Is anyone even interested in Ace Attorney 6?

Is anyone even interested in Ace Attorney 6?
It comes out in like two weeks.

Yes. I avoid this thread for spoilers and all.

great job so far

I wonder what her sweat tastes like.

Nah, I don't have a lot of interest in the new one. I'll probably pirate it and only buy after if I like it.

Don't lie to yourself. You're not going to buy shit.

Don't have a 3ds. Convince me to buy one by naming ten worthwile games on that platform

I bought every other game in the series you faggot. Piss off.

Did you buy DGS? :^)

Wait the english version is coming out in two weeks? Is it digital only?

Yes, but I don't have a 3DS, so I'll be leaving Sup Forums for a year until they release it on iOS.

Currently replaying all Ace Attorney games.

Will there ever be a bigger asshole in the series?


maya and phoenix dont hook up in AA6 so no idc

Yeah, it's a shame Maya does fuck all in the game except get arrested YET AGAIN

Explain is picture.

Trucy is at the gallery increasing the potency with a remote controller every time Athena objects to something.

>No Shu Takumi
>Digital only

Fuck no. Day one pirate.

I'm pirating solely because I'm still salty about Capcom giving us the middle finger with DGS. Fuck them, not giving them any more money if they don't give me games.

I'm playing through 5 right now. I forgot how dumb this series is.

The maid chick in the second case wasn't funny when she mistook Apollo for a demon the first time, it doesn't get funnier when you drag the joke out again and again.

Well maybe if you guys bought more SFV DLC, all the Resident Evil re-releases, and Dead Rising, we wouldn't be having this problem!!

no ones talking about it because we're avoiding all threads of it due to spoilers. Don't expect to hear much of anything until it comes out

AA5 is easily the worst in the series

how about le funny magic panties

Where can I find more of these comics?

Why is Athena so fucking hot?

Don't talk shit about Jinxie

Made for porn.

Google "Pop Team Epic"

People actually like this lame ass genki bitch?
This is the worst way you could shoe horn a female protag imaginable

>not liking genki
shit taste

> Being a weeaboo

I bet your parents are proud

Yes they are, how is weeaboo an insult here though?
How does liking genki make you a weeaboo in the first place?

Don't you have some shitty current running anime to be watching right now?

I said she was good for porn, not a great character.

It's almost like a warcry of virginity and paternal rejection.

Most people aren't mentioning it either because they are afraid of spoilers, have lost interest or are assblasted Mayafags.

i really want to buy it but im on 9.8 and don't want to update. Should i hack my 3ds and then buy?

It's almost as if you don't know how to keep shitting with your mouth and resort to reddit tier banter
I'm sorry user but retardation can't be cured, too bad.

>Good for porn
>Almost no porn of her
>Not even a doujin

Even the fucking Japs don't like her

thx senpai

Hack and pirate.

So every assistant in the franchise then?

Just waiting for dgs.
Been massively let down by both PWvsPL and AA5, so not really feeling AA6, but I heard great things about DGS like diff writer or whatever. Whatever just give me that sweet loli

but im not poor and want to support capcom for localizing it

I don't give a shit about your weeb game you manchild

Capcom America treating the series like garbage is a fucking insult to AA fans. There is literally no excuse not to have this is in physical form. I fucking hate buying digital, especially with how retarded Nintendo is when it comes to it.

>I want to support the company that didn't give me DGS

Why didn't you like PLvsAA? It was basically a fan service game for both fans of the series.

AA5 was trash though

>There is literally no excuse not to have this is in physical form

Crapcom is all about saving money.
Digital only means they save some good money on production/shipping/storage, etc.
Digital only also means you can't lend the game to friends, or sell it, or allow people to buy the game 2nd hand.
They're trying to squeeze as much money as they can. And people are actually defending this business practice.

yeah but if everyone pirates this one they probably won't localize any more and put their efforts into shitty AAA titles with tons of hype that people actually buy

B-b-but if we fall for their scam they MIGHT localize it!!

Investigations 2? Huh? What's that?

Fans will translate games anyway. If they don't care about the fans, why should I keep giving them my money?

Hey remember that if you buy lots of DD copies, MAAAYBE there will be a physical version! :)

>Fans will translate games anyway.

yeah i really enjoy waiting 4+ years for a translation .

Ok chump, how's that official AAI2 release going? How about DGS?
Based Capcom, huh?


>6-1: good
>6-2: good
>6-3: okay
>6-4: looks like crap to me
>6-5: I hear it's fantasic
Opinions? Also, DLC case when?

I'm gonna be personally sending a "fuck you" to Capcom's social media networks with pictures of my copies of AA1-4 and the pirated AA6.
Probably won't help much, but it'll soothe my rage a bit

The story fell reallt badly at the ending part. I dont know if youve already plated the game so I'll play it safe but there will be more plotholes than swisscheese, cases 1-3 (IIRC upto jean's) are good but after that it gets worse, lots of bad dhit happening in the end that it just gets hilarious, some things that felt really worthless, and an ending that is hilariously bad and cheesy

Ok I'll say a small part of it
They ride off on a boat towards the sunset nevermind all the dead people

Yeah and if capcom didn't release these games and build hype for franchise, guess how many fans would have translated?

Waiting for the mobile port. Rather not play it with the blurry 3DS visuals and crappy screen.

>Wanting DLC

I hate this generation

I can name maybe 1.

Capcom has very few IPs that anyone gives a shit about anymore, so I doubt they'd drop it altogether. I'm with the other guy about pirating it. I've been a fan of the franchise since the first came out in the US. I preordered a copy from Gamestop and have one of the initial copies when it was a niche as fuck series before they rereleased later on, and I've purchased every game since then. All that aside, I refuse to give Capcom any more of my goddamn money. I was already asshurt about them making AA5 digital only, but to not fucking localize a PW game that features SHERLOCK FUCKING HOLMES, a Western character, is so disgustingly retarded that they don't deserve my money.

>not wanting a case with Larry

Uhh, nobody died in that game... Are you sure you actually played it?

And for that matter, have you ever played a Layton game? Their infamous for crazy plot twist endings

>Uhh, nobody died in that game...
Except all those people who burned to death thanks to loli Darklaw

>let someone with severe nerve damage come out of a coma and immediately start prosecuting high profile cases with no experience or oversight
>he rewards your trust by murdering his girlfriend's mom in order to spite a ghost

i am still mad

itt children literally yelling about how they're going to pirate games

>why doesn't capcom like ace attorney fans???

6 of their top 10 games have come out in the past 10 years

1 2009 Resident Evil 5 7.0
2 2012 Resident Evil 6 6.5
3 1992 Street Fighter Il 6.3
4 1998 Resident Evil 2 4.96
5 2010 Monster Hunter Freedom 3 4.8
6 2014 Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate 4.1
7 2013 Monster Hunter 4 4.1
8 1993 Street Fighter II Turbo 4.1
9 2008 Monster Hunter Freedom Unite 3.7
10 1999 Resident Evil 3 Nemesis 3.5

>phoenix wright is so low it doesn't even make the list of 75

I doubt any more phoenix wright games come to the states due to the pedantry of their "fans"


i wanna play DGS so fucking bad ;__;

It's been a while since I've played it but I'm pretty sure that's bullshit

No, that's a fact that happened.

> Reddit tier
Honestly, I wouldn't know. It sounds like you spend more time on Reddit than you're willing to admit.

Nice virgin faggot response, virgin fag.

Takeshi Yamazaki really should've stuck with Ace Attorney Investigations, by second part he finally made it his own.

The plottweest didnt really went well with the AA cast in there as well you know. It wouldve been better if they took the AA approach in that game and made the PL stupid tweest stay in their own solo game.

>Fans get treated like crap
>Ask for something as simple as a physical cart
>Wtf stop being so entitled

Literally no fucking excuse when niche as fuck companies are able to shit out physical copies for their games while Capcom, a relatively huge name in the industry, continues to be anti-consumer.

But hey, maybe I should buy Resident Evil 4 for the billionth time instead?

not him but yeah those deaths happened

plvpw had one of the most convoluted premises in vidya history

>hypnosis water and knockout bells

Those forget those invisible black machineries and people

Nah, disagree. Also, learn proper English.

it's not anti consumer, it's pro capitalism you commie

Same thing

DGS was a boring slog of a game with the most unsatisfyinng conclusion, I put this game down thinking "I paid $60 and shipping for THIS?" Apparently Japan thought the same and it ended up as the lowest selling AA game and the worst reviewed

oki tats nice :)

>trying so hard to justify why you're pirating this game
>3ds being stupid easy to hack not coming into it

All those things were properly explained and are staples in the Layton series. If anything, Layton games are much more realistic than AA with its spiritual bullshit

That's a given you fucking retard
Kill yourself

If you liked 5, you have shit taste and you'll love this. If not, dont bother, this is trash just like DD.

thats ok I never liked indians anyway

Phoenix Wright has and always will be a nice as fuck franchise. It's a goddamn pseudo-VN where you play as an attorney. And I said IPs, not games. Shiteaters will always eat any Resident Evil game and MonHun still makes money, but that's about it for Capcom. Even SF, their old golden goose, is starting to flounder because they don't know what they are doing. I dutifully supported Crapcom for nearly a decade and then they decided to go full jew and go digital, even though everywhere else got physical. Then they release a mainline game (the second total) only in Japan, even though it's objectively the most fucking Western game in the entire franchise. If you want to be a shiteater and give someone money who doesn't deserve, by all means, but let's not fucking pretend like Capcom really gives a shit what the fans do.

It's that time of the day again. Post them.

I don't even know how the fuck can you make a game with such a high budget that is almost as bad as Apollo Justice or Justice for All (I mean, those are still decent games, but still).

I'm watching the translated walkthrough for the last chapter, I'm 1 hour in it and literally nothing has happened yet and is supposed to be 8 fucking hours long. If that case is so long and it doesn't solve shit then I can say that it could be arguarbly a worse game than AJ.

Bridge and farewell needs a swap around.

bridge to turnabout is NOT that good

This list is fucking garbage

Wait, no physical fucking copies?

>DGS also ended up bad
Well thats just a fucking downer. Is there still hope for AA franchise?

I haven't played any Ace Attorney games since AA Investigations. Can somebody redpill me on how the series has been doing?

>I dislike Turnabout Big Top, the case is so unrealistic and makes no sense at all!

>A spin off is bad
Whoa, shocker

>Is there still hope for AA franchise?
Get Takumi back at the reigns of the mainline games, retcon AA5 and AA6, and go back to finishing his planned second trilogy starring Apollo

AAI2 is arguarbly the best game in the series.
DGS is as bad as Apollo Justice.
AA5 is great, though a couple of people don't like it because of how easy it is (Ace attorney was never hard though).
AA6 is apparently a mixed bag.

I think big top is fucking stupid, however the people who say big top is stupid and turn around to say bridge to turnabout is great are even worse