What is the BvS of video games?

What is the BvS of video games?

No Martha's Sky



What is "The Room" of video games?

Quantum break

I watched this last week and I literally can not stop thinking about it

what the fuck

Marvel vs Capcom?

Shit... That's a tough one..

you should ask: who is tommy "I was merely pretending" wiseau of video games?

stop posting this shitter

>Terrible animations ans writing
>Everyone looks stupid
>somehow funny

Playstation allstars
It's trying to take advantage of the popularity of Avengers just like Allstars was trying to copy smash brothers with pretty much the exact same result.

Fallout 4.

silent hill 4: The Room

Oatmeal cookie

TORtanic, Battleborn, or if you want the crossover section considered, Street fighter X Tekken, highly hyped, died like a biatch

Shigeru Miyamoto.

Resident Evil 6


Not even comparable.

BvS has a bunch of people worshipping it on levels All-Stars dreams.

>Someone, somewhere, unironically liked BvS
I don't believe that for a second

I thought it was great, and I buy floppies
People who complain about OoC are retarded. Creators can take creative liberties with characters

Metal Gear Solid 5

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