Would you propose to your favorite video game girl, if she were real? How would you do so?

Would you propose to your favorite video game girl, if she were real? How would you do so?


Stop making these threads.


The fact is that the player's emotional reaction towards a game's characters is part of the experience of video games, and will continue to be so as long as there are games worth playing for anything more than fleeting momentary thrills. And it's perfectly worthy of discussion, as part of the video game experience.

>And it's perfectly worthy of discussion, as part of the video game experience
As someone working on an eroge with romantic content in it, even I'm cringing

Everyone knows it's you RG

No because I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be a video game's type.

Marisa is a lovely girl!

Marisa would never marry you OP.

I haven't lost enough weight yet.

Nigga please. I'd just show up, warn her that she will be used for sex, and use her for sex (regardless of her input or response on the matter).

Isn't it a bit early for these threads? Normies are still awake

I'm a normie and I'd fuck Suika Ibuki.

You don't know that.

It seems kind of odd to cringe at what will probably be at least a small section of your target demographic.

Keep working at it user! If you aren't already, run every day.

>Sup Forums Touhou threads
>Not the most normie thing.

You're driving me to suicide.

I don't mind unlike others but I'm surprised how dedicated you are to making these threads about your waifu (nearly?) daily.

>this retard thinks he can say what can be done and what not

Who are you quoting?

get it because 2hu is /jp/ as fuck and they're all autistic queers who hate greentext

Ironic that yours ends up being the most cringeworthy post ITT.

Facebook, the iPhone 6 (or whatever the latest one is), and reddit are the normie things.

If you aren't selling your personal info to (((Zuckerberg))), Jobs or ... that reddit woman, then you aren't a normie.

/jp/ is [s4s] with 2hu and iM@S

/jp/ is sorta interesting because it is (or at least was, I don't keep up with it) the board with the single highest barrier to entry. If you ever slightly don't fit in, they would either shit on your post forever or just ignore you. It's sorta brilliant.

There's a reason why Sup Forums Touhou threads keeps popping up, secondaries and meme shitters also need a place to discuss Touhou I guess.

You call that a barrier to entry?
/jp/ IS shitposting.
Getting your post shit on forever means that /jp/ has accepted you and you may now join in /jp/'s great halls of funposting.

/jp/ will ignore your post if it is not funposting, because funposting is the only thing /jp/ is entertained by, cares about, pays attention to, and engages with.

The only barrier to entry in /jp/ is throwing away your childish notion that quality content = preferable content. Non-quality has a quality all of its own.

Yes, I would since i love her every morning but I'm kind of a dork, the mere ideal of proposing flips my shit up, it would be a spaghetti fest

Well it's not like she doesn't have experience with dorks, user.
She may even propose to you.

>That moment when you realize it's an IRC autist making this thread every day

I would even accept a death kiss

This isn't a Touhou thread.

My waifu is dead
I wish I was dead
And yet I live

What is this world but dust tumbling back into itself?

I want to stick my dick in your waifu's ass, is that cool?

Jesus fucking christ Yuyuko,what the fuck is wrong with her

She justs need someone useful around since Youmoo sucks ass lol

i wanna junko junkos junkos

Claire redfield? Doesn't matter, is probably be eaten by zombies soon afterwards


Who is she?

There's already a waifu thread dummy.

are you here, marisafag? your girl is too hard on Soku

make her stop!

I don't really play Hisoutensoku.
And isn't Marisa not even high tier in that game? I thought she was like high mid tier, low high tier at most.

I'd probably marry Kasen if I was straight


Absolutely! I wouldn't do it in a quirky or unusual way. Padjal are very much about traditions so I think she'd appreciate it.

Marisa herself is mediocre tier, but her ass is S+ tier.

Daily reminder, Marisa is a rotten brat who released an evil dragon, works """"hard"""" by steal magic books/items from chumps, is friends with various horrible monsters, and has Daddy issues after she was disowned. I would be laughing if she wasn't so pathetic.

Please do not talk about my wife's ass in such a manner, even if it is true.

Sure. Why not

She's really fuckable though.

Madotsuki. I failed her and I can't go back.

not marisa fag but she's more "human" than reimu and shit

she's the dim shining star of gensokyo mate

always forward

Considering how the regular humans are ugly as fuck dimwits, it's not exactly a compliment in the youkai shithole world, m8.


Well, it's not like you can really prevent her death.
Unless you simply never beat the game I guess.

Please refrain from such language, user, thanks!

Don't get me wrong, I like Reimu, but this guy knows what's up.

It sounds like someone is projecting.


Marisa is one of the few 2hus I have fapped too.
dem legs and overall design is just too hot

Her witch outfit is so goddamn qt I can't help it.