base inside a mountain
>mfw hive event
I should've known it was going to give me a DF treatment.

That's how I feel. The UI is extremely intuitive

Fuck heatwaves. At least with a cold snap you can just build easy to use heaters. I cant get coolers to work unless I build a long tunnel to the outside to vent the heat..

Anyone else feel connected to there characters in a playthrough to the point of where you imagine them with there own personalities?

Another reason not to mountain base.

Fun and cozy but really held back by lack of multiple z levels, so you can't build towers and have more interesting height based gameplay. Makes raids dull.

Animals that aren't chickens also need buffs of some kind because they're more useful dead unless you want to have a warg/polar bear army for kicks.

I like to keep dogs around for hauling purposes.

That's by design. Tynan has said that the reason the Storytellers will start killing colonists after you hit a certain point is that the game wants you to have around 12 colonists so you can get to know them and attribute what they're doing to their personalities.


I do. Doc went from a shirtless hobo relegated to hauling shit unless someone got hurt to a cowboy looking badass who has tamed an entire herd of boars and single-handedly researches everything by himself. He was also the first one to get some sex.

Animals are really useful. Alpaca farming is very lucrative and one of my colonist has a pet grizzly that just doesn't die and shreds raiders.

Yeah. I had one game locked up because my characters kept dying to this robot tomb.

My current base, pretty shit but it is comfy. I have only lost 3 colonist so far.

>recruit a raider
>leg gets blown off
>try to install a peg leg
>somehow ends up with his right hand amputated
>bedridden until I can get more medicine and try again


But that sweet, sweet defensibility.

build wall

Yeah. My lesbian pyromaniac was one of my original three colonists with her dad and a douchebag named Hector. Hector kept hitting on her but she kept turning him down because she's not into dick, and eventually they became rivals. But he still kept trying. He eventually started making art and naming it for her. He made one piece called "Sweat for Nicky" and I actually laughed out loud at the digital spaghetti.

>pic related

>tfw got a 20 melee brawler bloodlust jogger with 2 scyther blades for hands, bionic legs, and god tier armor
>literally rapes everything, every raid, dashing from person to person often oneshotting them like a fucking anime hero, and comes home maximum mood
>1v1'd a centipede and won

this game is nice

My best worker/crafter is always in a bad mood from constant rebuffs and has the chemical dependency character trait which means he goes on alcohol binges all the time. I relate to him

I never use melee colonist, but damn am I going to try this.

I did.
I know the base sucks but other than a bit of evil genius this is my first time at this sort of thing and I have it set to easy mode

whats a good build order for the beginning

WTF do I do when there is a heatwave on a tribal start?

Are you just fucked if you choose a tropical biome?

Are they wearing sombreros?


Rooms and beds, kitchen, generator, refrigerator, storage shed

Not that bad actually. I'd recommend thickening up the barrier and cutting a tunnel between your main area and the outer field though.

im on a desert with tribal start, two colonist died already

reminder to use sweetfx or similar so it doesn't look all shitty and washed out

It rivals DF as colony management game, but not as building and/or simulation game.
I give it a 9.731 out of 10.

I was thinking about adding a tunnel to the outer farm and maybe doing something with that space I mined out looking for resources. The barrier will probably be fine since I am on baby difficulty. Plus they dont seem to attack it since its open. All those steel traps on the upper entrance were expensive as fuck but they were worth it.

Dwarf Fortress for babbies

He probably meant poor in intelligence. Or the colloquial meaning of "poor man's x" meaning a knockoff version.

Good for what it tries to do, but going back to DF afterwards made me realize just how much is missing.

It would be nice if they added exploring the rest of the map. What happens if you choose to spawn in in an area that has a hostile colony in it?

Going back to DF made me realize how much graphics and sound contribute to the game.

what in the world is that entryway to your base in the topleft? i assume they are a way to funnel raiders into positions you want them to be at but how does it work?

>made me realize just how much is missing.

When I switch between the two I feel it for both sides

I like playing it, but I'm really bad at these types of games.

>go to hunt a panther
>it kills my hunter then proceeds to hunt all of my settlers
>also my buildings all went up in flames during this event

I feel like when Homer pours the bowl of cereal and it just bursts into flames.

I don't think you can choose that.

Also going to other maps is mentioned by devs as not planned so far.


Raiders should consider the part before the door as part of his base, and see it as the easiest way to get into his base, and not the death trap it really is.

>9.731 out of 10
so now that you're done judging Olympic gymnastics you're over here scoring vidyo gaems

>go to hunt a panther

Is there that much of a difference graphically between Rimworld and DF with a texture pack? Combat is something I can see being very different and much better.

My video game score for Rimworld is like.

Yes, it is a mod. Also a mod I installed that added some more cosmedics for colonists turned most of mine into niggers. Not sure why.

It's like a miserable experience. Like shit, almost every people in my colony is an amputee and one girl had a brain damage that she can't do anything.

Smooth movement and animations. In DF sprites just jump from one tile to another. It may not sound like much but it's a world of difference.

Yea I got like four amputees in my playthrough so far. Wish trader with bionics were more frequent

Facbricate deaths for them and get new colonists. The less people you have, the more likely you are to get new recruits.

I love that shit.

My 16 year old medic on one playthrough got her eye poked out by a megaspider, got her leg shot off by a friendly shotgun, got her hand lopped off by a raider and lost her jaw in a roof collapse accident.

>tfw you realize one of your colonists had their nose bitten off and you dont know when or how.

>colonist starts cheating on his wife
>wife is already a whiny bitch 'cause she's a prosthophobe and lost her natural leg
>both have massive mood penalties for an unhappy marriage
>have the guy's girlfriend take the wife out back of the base and shoot her
>My wife Merc died: -25

melee is shit unless you get really good gear and scyther blades, which have 3x the dps of the best melee weapon in the game and are very accurate, then melee becomes full retard

how can you fix a nose and ear? everybody hate one colonist cos she's ugly

I was wondering the same thing. I suspect they are just doomed to be ugly. Ironically she still got married.

I don't think you can without the prosthetics mod

Honestly I think the storage mod, the prosthetics mod(without the advanced bionics vanicidium shit), and the mod where it lets you turn 10 herbal meds into a normal med add a lot to the game and should be in the base game

Wait, so after having a specific amount of people, you can't get more colonists? You have to kill your people in order for the new ones to come?

It is better than DF because it has a better interface.

nice im going to download them

I am become Jew, hoarder of shekels.
What should I actually do with all of this?

So how does it actually play? Is it really any similar to DF or do people just make the comparison because they're both of the same sort of genre? Does it give you any goals or is it a sandbox?

worth $15 at most

Buy tons of bionic body parts and create a super soldier army, turn dev mode on and then crank up a raid to max points and see if you can survive.

The goal is to create a spaceship and leave the planet, but I never do this as its kinda unrewarding. So, yes and no. The goal is to survive. Currently it's kinda lacking content but the devs update here and there.

Yep. The whole social aspect is terrible. It needs lots, lots of work.

The chance of getting new ones (including via convincing prisoners to join) becomes so small it's practically zero.

>tfw all these people picking EZPZ locations

Shit never got above -30 in the winter and snap froze every other day as low as -50 got fucking dammit it was a rough winter.

Mountains I dug into were filled with steel and silver doe so I got a lucky break.

The gameplay is extremely similar to DF. As your colony stabilizes, in DF you take on megaprojects you come up with by yourself, while in Rimword you build the ship and win. Enemies in DF are more varied.

give shit loads to neighboring non hostile colonies then use them as a personal army whenever you have invaders. no loss of life to your colony