Why don't you have a gaming chair?

Why don't you have a gaming chair?

I'm not rich and my chair is comfy as it is

I'm poor lol

Would you pirate a gaming chair?

Can't we already 3D print these things?

What is a really comfy office chair with lumbar support? My shitty office depot chair isn't cutting it.

But i do.

I...I do, I didn't even realize this was a "gamer" chair until just now, because it looks like a blue version of that pic, I just thought it was comfy and picked it up

why don't you have a gaming keyboard?

> gaming chair

it's bugged as shit

It won't sharpen my senses and enhance my reflexes by stimulating my asshole, so it's not a "gaming" chair.

because they're shit

buy an aeron your ass deserves it

I have one just like the one in your picture. 2 years in and its all but fallen apart. They're pieces of shit.

Chair with real wheels coming through

They cost like five thousand dollars

Same reason I don't use gaming condoms, I guess.

I do own some no brand copy of one of these, it's more comfy than office chairs of the same price. I didn't want to spend 1k on a chair.

I think about this picture every day at work. fuck you guys

Don't buy Ikea chairs

Most chairs have a 250 pound weight limit, fatty.

I have a nice, comfy, high-back office chair. Bonus points, it doesn't look like a madkatz controller.

The chair I bought a year and a half ago is really starting to hurt my back.

I can't afford one of those racer chairs unfortunately.

Your office chair won't match the top speeds of a gaming chair though

I just have an office boss's chair, very adjustable, high back and has a headrest, most of all, high build quality since this sort of chair is usually like 450 bucks, I got it for like 50 because the leather was scuffed on the headrest (this somehow reduces the value by THAT much)

gonna get one of these because racecar

I play from bed.

I'm going to regret my lifestyle in a few short years. I already have back problems.

Aeron is a meme.

Just go to staples and buy a $200 office chair.

If you buy a gayming chair you are a faggot. Gaming chairs exist for the sole purpose of separating idiots from their money.


>finally non neet
>like the chairs in the office
>think of getting a nice high backed one for home
>remember I live in a tropical climate

Because I couldn't take myself seriously for being a 'gamer' chair. If there was one that was just one color and didn't look cringy then I'd get it, but those are usually 1k herman miller / steel case office chairs.

you really only need the hyken chair for 130
(plus a 3 year warranty)

They make chairs with netting for the back that's good for people who live on the sun.

Avoid leather at all costs.

Why does he have a sock on his armrest? Do you guys sock your chairs?

You are god damn right

mesh 4 lyfe dogg

My chair give my video games five whole extra frames per second.

I got one of those dxracer chairs cause I'm 6'6 and nearly 400 pounds, it was the cheapest sturdiest chair I could find for my size and weight.

What benefits does a gaming chair offer me over a regular computer chair?

these chairs are really only popular in parts of europe

wonder why that is...

i lay on my bed

Gaming chairs go faster

just bought this, not because gaming but mainly because you don't get ass cancer from it sitting on for hours

Waiting for black friday. I have zero desire to spend ~300-400 on something that isn't genuine leather.

>literally buttblasted

Because my $1000 chair is great to sit on and a gaymen chair would be an objective downgrade in pretty much everything

Don't be a fat fuck - Christ.

Aeron fag fuck offffff