Why is MHGen rather easy? Even without Adept or Aerial cheese
Monster Hunter
because no g
now post rooms
If I emulate the games on PC will they get too easy or ruin the experience?
Not really.
Being able to play them on a controller might make you too accustomed to that and you'll have to go through painful readjustment to use a 3DS again though.
I want to bathe with Tamamitsune
Should be fine.
Coal Hearted farming, room for one more, come get some charms/zenny
>Main GS
>See other weapons job to Rajang
>tfw no mhgenerations on vita
post best monster or else.
>more lag than 4U
>can't visit villages while online like 4U
>weird disconnects where the room splits and two people become part of cloned lobby with an identical ID while the other two stay behind
>teleporting monsters
>monsters freezing in mid-animation while the room syncs
>everything worked fine in 4U
Anyone want to carry me through lr, I just got Mhgen yesterday. Currently running aerial GS.
i like rape!
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Anyone have a list of good hunting horns?
Are there any better Kirinslut doujins than Futanari Drill? I can't think of any.
>In addition to the popular franchise’s upcoming 3DS RPG Monster Hunter Stories, Capcom has plans for a new Monster Hunter title and more according to their financial results briefing for the year ended March 31, 2016.
>Keep in mind that two million units isn’t exactly the number Capcom would expect from a main entry Monster Hunter title, but we’ll likely hear about a new spinoff title for the series [for console] in addition to Monster Hunter Stories, based on what was mentioned in the financial results briefing.
>Capcom will stream Tokyo Game Show 2016 live from the show floor on September 15 from 20:00 JST, and September 17 and 18 from 10:00 to 17:00 each day. Expect the latest information on Capcom’s upcoming lineup.
I'm mad kirinsluts take up so much of MH doujins
Steve pls go, we all know it's you.
it's not g, it's even easier than 4u ever was before g
I miss subspecies for some reason
because there were more of them, they looked better than the deviants, and they were more fun to fight
>weird disconnects where the room splits and two people become part of cloned lobby with an identical ID while the other two stay behind
Disconnects also happened in 4U
>teleporting monsters
Hasn't happened to me yet, though i had other players teleport around
because the offered variety with different elements and ailments, needing different weapons and gear to take them on.
instead we get another fire rathalos, another poison rathian, another electric zinogre, another water hermitaur, etc.
no variety.
>implying variants aren't just subspecies under a different name
there were nearly no disconnects in MH4U. You probably just got kicked from the lobby a lot.
>Adept Charge Blade
This is dope
>Tfw no love for Black Belt
you can't get kicked mid hunt or in your own room
I've had 1 hunt where Silvy just stayed there for 1 minute, unmoving. Then 1 guy got disconnected and he died in 1 hit
Apparently hits still register even when the connection's shitting itself
It happened when playing with friends.
Also I haven't really had more dcs in gen than in 4u myself
just started snsing, any tips? styles, arts? oils? what buttons do I press?
Spot opened up for charm/zenny farming
Deadeye +2
Dead Eye +3
Can't find room
>Quit the game? All unsaved progress will be lost.
>Would you like to save the game?
Also what's up with all of these item packs Capcom is handing out like candy? That's a lot of free dash juice.
>Also what's up with all of these item packs Capcom is handing out like candy? That's a lot of free dash juice.
If you're a mad pro it'll be enough to get to unlocking the farm.
its free stuff so i'm not going to question it
Will i find Gen easy when switching from MH4U? How are some iconic monsters in Gen in comparison with the ones from MH4u? How are graphics and performance on the New3DS XL? Lastly, how are bows?
Badly drawn pickle?
Badly drawn pickle.
Low rank is really easy, high rank picks things up quite a bit though
Hi user
I got some blue foob for that monster
Velocidromes can read?
It's piss easy. Literally every returning fight is easier than 4U. If you participated in and succeeded at 140 GQs you will rape the game with no effort.
>sharpness skill points
>add up towards Razor Sharp
>handicraft skill points
>add up towards Sharpness
Does anyone still play 4u?
I wanna hunt a black diablos and make the cera gs
Fuck you man
Power shot for all bows now, so that's pretty fun.
What are those prime scraps for?
cause it's not your first MH and you know what you're doing
1: Gen's easier than 4U.
2: "Iconic" monsters are for the most part the same
3: Gen is a little worse than 4U in the performance regard. Turn off the 3D in the main menu to help performance.
4: Bow, especially Adept Bow is amazing.
I solo'd high rank without Adept/Aerial bullshit until partway through HR6 where it's just wasting time because it throws so many multi-monsters at you at that stage.
Otherwise yes the game is very manageable alone. Hypers have bloated health (10k HP Zinogre!) and aren't that fun since they don't really offer anything new save Hyper Tigrex actually changing his patterns a bit.
There are always 5 pages of rooms whenever i play. Lots of super low rank players too, so new blood still flowing in. Im pondering wether to switch to gen though,but I really like 4u, and im still on the fence.
I like vore
It's easier due to styles and hunter arts but it's still fun.
Get it. We need all the english speaking hunters we can get.
I'm in the same boat, I want to get gen but I still have tons of stuff to do in 4
Shit, thats great. Hate fucking arc shots. Any experienced bow anons got some tips on how and when to use arcshots? Do they have any use? They can fuck up blademadters badly.
>Accidentally reach hr4 way too fast
>go back to LR equipment and start completing everything and getting side requests done
>only thing left is LR elder dragons and deviants
>love lagombi set AESTHETICS, decide to go after him first
>make a gammoth set to take it on
>the gammoth set ends up being way better than the snowbaron set i get from it
at least its /fa/ as fuck
>tfw no personal kirinslut
So its more padded (more health to make up for easier fights)? Are you guys having fun taking on the monsters? The new combat styles are appealing but to me MH was always about the rush and excitment of soloing hr shit.
Do I have to care as much about negative affinity anymore because the Tetsucabra GS is dope looking.
>spending 15 minutes on a lagombi
Those fucking rabbits can drift. They should make his theme Deja Vu.
i could be your kirinslut, user
Wait, people bother with variants before unlocked HR? For what purpose?
It honestly ends up very barely weaker than the tigrex jawblade with most sets, if you like it that much go for it.
Just took on Brachydios in 4u in an advanced LR quest. I really liked the fight and i really like his gear. When the fuck can i farm him? I feel like he might become my fav monster.
because it counts as LR
and i dont want to be one of those cunts who goes back and does hr7 extra quests in g rank equipment yet still manages to be a useless cunt even if he wont die when he eats Akantor's lazer
post guild card
Overall monsters are harder to stagger in general, so GS can't do it as reliably and it takes forever to trip over a monster with faster weapons like SnS.
Hypers on top of bloated health have changing spots that when hit help charge your arts faster, but also power up monster attacks that use that body part, sometimes they have an even larger tell or window (like Rath Fireballs and Tetsu charge) and sometimes they don't (Tigrex charging), and deal a lot more red health damage. Which is kind of justified because you're running around with G-Rank like defenses in this game, though the timegated DLC Hyper Deviljho supposedly can still wipe out 80% of your health in one bite.
As for styles and arts? It depends, some gain fuck all from them and some get it so much better. Absolute Evasion/Readiness are fucking retarded and invalidate the majority of arts. Aerial isn't exactly the most effective but it has a low skill floor if you want to cheese.
>thread going nice ly
>these 2 faggots show up
>everyone stops posting
Holy shit get the fuck out you fucking subhuman pieces of shit erp trash REEEEEEE
>adept GS
>Absolute Evasion
>crit draw
feels good
Its the same difficulty, but in gen you cant have a set with 7 big skills and 1000 defense
>that list
>aerial dual blades
>doing HR fated 4 in village
>2 monster spawns at the same time
>drop a smoke bomb
>doing fine against gammoth
>cats aggro mizu
Fucking cats
>no village HR
y tho
Not him, but I wanted to try one out
Did Redhelm this morning in LR gear, and oh boy was it a ride
30 minutes, but I was mostly playing hit and run like mad
It's not a G-Rank game
Fuck. I always laugh uncontrollably during Seltas Queen fights. I just imagine some poor beta seltas faggot carrying his landwhale sjw gf
>REEEEEEE crush the oppressive patriarchy
>Faster you faggot, drop me on them
>y-yes honey
If the queen is hungry she also noms on him
We need more mecha bugs
>tfw no fat seltas gf to force you in carrying her around
Unlocked HR general hunting turns room: I'm not playing like complete shit tonight edition
22 7677 0205 8156
I want a Seltas Empress that combines with four Seltas
Hell I just want more bugs and crusteceans in general. Bring back Nerscylla too.
I miss desert seltas queen. Watching her launch minions so hard they explode was fun
Seltas Queen does a really good job of keeping the lower-tier monsters relevant
You know the first time I heard about deviants I was excited about getting maybe a water rath or dragon los, or thunder hermitaur
Instead we got more poison raht, more fire los, hermitaur with different colors, snowbaron and arzuros who can now shout and so on
Theres a farm in Generations? How do you unlock it? Been sending my cats to do trades so I can get items I requested.
I'm burnt out.
I come off going ham on 4U to get to bronze crown only to get hit by G's lame pacing.
Got to HR6 and I no longer have the interest to farm materials to make new gear, especially now that I need to grind quests for simple cash.
I can't do it anymore, the grind is just too much.
if we got to keep sub-species and get even more then there could have even been a fire zinogre or something.
Yeah. More cool bug monsters pls. If you think about it, from a mechanic point of view, the s queen fight is unique. No other monster uses another monster during a fight in such a way. Come to think about it, she is a simple, no bullshit, fun monster.
44 minutes
goddamn I should have just done it in multiplayer
>black belt armor is back and it has relevant defense
>this will be great!
>jk lol gloves off+1
fucking kill me now
>The Duramboros has less health than Zinogre