Don't be shy, we're all losers here
ITT: We post our installed steam games
>all that wasted money
Pirate master race here.
When I need to embarrass myself I'll post pics of my cock
>nobody should pay for anything
Just be glad somebody motivates game makers in your stead
Was SWAT4 actually on steam at one point or is it a shortcut?
I don't have a lot of games installed.
Shortcut. Alice, Devil Daggers, Brutal Doom, Hatred, Web of Shadows, Superhot all shortcuts.
>brutal doom
Faggot. Brutal Doom is one of the overrated .wads in existence.
You dont even really have to torrent it anymore, it became abandonware so you can just download the entire game legally online from various websites
My computer is weak, forgive me.
some of my good games are on gog
you wanna play some terraria?
judge away anons
>Hard Reset
How much HD space you got, user?
Would be nice to have the full game along with rise of the triad
2 Terabytes
>Darkest Dungeon
why do you buy unfinished games user?
8/10 you got a lot of GOAT but the shit ones are really shit
I'm bad at saying no to sales
>no man's sky
but why user?
Anyone delete a game as soon as they finish it?
Cause it's a free game.
Which games are shit from OP's list?
Only whenever I unlock all achievements
>Blade Symphony
Just play Movie Battles II, user. BS is dead.
>The Forest
>Garry's Mod
The forest and dnf were gifts I recently installed and hated, everything else I wear with shame
Took too damn long to make. Happy?
click on 'games', then 'installed', user.
I forgot that existed. I'm sorry.
r8 me senpai
>Games installed under "Not Going to Play"
Why not just uninstall them, then?
>Still using steam and sharing all your information with Valve.
I'm still waiting for GOG Galaxy to come and sweep me off my feet, user. But at the moment Volvo's spyware is the best option.
Most of those are games that I either still have to play, or have already finished, but still keep installed if for some reason I want to play again which usually never happens.
why do you care if some cheeto downing fuck sees your collection of pixels
Enlighten us on how the savvy person in 2016 lives his life under the radar user.
p-pls no b-bully
I thought nobody's played APB since release.
cheaters do
some duplicated because of categories
>owning ArmA 3, but Squad is still installed
is there some reason you've still got that trash clone installed when you've got the real thing sitting right there in your library? moreover, why is it in your favorites?
Squad is definitely a much more enjoyable experience, it's much more a 'game' then a milsim.
I'm so sick of dealing with ARMA's community
>Want to play CTI or something else military-based
>Check servers
>All servers are Altis life or KotH garbage
>Get told that to find any sort of milsim combat I need to 'find a unit'
>All of them take themselves super seriously, '303d Airborne Infantry Regiment', '37th Seal Operative Explorations Unit', '24th Mechanized Platoon'
>Bare the cringe and join one
>Have to register through piles of paperwork, explaining my past experience in ARMA, am asked if I've ever participated in actual military operations
>Am told that before I can even contribute to 'live combat operations', I must join the platoon in an infantry training program for two weekends
>Join and participate only to be shouted at by a 14 year old
>Have to be at the beck and call of an armchair general who insists I call him 'Sarge' at every given opportunity, anything else and it's a possible demotion
>Get mad and boot up Squad
>Join a server with large-scale combat immediately
>Everyone is friendly, nobody's mic-spamming
>Squad leader knows what he's doing and the squad has a fun atmosphere to it
Like holy fuck, even if you think it's 'milsim-lite' you can just join Squad Ops and play modded versions of the game with much more 'realistic' mechanics and a permadeath system.
>military autism
Now I've seen everything.
Most units aren't like that, you have to look for ones that are casual. The majority aren't super-serious milsim units that make you go through truckloads of training only to call someone sir during a patrol op.
There are tons of groups out there that play casual ops and allow newer people to take up squad/fireteam lead positions and don't use ranks. There are even hybrids that use ranks and apply military terminology (over TFAR/ACRE, etc) but don't require ridiculous training standards or yes sir/no sir or demotions. The ranks are mainly there to keep delegation in order.
Saying that Squad is good because it's simpler and easier to jump into is like saying Fallout 4 is a good RPG because it's simpler and takes less time to plan your character.
How about I give away some steam keys from a bundle instead m8
I have 2 keys each of
Tharsis, Kholat, Savage Lands and Shelter 2
and 1 rust key
post steam ids in your name field and reply, first come first serve
There's no excuse to not have Thief 2 installed at all times
this is why people hate pirates, only the smug retarded ones post about it and they always have to be a faggot about it.
Actually this is no fun at all, here they are
note rust and space engineers were given away
I could probably uninstall lots of these, looking at it.
Includes a few non-Steam games I just made shortcuts for.
Never join any arma 'unit'. Find a community instead, like Shacktac. Any group that insists on following protocol is pure autism and shouldn't even be bothered with.
uninstall all of them. they're all shit. how the fuck you have DS2&3 installed over DS1 is amazingly retarded.
Note: Skyrim has been modded to the point its basically another game now
>really dont want to uninstall my gorillian mods
>gonna be all outdated if i ever decide to play again anyway
Why is it so hard to uninstall games you know you will never play again, Sup Forums?
Yo OP, I snagged Shelter 2 and Kholat; I just wanted to thank you.
To (shittily) return the favor, if anyone really cares or wants one of these, I have ORIGIN keys for:
- Crysis 2 Maximum Edition
- Medal of Honor
- Populous Origin Key
- Mirror's Edge Origin Key
- Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising
- Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
Yeah, I know, Origin; but it's free shit if NEone wants. Grabbu here.
T-they're just in my backlog. I'll get back to them, I swear!
>Giving Beamdog money
Fucking kill yourself
just uninstall them you shit it's been 8 months you're not going to pick it up again, not without restarting because you've forgotten everything.
I had to google what that is. I bought Baldur's Gate Enhanced when it was on sale for 5 bux so I could play online with my dad. Why is beamdog bad?
have fun with them, user; I'd honestly rather someone play them then have them sit in my keys list forever haha.
the only sorta good game from that list is crysis 2
everything else is shit
enjoy your shit
I should really delete stuff, I don't have that much space to waste on shit (recently redownloaded mgr to show it to a friend)
My nigga
Only 100% Orange Juice and XCOM 2 at the moment.
Thief is fucking nice, you know
>LEGO Batman
Quality taste my friend!
oy vey
what should i plaaaay
Ignore the WC3:FT and Overwatch icons, i just keep them there for easy access
My library still counts a lot of uninstalled stuff.
how do you make your games show images?
is it a website? looks cool
Grid view in Steam client.
oh shit
thanks for the fast replies
i think i'll be using the grid view now; looks far far better in my opinion
why the fuck do you sort your games like that?
I don't keep too many installed, always delete shit I haven't played in ~3 months
right click on stuff in library and say set category, you can make custom ones to organize stuff
why, not how retard
Read the post again.
I prefer keeping games that i like both in the favorites and the appropiate category so that when i stop liking a game as much and take it out of favorites it'll still be in a category instead of going back to the "my games" default category
don't really keep much bloat around
9/10 bretty good taste
better have a half life section instead of putting it in the FPS section, and a star wars section with 1 FPS in it, or an adventure section consisting of mostly non adventure games. keep an FPS in the regular old 'games' section as well just for good measure. make an xcom section too because its not like they would all be under X anyway, just do it alphabetically you aspie