>"YOU are powered up. Get in there."
>I am support
What did she mean by this?
>"YOU are powered up. Get in there."
>I am support
What did she mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
She mean that you fucked up her ult holy shit why do you have to jump around the whole fucking time you are making her job 1000x harder
She meant why the fuck did you jump in front of Reinhardt you dumb motherfucker
Do Asians really like OW characters or do they do this for every game?
>catch nanoboost as mercy
>nobody else around but ana
W-who is she expecting me to succ?
Your self fgt
>the part of the world that at least one country has turned a blizzard game into a national sport
>do they like this other blizzard game's characters
Reinhardt, you need nanoboost in order to handle his big fat German schlong.
She's expecting you to go to town on her 60 year old snoipah dong.
Calm your edge you're scaring the kids
tfw got the last skin i need
Your healing is literally 2x as fast
I hate you
>missing one highlight intro
>will probably never get it because the game keeps giving me duplicate legendary skins
>playing reinhardt
>we fend off the enemy team
>get boosted
>no one to kill
>Make the best weeb skin
>Only one that actually changes the color of the fucking sword
>Put it in a lottery box with no coin purchase option
Fuck this system.
Even f2p games like LoL don't do this kind of Jewery with their skins. But I'm sure Blizz made loadsamoney from people desperate to get their favorite heroes' skin that all events will be exactly the same system.
I got every skin except swiss mercy and jap genji. Fuck this gay earth. Even got lucio soccer fucking duplicates.
Asians are famously xenophobic and reject everything foreign (even though China has the most bizarre hard on for shlock like Transformers' movies, Korea basically created the modern E-sport out of Starcraft, and Japan had GTA5 on their highiest selling game list when it was release)
Americans, everybody.
I got this and Tracer last week
now I have everything
>I'm playing Symmetra
>damage is already ramped up after killing the flanking genji
She meant kill the whole team, so I did.
Fuck you
>no americree skin
>but I've gotten over 2k in coin drops and 2x zarya weightlifter
How am I being edgey? Are you just sensitive and using that as retaliation?
>get nanoboosted with 20hp
>Ana is chipping away at a roadhog and doesn't heal you
>tfw everything but American McCree and South Korean D.Va
In my last crate I got two (2) Swiss Mercy duplicates at once. I didn't even know that could happen.
Shit sorry user for putting you in
Why do you keep responding to
Gooks are subhuman
Literally nobody cares
Chinese are subhuman
Koreans are self hating sheep
Taiwanese are OK, never met a terrible one
Japs are dicks
Don't even get me started on SEAs, the black people of Asia
I don't remember asking your opinion, stupid American.
when does the event end specifically?
I'm the inverse of everyone else. Most people are dying for this and/or McCree. I have both but Genji is a faggot hero that thankfully is getting nerfed and I have the Mystery Man McCree which I like slightly more. I wanted one of the Lucio skins, but since I never got one I guess I'll buy the Frogger one.
man in the yellow hat is the worst mccree skin
t. Lee "Johnny" Xiao
Stand fucking still
Literally no one wants an American's opinion on anything
>>Only one that actually changes the color of the fucking sword
All of his epic skins change the color of his sword
Says the guy spouting off opinions like he thinks we care
What's sad is that I am not American, but you are still subhuman
You're getting it anyway
Like a true American does
>Preforming well
>Hitting headshots
>Getting kills
>Ana nano boosts me
>Hands clam up
>Start to sweat
>Worried about letting everyone down
>Miss every shot and do nothing during the nano boost
>As soon as I ends I become a killing machine again
Every time.
As an Ana player, it's ok. I expect most you fuckers to drop spaghetti when I boost you. If anything, i use boost as a distraction, because the other team tends to swarm the boosted player
Death to dykefags.
>fucking stop.gif
>playing pharah
>get boosted
>nervous because close quarters combat and I got guys up on my ass
>misjudge a shot and it blows up in my face killing me
>everyone saw
>asians don't like foreign stuff
>but here are some exceptions, including the game the guy you responded to was refrencing
>lol dumb american
so you prove his point, then act like you won an argument?
>all I wanted was swiss mercy
>got literally every other skin this event
it's not fair
That you really shouldn't be surprised that exceptions exist?
And that Overwatch is one of them? But please, keep talking hot shit like the stupid American that you are while I slowly drink myself to death knowing you insufferable faggots destroyed the world.
>teamed up with a couple /owg/'s
>one of them frequents Ana
>"Alright, user, I'mma boost you"
>Reapin' it, sweating bullets, don't wanna fuck up
>pave a path of bodies with superboosted Death Blossoms
It's like a drug.
I need more.
who's surprised exceptions exist? they said that they'd likely like a blizzard game because blizzard already has a presence there, you no speak-a da english so good? not everyone's an american retard, but please, do everyone a favor and drink yourself to death already
>McCree POTG
>me missing 5 shots then killing two people with my ult
>leave the game without looking at the chat
>Lucio gets cornered by Roadhog
>stick him twice for health and then remove pig
Mother knows best
Please tell me this isnt another pharah and mercy pairing picture. That shit triggers my autism.
>Not liking Airships
They are LITERALLY made for each other, retard.
>junkrat PotG
>shows my tire running into a wall for the longest 5 seconds ever before I can actually turn a corner and blow up 3 guys
If only there were a way to refuse the PotG I don't like all the attention
Ignore it than. It's that easy.
Soak it in user.
I want lucios soccer skin/muricree's so badly.
I have d.vas, both of tracers, one of zaryas, Mercy's and genjis.
That the poster has lost control of his life and probably needs to kill himself before his emotional state ruins his family
I got
>Nihon Genji
>Swiss Miss Mercy
>Both Kicky Bally Lucios
>Orange Track Tracer
Not going to play tomorrow, so thats it for me
How did I do?
>Got every skin, taunt, highlight intro, spray and voiceline
>Only missing a few icons and one victory pose
Good enough for me i guess
In game sure, not in fucking lore fag.
>FPS on Console
I can't wait for this meme to die
Except it isnt when im casually scrolling through and happen to see it. And by that point ive already gone full retard about it and its too late.
I think PCs suck unless you spend 1500$+ though and I still hate kB+m and small monitors and steam sucks
>McCree players
How the fuck do people play Zen? I don't mean mechanically, but how the fuck do you cope with the absurd amount of popups all over everyone's character model? How do you accurately heal or discord the correct person when people are stacking? I've only played a few bot matches and I don't think I can deal. I want to get proficient with at least 2 healers and I'm not much of a sniper so I figured I'd try Zen over Ana.
If you can't beat them, join them.
>all of those opinions
you want to try to play zen as like, a tactician behind everyone else.
the best zen/team flow would be you keeping an eye on the main force and then the flankers coming back and getting heals when needed.
with the newer patches tho zen has become a god who can often times take out a tank solo if need be but he's getting nerfed soon.
I love small monitors desu.
Anything less than 11 inches is wonderful.
I hate how I always soak up the dart by accident as Lucio when I'm dancing around on the payload trying to stop/push the thing.
>tfw got every fucking skin and like 15+ multiples of the epic ones and like 6x extra legendaries
>didn't get nihon genji even though that was the one I really fucking wanted
>playing Roadhog
>get boosted as killing only guy around
>waddle around trying to find someone else
>playing Ana
>20 seconds left on the clock to defend
>Half our team gets high nooned
>panic and look to pop my ult on the first thing in blue I see
>its Winston
>Primal Rage
>his face when
Glorious, Ana is easily my favorite support
>Get create
>This is in it
>I wras hoping for a charrange line is in it as well
Better start learning how to play him.
>Have almost every summer games skin, without needing to buy any lootboxes
>except the American McCree skin, the only one I actually wanted
Why is this allowed?
>only got Lucio's soccer skin
>the one guy I never fucking play
I really wanted the only not dyke hair Zarya skin there is or American McCree
>gone through 20+ summer lootboxes
>Not a single skin besides Zarya weightlifter
>All my mates have at least half of the skins
>Get all the sprays and voicelines instead
Save me from this hell.
I don't even play overwatch but cyborg ninja dude is cute
I've gotten this fucking skin 4 fucking times. I mean I ""main"" Genji, but god damn it I want the American McCree one.
i once boosted a reaper and we had a mercy with us and she boosted him too , he one shot tanks or at least it looked like it
12 lose streak tonight
love every minute
game is great blizzard is wonderful
Do you leave your games after you lose?
mebbe u just suk.
>Caring about Quick play
Why? im just going McCree and Roadhog non stop because i just want to get better with them, not win.
fucking yuri fags
agreed, yuri is hot garbage outside of actual porn.
not quick play, lucio ball
>Junkrat PotG
>It's me that i shoot some bombs behind a wall while i reach the battlefield for shit and giggles nad waste time
>i actually kill 3 of them
>Ana ults me as soldier
>After I say my ult isn't ready
>I'm currently surrounded by a tracer and genji
>fucking weeks into the event and retards still don't stay as the goalie
Jesus fucking christ.
>Have both tracers, red zarya athlete, nippon genji and like everything else people want
>Never got the fucking one thing i wanted which was shotput highlight for junkrat
grass always greener etc