Who do you main?

Who do you main?
Post stats. Continuation of old thread.

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Nobody should be maining anything in overwatch, its a game about countering.


why six hours on bastion? He's only really effective when you have the element of surprise. That or your compromising your team by having the rein exclusively protect you.

A majority Sup Forums main as Junkrat.
Cause they can't aim

I use bastion to break Reinhardt shields and be a general nuisance to the enemy team. Plus I usually play with friends so we use the rein + bastion cancer strat to ruin quick play for casuals.

Fair enough. But would you take Quick play more seriously now that Season 1 of comp has ended?
This question goes out to all of you.

I'm that solo guy that makes you have fun.

Why would anyone take quick play seriously?

Its literally a loot box grinding simulator. Only good for pub stomping and playing with your less skilled friends.

Well two weeks ago i'd agree.
But now that COMPETITIVE PLAY has ended. How do you see quickplay in the long term?

Mah nigga.

>But would you take Quick play more seriously now that Season 1 of comp has ended?
Absolutely not. Competitive around rank 65-70 was a blessing, people actually communicated and acted like human beings.
Now in QP, it's like I'm playing LoL or Dota. Nothing but babies that spend their time crying instead of trying to get better.

Fuck, I probably would've hit the 60's if I had an actual team. Hated solo queing into a game because I'd get paired with that jackass that *Had* to be team leader despite being the worst player.

A loot box farming simulator where you play with your less skilled friends.

Competitive season one ending changes nothing.

I used to main Soldier 76 but then they fucking castrated him to the point where McRightclick has the better left clicks too.

So now basically only Zeny now.

Placed 54 at level 33
Not sure if i'm improving or not

no bully pls

Fuck these summer crates. All I want is weeb Genji and MuriCree and after 60 fucking boxes of 2 legend golds, and a metric ass load of dupes, I'm still missing those two.

Whoever thought that a literal lottery for the summer items was a good idea should be castrated.

Ended season at rank 73, the game gets so much more fun at higher level matchmaking.

But can you headshot?

I can't.

>can only play Winston and Rienhardt
>30+ hours on both and nothing on everyone else

Who /no skill/ here?

>65-70 was a blessing
Until this shit happens.
Playing solo Q at rank 70+ is not a fun thing because everyone is sucking each other dicks and that fucks the matchmaking. Granted I got that rank in a week after being placed at 62 but that was enough to make me quit after realize a spray and a icon wasnt worth the trouble.

Not as good as I'd want it to be, but definitely getting better. Sometimes it just comes naturally. My hand gets twitchy and headhsots start to land. Feels very rewarding.

Where my Zarya bros?

I've been trying to improve my McCree these days: gotta say my accuracy is pretty decent but my positioning and fight plan still suck ass. That's what I get for transitioning from mobility god to a character who can only roll once every 10 seconds

Yeah mccree has been creeping up on my used list. He'll probably pass up soldier soon since he's just a better version of him but goddamn I'm so bad at hitting people in the head. With solder it wasn't as big of a deal before since you could just spam bullets everywhere.

Since the nerf it's just kinda... bleh.

>"nobody should main anything"
>only plays offence heroes

Wew laddies, team player coming through

When did 76 get nerfed? I don't remember reading that in any patch notes. Did they decrease his damage?

also try this:

Me but im not home

Back a ways they fucked up how fast his spread "recovers" so he basically can't aim anymore after he fires the first like three shots.

And yeah that video is exactly what I've been doing to practice. It definitely does help.

>57 eliminations


>all these golds as Lucio
>matched with 52 as 74
I feel your suffering. Stopped playing comp once I hit 69, but sometimes the matchmaking is absolute garbage.

I think I did that with Pharah

Lucio. Healers are the only real hero you can main.


Pharah and reaper are the only offense heros there you blind faggot.

back when they introduced Ana, they increased the time it takes for the spread to go back to 0 (it used to be instant but now it takes like 1 second or a bit more) which royally fucked 76's capability to fight against anything at mid-long range

>people bitch about junkrat not having to aim when it's his job to make areas a no go zone even when nobody's there
It makes no sense
It's like the one character that you can always be doing something on
If you run into his grenades then you're really fuckin bad

>instead of building situational to your teams most optimal advantage
LoL babbies truly have ruined gaming

Pretty much only played Roadhog when I started, now try to play over people too.

I've never played a comp match

I try to always be serious except the rare "lets all be soldier 76 or all dva" bullshit. Usually its hilarious. But ive ran into a lot of people saying that their practicing on so and so. It shiws that theyre complete shit as so and so.

I dont mind losing but when people clearly dont try to give a shit is what really annoys me more than anything.

Season 2 cannot come fast enough. I should've assumed that all the cancer concentrated on comp because this game is clearly meant for casual fun, but QP is hell now that season 1 is over. Now every match is a stack, shitters constantly complain about everything, and I constantly see meme set ups or cheese strats. Please go back to your Call of Duty shit so I can enjoy the game and play with people who are cognizant of objectives.

>practicing a character means you're shit at it
Yeah I guess people who havent even played the game are the best players

>all these people with you will never run a 16 hour alani marathon

>Torb's hammer does as much damage as Reinhardt's

really makes you think

Fun fact, game counts QP, Competitive and AI separated, it doesnt count you staring at the que que for 1 hour like battleborn.

Overwatch only counts time alive as characters

might as well slap people with his dick, that hammer has no range

>tfw exactly at a level where I couldn't get more boxes than usual for the summer skins
This bothers me so much.

>1 hour
That's a funny way to spell thirty seconds

played zarya 95% of the time

I'm obviously picking a bad hour for this but, unless you are saying that is on console, I call bullshit. Hell even at normal times I see it at 700 tops.

Yes, of course it's fast. You only have like 10 players. If one game is finished you can start another one with the same people

It's presently a console shooter, yeah.
If you're PC-bound, check it out once it's F2P.

Funny thing is I was going to buy Overwatch alongside it but fucking blizzard decided to force an extra 20 fucking burgers out of console players.

>Continuation of old thread.
Then take it to /vg/ you dumb nigger.


Battleborn literally has around 2000 players you are going to try and compare that to something that has 7 million players lmao

Who else /wholehog/ here?

pokemon go has more players than overwatch, but that doesn't make it anything more than a shit game.

How do I use deadeye? Should I go for team kills, area denial, just use it on supports?

My stats. Winston was the first character I played, and the only character I played for my first ten hours of the game. He's fun.

Am I bad Sup Forums?

What do you honestly hope to accomplish coming into this thread swinging an opinion stick around.

Skyrim has a lot too but it's still not a good game. You can't just use examples when you game is simply shit.
Battleborn sucks in every angle, it doesn't matter if it has many players or not.

All of the above. I find it best to use when everyone's fighting on a point and I'm high up.

>Want to practice Widowmaker
>Nobody picks healers
>Don't want to be that guy who instalocks

It's kind of frustrating. I could go with Ana, but it's not really the same and I don't think she's good enough to be a solo healer.

>shitbox introduces an attractive character
>a few people get interested enough in their game to make fan art

I wonder if they've realized that everyone likes sexy characters and making a roster full of uglies was a horrible idea.

Overwatch is pretty fun but I guarantee it wouldn't even be half as popular if it weren't full of cute girls and handsome men.

You need to work on your reading comprehension. user was saying Battleborn was bad because of its playercount.
Not that PC playerbase has anything to do with console playerbase.

He said his game is good because it has a few players and other games suck when they have much.

>I wonder if they've realized that everyone likes sexy characters and making a roster full of uglies was a horrible idea.
this applies to overwatch more than anything else

>19ms ping
You literally have more than twice the amount of time to react to things as I do, it's not fucking fair

i said playercount wasn't indicative of game quality, retard

A lot of low player count games suck. Why no battleborn?

Usually like playing tank but I switch to whatever role our team needs. Been playing a lot of D.Va recently, she's pretty fun since the buff.

I'm always stuck doing the jobs everyone else doesn't want to do.


because it's a good game

I kinda know how that feels, a lot of people I encounter seem to have an aversion to playing as a tank (even more so than support) so I'll usually end up as one. Want to practice with some of the offense heroes but I never seem to get the chance to.

You need to get good at locking quickly but not right away. Like, get good at being 4th or 5th person to lock in. And then you need to be stubborn. The last person to lock isn't the person who has to play support/tank, the least stubborn person is the one who has to play support/tank.

What makes it good

>gameplay in general
>fun co-op campaign
>each character plays entirely differently
>"MOBA" gamemode has barely any similarities to actual MOBAs and is actually, y'know, fun
>waifu of the century
>actual memorable character design
what makes any game good

I thought I was going to hate playing as McCree, turned out to be one of the characters I was the best at.

You are a horrible person.

its usually 13-15 avg

I guess servers are near SE ingurland, france I think?

2/8 are offense
Wow what a retarded post, user.

That game has a character worthy of praise in appearance?

try every character except thorn and toby

I guess everyone is entitled to their opinions.

Well yeah when you put them in a non-shit artstyle.

Swapped over from consoles about a week ago,managed to hit Diamond rank on the PTR.

actually the commissions look worse than the actual in-game pics
save for maybe deande

damn, look at those badass women

if you meant cute, then yes, i concur
otherwise i think you might be talking about >>>/Overwatch/

Dude they're super badass

How about least played characters?

The only one that could possibly apply to is Deande, and even more she (usually) looks better, not sure why whoever made that pic chose that Deande.

Alani is cute and Phoebe is ladylike. Galilea is pretty cute too but I don't have any pictures saved of her.


>Note these are my least played heroes.

100% badassery