Final Fantasy 7 Remake

What would they have to do to make you drop FF7R Sup Forums?

Make it episodic and replace the ATB combat with some Kingdom Heartsian action combat.

Oh wait. They're doing that.

The original turn based system is old and outdated.

This. Also, if it looks as shit as the new one. Which it probably will.

Crisis Core retcons showing up, unless they get HEAVILY changed and reduced to not be shit.

I want them to fully render Jennifer Connelly as Tifa just like what they intended to do.

Once again, they have said it's not real time combat, it's still turn based. I'll give you episodic.

If the episodes turn out to have odd cut off points and are just not worth what they are going to charge for them. I'm not spending 180 bucks for a half assed remake. Now if the episodes are 40 dollars, that's better, but still.

Other then that, I guess changing characters. If Cid is not a loud mouth son of a bitch that hits his would be girlfriend and yells at her because SE doesn't want to be thought of as Misogynist, then yeah, I'm dropping them.

They most likely will. Nomura and Kitase are not afraid to change up a game they originally worked on. I think one of them said that in an interview.

wait really?

The Japanese LOVED Jennifer Connelly in her prime, she was the inspiration for different video game characters like the main protagonist from Clock Tower. Including Tifa.

Digital only.
Any censorship.
They already cut it close with episodic garbage.

they won't do this

She still looks like a fucking fox, too.


no you are

>the main protagonist from Clock Tower
I always thought she looked just like JenCon, like her facial icon could practically be a pixelated screencap from Labyrinth. I guess that makes sense.

They mess up the date scenes.

What could they do wrong with the dates? They already said they'll be in and even fully voiced.


Remake Xenogears

Make it


Make it episodic

Clouds dub voice is already a huge turnoff. I don't know why they keep getting this guy to do him, he just doesn't sound right.

I really hope they keep the dark elements in tact. And I mean the really dark parts, like Dyne's history and suicide, or the fucked up shit going on in most of Midgar's underground. The game should probably get an M rating, going by today's standards, and I'd be really disappointed if they pull back on those things.

no you

If they remove the Honeybee Inn

>tfw you find out that Noctis is taller than cloud

Well, I'm surprised. I thought Noctis' actual height would be like 5'5 considering that he's a twink

Make it episodic.


then make a new faster turnbased system you cocksucker
>Crisis Core retcons showing up
Of course they will. Expect retcons to suit Dirge of Cerberus aswell. So now you won't actually kill Hojo

shitty kingdom hearts combat with character switching tacked on

oh wait

>Remove humour
>Remove un-PC moments (Cid treating his wife poorly / Honeybee)
>A completely different soundtrack instead of remade songs
>No minigames
>No overworld
>Cloud is a faggot instead cool

>I'd be really disappointed if they pull back on those things.
Better get ready for these things then
>less/no enormous blood trail in Shinra HQ
>no scene where Hojo tries to breed Red XIII with Aeris
>Jenova's headless body will be wearing some type of clothing to cover her naked breasts
>Vincent will only have 1 transformation, no horror movie hockey mask and chainsaw
>Honey Bee Inn toned down significantly if not removed
>Cid and Barret don't swear, they'll just say DAMN and maybe SHIT

>he's mad because his garbage gameplay format is outdated as fuck

Tifa having average breasts

>No Tifa calling Barret a retard

mashing x has been around just as long kiddo

Came here to post this. As soon as they reference that edgy pretentious faggot Genesis in any way is when I'm dropping it like it's hot.

Genesis is asleep during FF7 so he won't be in.

Zack is worse anyway, and Japan love the generic faggot

Censor or change Barret's dialogue. Shrink Tifa's breasts. That's probably everything.

hes a good depressed Cloud. His voice fits what sad Cloud sounded like in my head. But he can't do any other emotion other than sad. He's monotone as happy or angry or excited. I'm worried Cloud will just sound bored throughout the entire game because of him

Make it slippery.

Final Fantasy VII is wacky:

Man, what I want is FF to become lulz like it used to be. I admit, FF7 was my first RPG; but, the reason I liked it was that it was lulzy. Cloud wasn't emo, he was just retarded and forgot stuff. He did squats, tried to buy a guy porn but ended up getting a vitamin supplement kit and received a diamond tiara for it, rode a motherfucking DOLPHIN, got in a small tub with tons of burly men, walked in on a guy using the bathroom, wore a thong, went on a roller coaster game when the world was about to end, played video games in an arcade, stole Tifa's orthopedic underwear in the flashback, screwed up a parade while, bought a Villa for lulz, commandeered a submarine, and other shit. It was that stuff that made me love FF7. Stuff like the bitch slapping mini game, riding a space shuttle, riding chocobos, and the FOREVER STAIRCASE were the great stuff. Now FF is shit.

>implying FFVII is not mashing X 80% of the time

I'm fine with Zack from the original game, not the hyperactive retard with the cringeworthy death speech from Crisis Core.

You hold X to sprint.

Every JRPG is just mashing X.

No exceptions.

this. I've been waiting patiently for like 20 years to see Tifa's perfect rack in glorious HD. If Square goes all SJW on her, then it probably means they are gonna be too ball-less to let Cid yell at Shera or Barrett curse or allude to any intimacy between Cloud and Tifa/Aerith or Don Corneo objectify women in his mansion. If it aint broke don't fix it. Let the tits be fat.

>giving a loli CPR will be cut
>will have to watch a 10 minute cutscene of Zack and Sephiroth flying around like Naruto characters

Man, the whole Compilation really did a disservice to FF7. None of the characters are recognizable anymore in terms of behavior or motivation. And it's gonna ruin the remake, cause they'll have to take out all the best and most memorable parts of the game to make it fit in the new dreary post-Advent Children world.

makes me think Tifa x Scarlett slap fight will be cut too

>slap fight minigame will be cut
>will have to watch a 10 minute cutscene of Tifa and Scarlett flying around like Naruto characters

Cover up Yuffie's belly.

Moot point anyway, since they're probably just dropping Yuffie from the game wholesale.

I'm an old fuck who has played JRPGs since I was a kid and even I think they should ditch the ATB system. Old school RPG battle systems were literally created because video games at the time couldn't handle complicated fights involving multiple characters. The fact that you still like it doesn't mean it was good; it just means you've grown attached.

Don't worry goy, if you preorder the deluxe edition of Episode 2 you'll get a 10% discount code for the Season Pass that includes Yuffie as a playable character, but her alt costumes are sold separately.

Seriously though, you have to remember this is episodic shit now, Yuffie won't even be in part 1.

Work in Compilation horseshit, remove the ability to choose your date, give it to Tabata midway through.

He could appear in flashbacks.

Yuffie's age bumped to 19, calling it now

>Yuffie's age bumped to 19
and her outfit still changed

I wish they kept Barrets flat top

Depends on how they do the episodes. I understand that they have to pour millions into the graphics because thats whats going to sell their game to normies and the game would suck even more if they went with a 60 dollar pricetag. I get all that, even if no one else does. I just dont like the idea of the episodes in the open world setting.

Are they going to cut the world map into three chunks, making people pay 60 dollars for each one? Or will they do something more elegant?

Literally nothing, i'll play it no matter what they do.

So you upgrade it into a better turn based system. Don't be thick.

Is it confirmed for having an open world? I figured with the game being episodic you'd just be catching the cliff notes version of the story.

You can't have an episodic open world game.

Jesus Christ, you're acting like it's being made by the people who localize Nintendo games.

Square Enix are often incompetent, not painfully uptight and child-friendly.

Just like how chess is only little pieces on a board with turn based gameplay because video games weren't invented yet.

If it was fun then, it's fun now. They didn't purposely make shitty systems due to limitations. They made systems that were fun with limitations in mind.

They did. And nobody except me liked XII.

You're the reason we can't have nice things.

>be in love with jennifer connelly my whole life
>girlfriend doesn't look like jennifer connelly except has very similar mouth/teeth to when she was young before she had super perfect hollywood teeth
>watch some casting video of jennifer when she's like 17
>her smile and facial expressions in real life 100% match my gf's

powered up my boner so much

Oh, I'm well aware that Square Enix isn't anywhere near as prudish as Treehouse. It seems more like something they'd do because they think the design would look better, or something; and I think they're going to drop Yuffie entirely because they're clearly going for a more cinematic railroaded experience, and she was an optional character, not even the popular one like Vincent.

They're probably going to have Vincent show up as an NPC; and if Yuffie's in the game at all, it'll be with her Dirge of Cerberus outfit, if not something completely new that, again, covers her belly.

It's not wise to assume things. FFXII is a great game, along with VIII, IX, X-2, and any of the other polarizing entries.

>It's not wise to assume things
Look who's talking.

>less/no enormous blood trail in Shinra HQ
Tons of blood was in AC's directors cut and Zack's death scene in CC was very bloody too.

>breeding scene
This might be hard to change and I doubt they would, modern SE games still have tons of fucked up shit like this

I also doubt this, I think I remember AC's flashbacks showing Jenova bear it all.

Gillian beast and Chaos at the very least. Using the Creature and Jason are probably very on the fence. The Creature is public domain and you can make reference to it without getting sued, so they could still do it if they wanted to. I would be more worried that they would think it's too wacky. Jason however, that's likely to get them into trouble.

>Honeybee Inn
I remember them saying they would have to think about how to handle this for modern audiences, which is a shame. I hope they don't remove it, but you can never know for sure. They did confirm that Cloud would still cross dress though and this was a significant portion of that part, so changing it would still have to make sense with why Cloud was cross-dressing to begin with.

Possible. Barret didn't swear much in AC, though his original Japanese portrayal didn't swear too much either, he was just angry a lot. Barret in Japan is mostly known for saying SHIT in English.

Woosleyism, so it will likely be changed. In the original, Tifa is trying to tell Barret that it's not much farther, not really insulting, more saying it to him to convince herself, as she's getting tired as well. That's really the problem. A lot of the old script is going to get changed, not only to clean up the errors like "This guy are sick", but also just to overwrite most of what the English release rewrote because they thought it worked better. Some of it should be preserved though, as Barret was rather bland in Japanese.

Oh damn, you got me. Doesn't mean I'm not holding out hope, though.

>FFXII is a great game, along with VIII, IX, X-2, and any of the other polarizing entries.

The only exception being Crisis Core.

I don't get the complain about an episodic release
It's not like they''ll release one episode each month. Each episode will probably take 2-3 years and you can't expect them to remake FF7 on current gen while turning every city into an actual huge place without taking 10 years and at that point the game would already be outdated again.
It's better to do an episodic release. It's not like Midgar will only be 4 small hallways as in the original. If you don't want to pay full rpice every 3 years that's fine. But the decision to go episodic was the right one

By having Nomura in a leading role, and making it an APRG that is delivered in episodes instead of one coherent product.


If it was the same scale as the original and the same slow combat everyone would still complain
No metter what you do people will complain about it

How many times does it have to be said, it's not an ARPG. They said it's still going to be turn based, it's just flashy and there is a lot of room for the characters to run around. The thing that we don't know about or not, is if there is going to be random encounters, or if we will see the enemies in the world.

So if anything, it seems like they are going the FF12 approach.

I don't think anyone was expecting them to turn every city into a huge place. This game isn't skyrim.

Blame Kitase for chickening out from directing and choosing Nomura instead.

It's mostly people having this fear that means that not only will each part of the game feel really small in comparison to the original game, but also paying for a full game and then having a To be continued. Feels like ass.

There are also some people that see Episodic and they think that means that each 'game' will be self contained, won't require the previous and that it won't be seamless when you have all the episodes. Basically, comparing it to a Tell Tale Games series, which they confirmed it wasn't going to be like.

That's beyond the point when remaking a game. It'd be like if Devil May Cry got a remake and instead of an action game it was a Strategy RPG.

Not even close

It all depends on the gameplay. If it's anything like KH or Star Ocean, I'm out. They said it's turn-based but you won't know what form it'll take until more gameplay footage is released. From what's been shown so far, the gameplay looks fast-paced and button mashy like KH. That's worrying because what makes most JRPGs fun to play is the relaxed gameplay, being able to play the game at your own pace without much pressure. It seems like a big shame they feel the need to keep fucking with the battle system. Maybe they need to in order to keep the series cutting edge with high sales, but still, for fans of traditional JRPG gameplay, it kinda sucks.

It literally looked nothing like realtime combat
Just because the characters move doesn't mean it's an ARPG

>Remaking a game in a different genre isn't the same as remaking a game in a different genre
The point is that regardless of if you think ATB is "Just a relic of the past" Final Fantasy VII is a relic too being dusted off and touched up, they shouldn't change the combat system in some desperate attempt to be modern and "stylish". I'm indifferent about the combat but to think it's a better decision than sticking to the game's roots is fucking retarded.

Not buying it. I'm not paying $60 for Midgar, then $60 up to Aeris dies then $60 up to whatever. Kiss my ass.

>b-but they are going to bloat the game with shit that wasn't in the original
What happened to the game being too big already? Sounds like bullshit to me.

He would rather wait 15 years for an outdated FF7R then pay full price every 3 years and actually get good games

Heard people shit on wooselys translating for years. Remember getting the GBA version of ffvi that was touted as a purer translation and it was dry as hell. Anyone have opinions on the quality of the original Japanese writing in FF games?

Is the price confirmed to be $60 per eipsode? Because they did so something like this before with Hitman but the full set of episodes was only the price of what a full game would be.

>it takes 15 years to make a game!
This is how I know your first console was a ps3.

It'll probably take 3 years for every FF7 episde
So yes it'd robably take at least 10 years

I'm with this guy. FF7 clocked in at about the length of every other jrpg I've ever played. If each episode is between 60 and 70 hours, they lied to us about the original game being too big. And if they're only about 15 hours or so, I'm not wasting my money. We're talking $180 or more here for the full set. God forbid you live in canada or Australia.

I like how fanart always makes her tits bigger because they realize small tits are a downside.

Make Tifa's tits smaller. Literally no reason to except to appease feminists.

It's pretty dry. That's just the Japanese writing style, it works when you want to be super serious, but when they do comedy, well it doesn't translate well to the games, because it's all pretty much puns and wordplay, or characters not understanding a situation, or others reacting to a pervert.

It's hard to draw the line on some changes though. Some jokes just don't work and need to be changed, other times it's really dry lines and you don't want your players getting bored and putting down the game, but you also don't want to completely fuck up the perception of a character.

Maybe you have a character that is really up front about things and can't take a hint to shut up and through the game they get better about that. Some translators get this, others don't. Woosley was one of the ones that got it and tried to play up characters on what they were about to make them more memorable.

Barret went from just yelling and being angry to every Black stereotype under the sun and it made him stand out.

Other translators don't get it and they change characters for the worst.

FPBP /thread

It looked at least similar to real-time combat to me