ITT: Strongest characters of their respective series.
ITT: Strongest characters of their respective series
>Gets fucked by a moon bitch
>Gets outplayed by a drunken oni
>Needed help to stop a retarded nuclear bird
>Gets her shrine destroyed by a bored masochist
>Get's fucked by a another moon bitch milf
>Reimu strongest in anything>
That's not Cirno.
Why do people like Utsuho's theme so much? It isn't that good, just normal good
Not even. She sometimes loses and is much less powerful than chicks like Yukari, Yama, etc.
>Canonically lost to Suika, Tenshi, and Yorihime.
Because it's has the most hypest moment in touhou history
I know, the PC-98 version of her theme sounds far better.
>Poor Little Earth Girl
Demi-Fiend will wipe the floor with any character in video games
Which one is that?
You can't do that.
>Poor Little Moon bitch
>Hey dudes, check out all our super powerful girls!
>Oh that's kinda cool what powers do they have?
>All types!
>Cool, do they ever fight with those powers?
>No, they're all prohibited from using them. But they fight with card games instead!
Touhou is shit.
I'm pretty sure there are youkai out there stronger than Reimu, Reimu is just amazing at danmaku battles, which are nonlethal and not equal to one's power level.
I guess she beat Shinki in MS before spellcard rules were a thing so she has to be up there at least, but not the strongest.
There is no need to be upset.
fuck you memer
Happy Gordo.
I can't believe he had the detanator