Anyone excited for Cossacks 3 next month?

Anyone excited for Cossacks 3 next month?

Other urls found in this thread:,_el_último_tercio

Yep. Wish we'd get some pure gameplay footage though.


But i hope it's good; the RTS genre needs a boost

no but i'm glad cossack fans are getting a new game because they're rather devoted to the series and they deserve nice things.

I'm sure they'll set out some actual gameplay maybe in 2 weeks, since that'll be 2 weeks before actual release


post more paitings

I wonder if its an exact copy/paste or did they add new features as well?

You don't belong here. Save yourself.

They say they're basically recreating Cossacks [1] but I'm sure they might add things they might have placed in improvements they may have included in Cossacks 2's second expansion. Cossacks was a fine game but we all they they improved it their work over time. Its been 10 years since Battle for Europe was released, I'm sure for now they wil try to play it safe without adding too many new things, but we never know.

I'd be ok with a copy/paste, just like Id be happy with a Mount and Blade Warband copypaste in MnBII:Bannerlord

Gameplay is going to be pretty much the same at the beginning and they'll modify it as needed. The campaigns are completely new though and the AI is written from scratch. Don't think there are any completely new features.

Game's going to have mod tools though. They'll be the same tools the devs used to make the game apparently and they said you would basically be able to build the game from the ground up using them.

That's nice to hear anons ty.

Looking forward to it.


I'm way excited for it. Apart from reviving the series its gonna be at 20$, or so says the official facebook guy. I was expecting it to be higher than that, official facebook guy also said there was going to be free DLC and the original 12 nations will be expanded to 20 when DLC are through

might pick it up
I hope they get enough to fund stalker 2

Well GSC are Ukrainian and games in that region are typically pretty cheap, I guess partially to curb piracy. The CIS (Russia, Ukraine, etc) version of the game is going to be the equivalent of $13.

I think I also read that each nation they update with in the future is going to have its own campaign too. Not sure why the original ones that are there won't all have one though. There's going to be 5 at launch while there's 12 nations.

>each added nation gets its own campaign
This I am liking





>that feel when I can't quite get American Conquest to work on Windows 7
>I can't find my American Conquest: Divided Nation CD and it's not on GOG or Steam

How comfy is the Cossacks series?

I've only played Divided Nation, so I don't really know what to expect from the Cossacks series beyond mechanics.

Single player isn't really comfy at all but building bases in multiplayer is pretty comfy. You typically set an amount of time you're allowed for base building before you can attack so you just sit back, build your city stuff, build a wall, build up your troops, and then go out to attack and/or defend your base.

You've played American Conquest I imagine if you have the game. I haven't played it but it should be somewhat similar to Cossacks. Probably has some more features though.


I can't tell if some of the pictures I have are from this time period or not.

Best painting and best faction


Ah, pity.

I'm sure the game is fine, and it's good to not to look at Cossacks 3 with the wrong expectations.

I kind of just want a RTS where you set up a little colony or town. Watching farmers in the field and then building militia regiments from the granary when we started to get attacked was a real nice feel. Unfortunately I never really got very good at Divided Nation because it was kinda wonky to try to build the various infantry regiments one man at a time. And I probably thought that researching improved reloading and accuracy had more effectiveness than they actually did.

That was years ago. I just played the game incorrectly. I had fun, but I never won.

What's a pity? Your description is basically what you do in Cossacks. You build a mill, which over time will grow wheat and then you put peasants into the field and they'll take the wheat and move it to the storehouse. Same with wood, they'll chop wood and move it to the storehouse. You make soldiers from barracks and stables and artillery from blacksmiths or something though.

It's all good.

These are some great paintings. Have you posted them before in succession like this? I think I remember you from a long time ago.

Don't think I've ever posted these images here. Or at least I don't remember it. The ones that are obviously taken from a camera are mine though, I'm not the other guy.

It felt a lot more competitive than that.

"You better have at least 3 lines of infantry regiments ready with all their officers, flagbearers, and drummers by the ten minute mark" type of game.

But, as you said, that's singleplayer. And I made plenty of mistakes with misspent resources.

the license

Yes they do. Where did this rumor even come from? They even said in a recent interview about Cossacks 3 that they still have the license.

>The ones that are obviously taken from a camera are mine though
I can swear I remember those images being posted on here.


>Stalker 2

It's not fucking happening. It's like HL3 at this point.


It's canned and they're open about that while Valve isn't open about HL3, but that doesn't mean they won't revisit it at some point. Them being back making games is a good sign.


Take your meme image elsewhere




>TM S.T.A.L.K.E.R. still belongs to Sergey Grygorovych.




This Heroes of Might and Magic mod seem fine.

Is American Conquest any good?

Really, I don't want to imagine what modern game design philosophies would do to STALKER 2.

You can't escape the toxic influences of recent open world games, especially if a AAA company gets wind of it and offers to help publish it.

And what's really left to do in Chernobyl? How many times do we have to go back to the same location? Sure, maybe we could go to Fukushima, but it cannot just be Chernobyl with a Japanese theme.

I think one of STALKER's biggest mistakes was departing from the original idea of the book, that the artifacts and phenomena were taking place in multiple locations all around the world and had some non-terrestrial explanation to them. That these were objects that held little value to their original owners as they were just discarded like trash. Maybe alien toys, maybe supernatural objects, whatever.

In STALKER, it just feels like "generic Cold War experiment" instead of actual Russian science fiction. Having a new Zone in another country, and keep the same ideas of it all just being a science experiment gone wrong, is everything that's wrong with modern vidya franchise. Sequels that are the first game but with better graphics and dumbed down mechanics.

Yeah, but winged hussars are OP


On the doujin dude, not the other stuff.



GSC self published Call of Pripyat and are going to self publish Cossacks 3 too. I'm not sure how region specific publishing works but physical releases are published by various companies in the different regions and I don't think they would have a say in what the game is.

And I don't think GSC would take money to compromise the game, especially since from what I've heard, Stalker 2 was at least partially cancelled because it wasn't going to be very good and Sergey recognized this.

I agree with you with it straying too much from Roadside Picnic and I like RP's world more, but I'm not sure if they could license it in any way or how much they could rip it off without getting noticed.

The Zone in the Stalker games is its own thing though, there's a million possible stories you could tell in it. You don't have to go with the far reaching stories SoC through CoP did. And Stalker is inherently tied to the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone so I doubt they'd take it somewhere else.

Sergey is the founder of the company and still has the license. I don't even know where the rumor that they sold or lost it came from.

It literally say your mom on phone, what do you want more?


I just want another solid historical RTS

I just want the porn man.

More games based on historical events are always fun
I wish people knew more history influenced games than just Assassin's Creed

Although hell, maybe they could make a new IP that keeps the fundamental gameplay mechanics but puts them into a completely different setting. One of their first games was actually a tactical fps. I don't know how good it was though.




There is a peace time setting for a reason. And the SP campaigns are ultra comfy (get BtW and then download the Ultimate Pack from here: - don't fall for the campaign DLC).

Also, if you only played Divided Nation you definitely played the worst installment of the series overall for anything but historical reenactment. The SP (especially skirmish) in DN is pretty fucked up and it was made by different people than the others.

This one is pretty cool.

It screws with the economy and makes it even slower than in Cossacks and made formations matter but didn't fix the horrible pathfinding bugs associated with them, so eh. Good idea, bad execution. Still worth a play I think.

I dunno. For a long time, the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone itself was a unique sort of thing. Fukushima's exclusion zone, especially since it pretty much instantly attracted very Stalker-esque urban explorers, is an extremely natural place for a sequel.

Ukraine is also getting weird politically. Chernobyl is obviously to the north of all that mess, but I think it might be more difficult to do things like location scout or even potentially get the game released in the Ukraine or Russia because of the current conflict.

I'm not claiming that a game set in Chernobyl WILL be banned in any country, just pointing out that it isn't the 00's anymore. Second Cold War might start up and suddenly everyone starts acting like imbeciles.

In Divided Nation there was a bit of a problem with various gunpowder units not really being easy to tell what their use is supposed to be.

It's neat to have things like zouave and free black infantry regiments, but why are they better than regular old line infantry?

But that's a Divided Nation problem. I'm sure American Conquest and Fight Back have a bit more variance with the 17th and 18th century militaries, as well as native units.

Divided Nation was pretty much only made for history buffs to re-enact their favourite battles, for actual SP gameplay it had a lot of superflous stuff (like all the different units that were functionally the same, buildings that did nothing...) and was even lacking some stuff that'd been great.

>I'm sure American Conquest and Fight Back have a bit more variance with the 17th and 18th century militaries, as well as native units.
Not really actually. Cossacks has 2 17c inf and 2 cav units, and 3 18c inf and cav units. Some of these get replaced by special nation-specifc units, some nations have additional units (generally one or two), but the differences between the native ones and the standard ones are either so great you only want to be using the native ones, or so minimal it doesn't really matter.

AC is a little better with all the natives, but the European nations are essentially just pallete swaps and have only 4 inf units and one cav unit and a cannon.

Yea, it's so cool to think that these priests, cardinals and monks were on these battlefields in an attempt to rid the land of Protestants.

Also related is an image i posted earlier here

>half of the painting is the sky

why not just crop it???

Hold on I'll ask the guy that painted it.

Okay cool. I'll just fap while I wait.


>I'm sure this one developer will finally buck the trend.


What are you even trying to say

Ignore him, he's talking out of his ass

me on the right




>Painted in 2011
I forgot people still did actual paintings that don't involve filling your ass with emulsion and shitting onto a canvas in public


Is this "try to pop slaves and gather gas faster than your opponent" type of an rts?,_el_último_tercio


Looks like Rise of Nations graphics


That remind me I haven't banged your mom today. Thanks.

Holy shit, I remember playing Cossacks 1 in school, some guy brought a disk in that just installed it and it could be run (Pretty novel at the time for a load of 15 year olds). We had like 6 hours of ICT on tuesdays, and would just do big LAN games.

>Be playing with 4 other people
>Make sure game puts us all away from each other
>Everyone starts in a corner, I start slightly towards the centre, so all my sides are exposed
>Childishly make an alliance with the bloke in my corner, so my back is covered.
>As soon as we're allowed to attack, he invades obvs, have no defences there.
>He's raping my shit, taking over my farms
>Luckily had hit a gold patch near my settlers right at the start
>Mass produce mercenaries, expensive but instant build
>Completely overwhelm his army, take his town, leave him 1 peasant and tell him to gtfo
>Guy to the south sends his forces over, flank that nigger with hussars to capture his cannons, and obliterate him.
>Set up cannons in the pass leading to the south, he seemingly doesn't understand that if you charge burst shot cannons, you're gonna have a bad time.
>Use merc army to conquer the other two players easily
>Wait for dumb fuck to charge AGAIN, then counter attack with a force I hid in the South to capture his unit production
>March my cannons in, decimate him
>No one plays with me again

i too was wondering about this the other day

they can make stone look like silk back then but these days it's either about what you said or about engineering feats

American Conquest IMHO was a much improved version of Cossacks 1, the only thing it lacked is building walls but they left that out on purpose since turtling behind massive castles and castle walls and towers was a Europe warfare thing, not something explorers and conquistadors with very limited supply and very limited knowledge about the new world would do.
Sadly judging by the screenshots, they'll probably remove all the little changes that made it more unique than standard RTS games, like having to actually train peasants into soldiers instead of magically conjuring them from nothing, all building increasing pop limits instead of just having to spam houses, realistic building sizes compared to soldiers, bigger importance on flanking and formations, cannons actually having soldiers that push them around, reload and fire them (like in Total War games), instead of cannons just being operated by invisible ghosts like in Cossacks 1, being able to set buildings on fire and having them burn to the ground if they're not repaired, more realistic fire ranges, starting gunpowder units having "realistic" reload speed (meaning you'll only be able to get one volley off before the enemy closes the distanc), etc.

No, I don't play RTS anymore. Good for fans though.

>17th century

delete this
t. Sweden

I am cautiously optimistic.

wasnt it a remake of one of the older titles?

I've never played the older games in this series, but I have ONE question.

Does kebab get removed?

This expansion worth it for the campaign and new civs?