NV > 1 > 2 > Tactics > 4 > 3

NV > 1 > 2 > Tactics > 4 > 3


1 > NV > 2 >>>> 3 > 4

4 > 3

I don't hate 4 but I honestly wouldn't even say this

3 has issues for days but it still feels RPG-ish, has more to do with skills, less quests that are just "FUCKING KILL," more dialogue options, and unique weapons which are one of my favorite things about shooter fallout.



>level 40
>Fallout 3
Fake image is fake.

Will there never be another golden age of RPGs?


1 > 2 > 3 > NV > Tactics > BoS > 4


Run at me

The Truth has been spoken

1 > 2 > NV > Tactics > 3 > 4

NV > 1 > 3 > 4

I haven't played 2 or Tactics yet.

1 = 2 > 3 >= NV > Tactics > > > BoS > 4
This seems more balanced. 1 and 2 were both good compared to what they came with after.

>Less quests that are just "FUCKING KILL"

What? Like what?

>Tranquility Lane can be completed without killing anyone
>Power of the Atom is mostly just skill checks
>Wasteland Survival guide has some parts where you're probably going to kill something, but for the most part is just goofy objectives and skill checks
>Superhuman gambit can be completed without combat

Just to name a few.

As stupid as the dialog wheel is, planescape is an exception even during the old era. There was a TON of writing in that game.

You literally named all of them.

Really? I thought you still had to shoot your way through the henchmen to reach the superheroes in Superhuman gambit. Tranquil Lane I also thought you had to kill everyone with chinese soldiers. There's another way to do it?

Not him. There are a lot more. Like that one with the faggot city on that collapsed bridge. Haven't played in ages so I don't remember all of them in detail.

>Killing everyone with chinese soldiers

This is basically just you shutting off life support in a flashy fashion. It's not combat, which is obviously what was meant.

>Superhuman gambit
There are shortcuts to reach both superheroes with little to no combat involved.

I agree with the last two

At least even fucking BoS is more RPG-ish than the fucking cookie clicker that is the Fallout 4 level system


I haven't played Tactics

>it's a "pretend that Fallout 4 is a bad game" episode

Those are just skill checks, even FO4 has a ton of them

It's bad at worst and average at best. Who gives a fuck about semantics? It's not good.


I would place it here

Anyone wanna post up the version with in-game screenshots of this?

>FO4 has a ton of skill checks

Speech checks. That's it.

There's one other quest in the game that allows you to skip some parts if you have a high enough intelligence. The rest is pure "pour points into speech to do non combat stuff, you're fine otherwise"

The skill checks ARE speech checks in 3. You get a dialog option that is [Demolition 100%] "I can disarm it." and that stops the fight.

What is the difference? It's still a dialog option.


God it's so perfect. FO3 karma was gay shit. Faction relations made way more sense. I don't even remember karma having any impact in NV.

A-user.. you can't be serious.

You don't realize there's a difference between [Speech] and [Explosives]? Fallout 4 only has Speech checks, and one Intel check. Fallout 3 checks ALL skills. Please go.

Just fluff dialog about what people have heard about you and the ending slideshows.

BoS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>your rpg shit

In the fucking dialog. So what you're saying is F3 > F4 because it's got more of the same dialog choices that give you the same result, with a different flavor.

Which is stupid, I'd rather actual differences.

Jesus christ you're actually retarded, user. It's not dialog checks that we care about, its that, depending on how you built your character, you pass or fail different skill checks in each run. Your melee build character will never pass a [Small Guns] check.

Nobody gives a shit about the fact that it's in the dialog, we care that you can't see any noticeable difference in character builds.

>having one skill that dictates every single non-combat dialogue check

>Having multiple skills be able to be used in dialogue depending on if they're relevant to your situation

FO4 doesn't have much in the way of "if you know how to repair things, you don't have to walk to that factory in the middle of nowhere to scavenge parts, you can jury rig something from what you have. It's speech check or dungeon, and usually they don't even give you the speech check option.

It simply rewards focused builds and not an allrounder that makes it easier to understand. Might as well turn it into a rail shooter if you want something easier

>be a total cunt to everybody
>steal everything
>bomb shit out of BoS base
>Karma is in depths of hell, I'm literally a monster
>pick "Escalator to Heaven"
>Karma is "Very Good" now
>Everybody loves me again
I laughed so hard how retarded this crap is.

Lazy fucks.

Don't forget that there are many "dungeons" thats main point is exploring in 3

>Those are just skill checks, even FO4 has a ton of them

Holy shit you have no idea what you are talking about. The base game has like 2 fucking skill checks other than garbage speech checks that don't even do shit. Fucking kill yourself

NV > 2 > 1 > 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4
2 and 1 get by on writing and characters. Otherwise they're boring as shit.

What's the difference in [Explosives 50] "I can disarm it" and [Explosives 50 Disarm it], if talking about quest stuff, not like traps and stuff. It all servers a narrative

this was before they realized people would buy anything as long as it has fallout in the title. why bother trying if it already sells

Does everyone do that on the first playthrough?

I shot ghouls first.

When you think about it, difference between 11 years and 7 years is only 4 years.

I certainly did. I didn't even off the ghouls in the lobby, just killed the dude who set up in Tenpenny's suite and his cronies but then all the ghouls attack. Still bad karma.

After that I gladly offed the fuckers for Tenpenny.

NV = 1 > Tactics > 2 > 3 > 4

Tactics was amazing

FO4 confuses the fuck out of me.

I mean they looked at all the good changes Obsidian made to NV and just ignored all of them; but they didn't just make a lazy Fallout 3 clone either (which would have been preferable) instead they make all of these changes that fuck things up like getting rid of skills, making power armor consume fuel, fucking with the dialogue choices and giving it a voiced protagonist and then on top of it they introduce the settlement crafting system which must have taken away a shitload of time that could have been used making more quests.

I just don't get it. If it was just a lazy clone, I could make sense of it; but they actually put effort into fucking up a game that worked.

Its fucking maddening.

You are having a laugh. Nobody in the history of ever has played Fallout 3 with the default level cap.

>this comic triggered leddit so hard they banned someone for posting it and made their own copy
>this fucking comic

Doesn't take much does it?

All Bethesda had to fucking do was copy New Vegas' gameplay. They wouldn't to design anything new, just do what New Vegas did. But no, instead they saw all the improvements and just scrapped fucking everything. Not only ignoring everything New Vegas did right, but even removed what little Fallout 3 had. Fallout 4 is probably as shallow and watered-down you can possibly get while still attempting to barely pass it off as an RPG.

If you do the sound code in Tranquility Lane you bypass everything IIRC. But its been fucking years since i touched that pos game.