Where were you when John Carmack became irrelevant?
Where were you when John Carmack became irrelevant?
When he stopped making game engines?
>lack of female representation
is she blind?
he deserves it for hoping on the VR bandwagon. christ seeing him at microsofts e3 press conference was embrassing
Hoping on the bandwagon? Nigga made the wheels.
he's like half of the reason pc games as we know it were even a possibility, what the fuck are you talking about
Playing RAGE and wondering why he broke the fucking textures.
Anitas work is far more important than 90s PC gaming, goobergraper.
You're on the wrong side of history. Common thread amongst the PC gamers.
OP's point exactly. Everything Carmack has done put him 21 spots below Sarkeesian.
He also helped launch the current VR trend so I'd say he's more important than people even know
Don't you get it, idiot? Her work is more important than fucking VR.
Who are the most important people in games according to Sup Forums?
You only have rights because we (men) allowed it. You will never stop us white males until we've run you whores off from this hobby and filled your mouths with my dick.
>So important to games that she dropped Tropes when she ran out of money and is now making some unrelated web series
Came here to post this but someone beat me to it.
All I can say is that feminists are the smartest people in the world and we should all obey them.
That IGN or Kotaku pile of shit list?
His work forever changed FPS genre, hell it have built it. Id's glory days are long gone even if the new Doom was really great. The few guys in a room making a revolution isn't the same now.
She is cherry picking retard that is slowly getting exposed as a fraud and the building backlash will out weight what she thought should could do.
Angry Joe, Jontron, and Spoony
Dangerous dave is still the most important video game to this very day. It put side scrolling on PC sure, but it also showed that big companies were underperforming AGAIN aka Nintendo. John then moved on to pioneering 3d technology and creating a gentleman between Microsoft and himself with OPENGL and DirectX.
He literally gave us everything.
Even after Rage, this hurt to read. Not even angry, just really bummed out.
If it weren't for Carmack Anita would have to get a real job, she should be thankful
Everything is as it should be.
Carmack is too smart to care about top 100 lists while Anita will have an ego orgasm when she is in one.
Anita Sarkeesian is a saint.
She finally put woman characters in video games.
With the most perfect representation of a woman ever.
>Dangerous Dave
>designed the template which the most popular modern gaming genre is still using
>pioneered 3D gaming
>literally designed the engine for the most popular gaming series ever made
>less relevant than a youtuber
I hate modern gaming journalists.
>This looks like a good spot to start construction on my mad scientist lair!
gee maybe because Anita was the first to address a major issue with sexism in games and the industry, which forced developers to become more introspective and inclusive of the female audience as well as professionals?
Carnack deserves his space in the list of influential figures, but Anita paved the way for bright females to enter the field who may challenge the contributions made by Carnack.
Dangerous Dave in Copyright infringement, that was the first ever pc side scrolling title ever made.
just end it senpai
This is amazing.
Is Zoe one of the top Five Guys?
Citation needed faggot, if this shit were going on you'd bet your ass there would be a lawsuit.
I was at my house lurking Sup Forums.
Only neo/v/ would take such blatantly obvious bait
Dangerous Dave in Copyright Infringement was a prototype that just showed off adaptive tile refresh, and wasn't so much of a game. But, yeah, I guess it does count.
watch the series Tropes vs Women by Feminist Frequency on youtube. the game industry is RIPE with sexism
ayo hol up, you sezzing way was robert frawsts?
Anyone have the pics of her feet from that one stream?
Shieeet, Cap'n, I do thunk i am.
I'm surprised Carmack's even listed, he's had no influence beyond hawking shite for years
Sarkeesian may be an awfully bad critic but she's had a pretty clear influence on games writing.
ikr you should screrncap it and post it to reddit
anita has impacted the cultural discourse around video games permanently, to the point hundreds of thousands of idiots yell at each other every day, and also dealt this very board a mortal blow we never fully recovered from.
in high school
most people shitting on anita probably weren't even alive the last time carmack was relevant
Go back to Twitter you fag
>the lack of female representation in the industry is a serious problem
No, it is not, women are not critical to gaming and in fact are hindering it
That retarded list was made before the VR craze.
It's not bait
I'm not even saying it's a positive influence, think what you fucking want, however it is a clear influence that is visible within games development.
Carmack meanwhile has pretty much solely exerted influence on behalf of whoever's employing him, can you really say he's done more in the last decade than advertise for zenimax/occulus?
I don't give a shit just post more pics of Anita's sexy, dick sucking lips.
No, just greedy.
Bitch doesn't even like video games.
Here's the problem with that line of thinking: It's not a list of the most important people in gaming TODAY or RECENTLY, it's just the most important people in games. Looking at Carmack's whole career, he has far more influence than Sarkeesian had, has, or will ever have.
Yeah, he's no Anita Sarkeesian. That's for sure.
You need to stop, heretic.
Lately he's talking about minecraft and mobile games. The fuck happened, John?
Influencing women culture to be more present in games
I don't care about the bitch's view, I just want to feel those perfect lips wrap around my rod and balls
neither does carmack
When I was a young lad browsing Sup Forums this would be referred to as "flaming", or "trolling". Now all these fucking retarded kiddies take everything at face value and get genuinely outraged over people fucking around. This is why Sup Forums sucks now, it's not these whores themselves, but the reactionary newfags that make up the majority of this board.
i want to fuck anita
He used to...
There's sexism against cunts because they're incompetent.
If they weren't, they would have made games/software in the past 30 years of unfettered access to computers.
Instead, they bleed and whine. No more cunt aid or programs. It's throwing money in a black hole.
I'm in the same boat. Sometimes I feel that the people replying are trolling, but I just don't know what to think anymore.
Nah i want to see more of Carmacks dick sucking lips.
>Five Guys
Damn, now I'm hungry
you could be banned for saying such things you now?
Yeah, but on the other hand it makes fucking around on here way more fun.
Summer is over soon brother.
Is everybody just ironically taking the bait?
pic related.
Does carmack r34 exist?
No, a few didn't.
Anita is more important right now - full stop
To be fair in 50 years nobody will remember Carmack while Anita will be gaming historical figure.
You know a "full stop" is just a period, right?
Not like the periods Anita gets, but a period at the end of a sentence, like so.
So, you could have just written:
Anita is more important right now.
And you would have made your point without seeming like an old timey telegraph operator.
You're not even trying anymore.
Mlk was a black anita, and he has a holiday.