Are there any video games that built up an insurmountable amount of hype, and after many delays it looked like the game wasn't coming out, then it finally came out and it was shit?
Duke Nukem Forever is the only one I can think of. Any others?
Are there any video games that built up an insurmountable amount of hype, and after many delays it looked like the game wasn't coming out, then it finally came out and it was shit?
Duke Nukem Forever is the only one I can think of. Any others?
No Mans Sky???
That was never in a period that it looked like it wasn't coming out.
We might have that with FFXV soon.
Mirror's Edge Catalyst might be a contender for that as well.
blonde is good quit memeing
>insurmountable amount of hype
hasnt like nothing be officially said about the album and then it was just randomly released?
People have been hyping themselves up for frank to drop his album for ages now.
are you insane? frank's CO follow up was hyped for YEARS. The album was [supposedly] named boys don't cry, but it was released after like 2 weeks of buildup and a weird livestream thing as blond
>built up an insurmountable amount of hype
> many delays
>it finally came out and it was shit
literally only the last 1 applies to catalyst
i thought endless was his follow up
smdh blacks these days doing 2 much to be edgy
endless was like a weird visual album teaser thing
everyone knew BDC was still coming
Pic not related right OP
Frank is the shit I love nights off that
Shut the fuck up I don't want your conversation
so is endless just trash
ive been following it but I honestly havent seen anything hype worthy just months of vague rumors
Star Citizen :)
Read up on this game if you don't already know the story, it's probably the biggest overhyped failure I've ever seen next to Too Human and Duke Nukem Forever
This. Honestly the whole "When's Frank going to drop his album?" thing was more of a meme than actual hype. Blond is pretty good though.
Watch Dogs
Sup Forums fell from grace as fast as Sup Forums
anyway, Spore
>no mention of mighty no9 ITT
was it hyped at any moment?
>megaman creator
yeah it was
there were so many backers that the credits roll for 4 hours so yes