Walk into room

>walk into room
>see this

wat do, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


Fart loudly.

What the fuck? Where's his penis? His testicles?

>turn 360
>walk away

in his underwear

Are ya winnin son?

I stare into the void and the void stares back

So is DOOM worth getting? If its just basic DOOM with updated graphics that seems plenty worth it to me.

>That video really happened
>Reality is cruel
Somethings weren't meant to exist

Do what should have been done years ago.

Put the poor bastard to rest.


only on sale

ask him if I can get my Sonichu #1 comic signed by both of his lesbian and solid chris spirits

Check my 6
Also sage for not vidya


actually kill him

Show em my current electoral college map

If that's what you want you can get it for free from a mod and you will be much happier.

Wonder what made you think Sup Forums was Sup Forums

dahnald return my delegates


I cant handle with this dark world anymore

