When will FPS games get rid of huds completely

When will FPS games get rid of huds completely

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never kids wont be able to play games without a ui that show popup that block the screen

Yes how dare we have info on health, ammo, and objectives displayed to us

Muh realism amirite

I play fallout 4 with no hud on survival
Get on my level

Someone already tried to do that
they made a big fucking deal out of it for months before release and it was immediately forgotten about

I know man, huds are just too gamey, amirite?

tomb raider has no hud


It was also a licensed movie game and everyone knows to avoid those instinctively. Which is ironic since King Kong was definitely a good FPS despite being a licensed movie game. The Kong parts are the only downside, boring as fuck.

Hate the XP pop ups and all that shit. Other than that, ROTR was definitely much better than the first reboot TR. That shit was whack.


Never. Most FPS games are arcade shooters, the ones that'll be more likely to remove HUDs are tactical shooters which are pretty niche in comparison. For every tactical shooter that comes out there's hundreds of arcade shooters.

Kong was hailed by every inch of game related media to be the great innovator in next gen games, often because of its unique lack of hud. If it had actually sold well, HUDless games would probably be significantly more common today

the metro games have optional huds
I can't wait for the next one, apparently it's going to be pretty open

it definetely has one you can just make it fade away in the options
also i had a bug when the hud wouldnt show up anymore and i couldnt switch weapons
it was the pirated version so eh
never saw anyone mention it in the threads so i guess i was unlucky
or they didnt actually play it

metro on high diff has no hud either

I'm also playing the pirated version, but I only have a bow so dk if my is bugged too.

When they're developed for HTC VIVE

are you even far enough to have anything else other than a bow ?
the bug started when i loaded a save in the russian ruins region
its still playable, just way harder since i cant gun anything down even in sections where they clearly intend you to

VR will change it in a hurry. Many/most 3rd person games already have in-world hud, bullshit holograms or whatever popping off the character, that will be extended to first-person games. Valve already does it almost with their 'minimal hud', it will be just like that but popping off your weapon/tool/hand.

I'm only 10% done so no

Games that let you disable the hud are great.
It really adds to immersion when there arnt bright arrows and shit all over the screen. Or its just a good tool for screenshots

>I play fallout 4
>Get on my level
Getting that low? No, thanks

>the ones that'll be more likely to remove HUDs are tactical shooters
Except in tactical shooters there are too many mechanics that need hud.

Insurgency has an extremely minimalistic HUD, arcade shooters are much more likely to have minimaps, ammo counters, crosshairs and other shit.

and ethan carter

>walking simulator

>not knowing that its one of the most hardcore shooters

i forgot

When will FPS games get rid of holding the gun so damn close to your face when you're not aiming down the sights?

It really depends on the game. Even then some hud elements should remain like indicators of which direction you are getting shot from or whether or not you are bleeding. These are things you would feel in real life so we would need a way to notify the player

immersion done right

Then add in feedback like some sort of shock machine to emulate the damage.


Agree about pain and bleeding.
>direction you are getting shot from
Would be better to just make a good sound system.

>2224.3 FPS

They also got rid of all the mechanics huds usually inform about, so no real achievement there.

>ctrl+F trespasser
>0 hits

When you come up with another way to give info to the player about your status. Fucking retard

Since BF4? you can remove the hud completely if you want...

just like her shooting


>BF4 is the first game that allows you to remove the hud

are you running that on NASA's render farm?

Even the new CoD is doing away with the hud. I was pretty surprised. Some elements pop back up, but it's pretty much gone.

I remember King Kong having no hud and the character would tell you how much ammo was left. Wish there was more of that

NASA once thought something went terribly wrong on a mission due to framerate issues.

That's how shitty NASA's computers are.

Dead Space has an excellent HUD

>tfw no love for the 2004 riddick vidya

Only bad thing about nohud in the Metro games is how they also don't show interaction prompts. Died a few times due to QTEs that weren't displayed on screen.

Holy shit that game was so solid.

Getting Jack to shout out the ammo count was a great alternative to HUD. I'm genuinely surprised that more story oriented shooters with voiced characters don't do it.

>game has console
>open it and use toggle hud command

Depends on the type of FPS.

I mean imagine the original Doom or something like Serious Sam. It would be a nightmare to play without a HUD, you'd constantly had to take notes of what keys you have, how much health and ammo you have.

Killzone 3 with no hud was pretty great.

A lot of the futuristic games can do away with HUD elements by integrating it into the game design.

Dead Space is a great example; Halo with the ammo count on the rifles is another.

I also don't play either of those for immersion, which the biggest reason not to have a HUD.

>When will FPS games get rid of huds completely

Most of them are just optional. You can remove it if you'd like.


Tresspaser did it. . .poorly

I think there's games where you should have the hud only really like pop up for notifications and then disappear afterward.

Like, if I reload my gun, it'll tell me I've got a full magazine, or if I switch from semiauto to burst or full auto, it pops up to let you know for 3 seconds and then disappears.

that isn't Research Indicates

metro on hard was one of the best experiences ever

Technically Dead Space is hudless?

>all that Vaseline
Why won't you shitters turn of DoF? It looks fucking terrible. Also, NMC has better roads. Seriously, those roads are amazing.

Fair enough.

Personally I don't care about immersion, I just wanna shoot things and feel awesome

Far Cry 2 did its minimalistic HUD well.
Then ubi when full arcade and implemented minimap in the sequel

>Implying we won't implement hud into real life situations
It's just matter of time. With VR and shit making it baby steps I think we can expect some sort of military hud in 20 years max.

>giving the average retarded grunt even more shit to break down or fail
And we already have at least working prototypes for several specialized weapon systems or future armor tech.

Thing is though even that isn't necessary, both of those things could be displayed on the gun itself or by letting the player manually check by pulling out the magazine. As long as you can find another way to give the player important information less HUD is always better and more devs should work towards this.

>the first versions will suck so dont even bother
>likes/owns almost any type of semi or automatic weapon

your literally that dude with the flintlock scoffing at the guy with the "finicky" revolver saying how itll never catch on


HUDs for pilots has been a thing forever now, they're incredibly basic and still cost millions per helmet. There's no way you're going to see that shit used for ground troops for at least another 60 -70 years, if ever.

Now reduce the weapon size by about 95% and we're golden.

>completely misunderstanding my point

What FPS has the best designed HUD?

>HUDs are either extremely unfitting simplistic pieces of shit ruining the theme of the game
>or they arent there

>he doesn't understand minimalism
>he probably thinks swiss international style is bad too
>he's criticising ui design without knowing literally anything about it

kys my man

The goal of a HUD is to convey information in the most intuitive and least intrusive manner possible. This isn't 1998, you don't need a fuckton of textures and gradients for a simple health bar

Maybe, but I don't need the "sleek" design of windows tiles in prehistoric games, gritty shooters or anything like that.

You completely failed if your fucking HUD takes away from the game, and 2016 huds do that, cunt.

Take a look at Metroid prime's hud.

It may seem like a lot but most of it serve a purpose and the rim of the helmet helps you cement your immersion.
Minimalism here wouldn't do it any justice. theres a place for it but not everything needs it.

Dead Space's UI will always be GOAT. Unintrusive, fits the setting and most of it is literally an actual part of the world.

Ayylmao: Isloation is a close second. Same as above, and where it makes sense they replaced functions with actual in-game items (like the scanner)

what version of metro is it?
is it 2033 or last light and is it redux?

ugh, look at all that clutter
jesus christ that's awful

I'd say that HUD is actually part of the gameplay which makes it a nice one. But its also pretty rare that this can be done.
I'm fine with minimalistic HUDs - JUST MAKE IT FIT THE THEME

Though people can argue it makes sense in Asscreed but I fucking hate that too, zero chance to get immersed in the time period because your HUD was designed by neo-Apple.


>Though people can argue it makes sense in Asscreed but I fucking hate that too, zero chance to get immersed in the time period because your HUD was designed by neo-Apple.

Agreed, AssCreed in general would have been so much better without the sci-fi shit ruining the immersion.

I actually like the way they played into this in the later games though, by making your character a literal playtester for Abstergo.

Odd, I hated nothing more than starting a game and being shown to my cubicle to do work with.
I mean just what the fuck

>doesn't want you character frowning angrily while shooting
Plebs, the lot of you

that was a genuinely good game, to my eternal astonishment

Hardcore mode you fuckin casual

HUDs are fine.

Intrusive HUDs that take up 30% or more of the screen are bad.
Mini Maps are they true cancer. They more often than not take up too much of the screen space and give the player too much information. To the point that you can see exactly where enemies are, how fast they're moving and what direction they're facing.

Metroid Prime's hud was cool as shit. It made you feel like you were in a robo suit with all this information being fed to you regarding it's condition, which is how something like that would actually work if it existed, so it's kind of like realism in that sense.


Also Prime gave you the option to adjust the HUD's opacity so you could remove it completely if you wanted to.

>Yes how dare we have info on health, ammo, and objectives displayed to us

You shouldn't be able to survive that many hits anyway. Red Orchestra 2 does it right.

You should count your rounds or have a non hud way of checking.

You can check your objectives by bringing up a map or having a radio voice tell you when the objective is initiated.

>Muh realism amirite


Most things that are unrealistic are crutches to make up for primitive game design.

There ware ways to do this without being intrusive. Like not displaying certain things like health outside of combat. People want to actually enjoy what the game looks like, but dev teams have to horde the screen with pointless information. That's one of my biggest complaints about TW3, but thankfully mods exist. Also, what's wrong with having a key for objectives like it used to be?

there are mods in fps games that disable the hud or parts of it when not in use.

RO2 does so much so well.

>It has to be as realistic as possible. What do you think this is, a game?

No HUD will always be superior in every way.

all of them have the option

>Red Orchestra 2 does it right.
Red Orchestra did it right, RO2 is a casualized mess with instant-healing bandages and bullets that hardly do any damage.
It's hardly a surprise that Sup Forums is into the game, bunch of fucking casuals.

I love hudless games however blood on the screen got to go. This might not work with gamepad because of lack of keys but on a keyboard you could have keys dedicated to displaying some kind of hud. For example holding down R could make your guy take out the magazine and see how many bullets you have left and so on. Constantly having a waypoint on the screen is also awful and should only be displayed for a short amount of time after you press a button or something.

>RO2 is a casualized mess with instant-healing bandages and bullets that hardly do any damage.
what a fucking scrub learn to aim you retard

Those had the best hud, just some tiny squares for health and the ammo on the gun.

Nigger please, I could consistently make hipshots hit from ~50 metres, I know how to aim. The damage system is simply too fucking shit and damage is too low. The whole game is casualized.
"Death" is supposed to come when you're combat ineffective. That's the thing in Red Orchestra, but it isn't so in RO2. Instead you bandage yourself and carry on. Clearly it was intended in RO2 though, since we have ~45 minutes worth of Krauts and commies screaming their lungs out in pain as their guts slowly slide out of their stomachs and they choke on their own blood. The devs openly stated they wanted to attract the CoD crowd, which clearly explains why Sup Forums likes the game so much. Bunch of fucking casuals.


Bandages don't heal, they stop bleeding, retard.
t. someone with 500 hours in RO2