Does Sup Forums still like 3x3 threads?

does Sup Forums still like 3x3 threads?

make them here:

Other urls found in this thread:



What's the point of 3x3? Is there a certain way to arrange the pictures?

Nope. Just your 9 favorite games.

3x3 is dumb but 7/8 btw. VTM is shit.

>VTM is shit

Waiting for summer to end is suffering.

What about the scoring system? Like 5/7 when there is 9 games?

8/9 mahnigga.jpg




How can one man's taste be so limited and shitty?
Is all you play arcade games, you cringy mongrel?

>this the kinda nigga wears cargo shorts and sandals


Special snowflake coming through.



>that taste
>special snowlfake
I am not sure you know what that word means. Your taste is bland and there is nothing special about it, at all.

I meant the format, not the games.


Never heard of pathologic. I'll check that shit out.



I cant really get into The Witcher despite my best efforts...


NBA Jam, and Metal Slug 3 took a lot of my quarters in my youth... and adulthood.




>smash T.V
my man 1/1

Updated image.

Mah nigga.

Damn. Literally the best taste I've seen on Sup Forums pretty much just what I put in 3x3s.

Except for Dragon Age Origins. Kind of insulting to the other games around it. Come on dude, lmao.


I have already done two YTPMVs for it
The next one will be great, I'm sure of it.



Judge me now!

Holy shit are you me ?

How about you rate first.

Are you retarded or something? I literally never come to this shit threads and even I can tell that image gets constantly posted here, even with the same distribution and everything, its either the same faggot making this threads or some tryhad just posting "Sup Forums" approved games, literally taste as bland as shit, the fucker probably tried to add dragon age origin in an attempt to make his shit game look better.

Is dragonage really that good?

you faggots need to rate others

But I already did.

It's the last good Bioware RPG IMO. You can get the GOTY complete champion TM edition for like 5 bucks on Origin these days, go for it amigo

Why? OP doesn't say I have to and I don't really give any fucks if I get rated either...posting anything at all is a 99% chance of getting shit on.

I mean, I have played all but one of those games, and liked most of them.

Isn't it *possible* that someone genuinely finds those games to be their favorite regardless of your purview of what's "Sup Forums approved"?

Besides, where's YOUR 3x3 if you're clearly so cool and "anti-contrarian"?

> I don't really give any fucks if I get rated either

Then why would you post it?

I like making them.

Ok then
3/4 Was too young and too shitty to know how to play Mega Man Legends
7/7 this guy's is the shit right here

Take out DA:O and you have the most Sup Forumstastic meme favorites possible

Literal vidya virtue signaling, fucking christ

3/3 (gauntlet legends is the best)

Oblivion is the comfiest tes game imo, I can never really put my finger on why
Undertale is also good, I don't agree with people who say it's the best game of all time but it's a neat surprise

>VTM is shit

Is kotor 2 worth playing if I wasn't the biggest fan of kotor 1?

You know what you like, I can respect that

Pathologic is certainly one of the most bizarre games I've ever played, I've gone through it maybe 6 times and I'm still it sure what to make of it. In any case, it's really captivating and I've played nothing else that's had the same emotional effect in me so it's one of my favourites

Lisa is one of the few good RPGmaker games, the only other one that comes to mind is yume nikki

You seem like a nostalgic kinda guy

I certainly liked it, the story was tolkienesque high fantasy but it took enough creative liberties to make it feel interesting, and most aspects of the setting were fleshed out so they didn't feel cliché. Characters are also really good, and honestly so is the combat. Last good game bioware made before they got fucked by EA


-Dark Souls, New Vegas,Planetscape
+VtM:Bloodlines,Dragon Age

-Undermeme, Oblivion, Diablo, Dark Souls

-Dark Souls1&2, New Vegas
+KOTOR1&2, Dragon Age

+Metal Slug

-New Vegas

-God Hand
+Demon Souls, P3, KHII

+P3, KHII, Xenogears
-Chrono Trigger

+Front Mission 3, KOTORII


+DOOM, Bayonetta
-Saints Row 2, Chrono Trigger

+Vampires,Battlefront, ME2

-Symphonia, DQV, LISA,Tactics, League

3/3: New Vegas, Morrowind, Deus Ex

4/4: Deus Ex, Oblivion, Diablo, Final Fantasy

1/1: New Vegas

2/2: NBA Jam, Metal Slug

3/3: Jet Set Radio, Pikmin, New Vegas

103/3: Mega Man Zero, Comix Zone, Viewtiful Joe
100 bonus points for definitive image format

5/5: Skies of Arcadia, Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger, Half-Life, Sonic Adventure

4/4: Aria of Sorrow, Majora's Mask, Deus Ex, Morrowind

4.5/5: +SSX Tricky, Deus Ex, Gauntlet, Aggressive Inline, ~Kingdom Hearts

4/4: Doom, Symphony of the Night, Chrono Trigger, Resident Evil

3.5/4: +Morrowind, Modern Warfare, Mass Effect, ~Bioshock

2/2: Tales of Symphonia, Pikmin

6/6: Oblivion, Pokémon RSE, Smash Bros, Sonic 2, Mario Kart, Streets of Rage

1/1: A Link to the Past

3/3: Paper Mario, Pokémon GSC, Mass Effect

Maybe, but I like them the most and don't really care if they're memes or Sup Forumscore or whatever

Not gonna rate any faggots that didn't rate anybody else.

+ F-Zero GX
- Majora's Mask
Pretty many games I've never played, so it's hard to say what I think. But Deus Ex is a no brainer and Castlevania is pretty cool, even if I can't get into the series for some reason.

+Skies of Arcadia, Xenogears, Silent Hill 2, Final Fantasy VI
- Kingdom Hearts 2, Chrono Trigger, Half-Life, Sonic Adventure 2
Overall pretty close to my taste I'd say (J-RPGs and atmospheric games). I only played Half Life last year so it was really hard to appreciate it to be honest, but it's a classic so I guess it's understandable why you like it. And yeah, bonus points for skies of arcadia because everybody that likes this game is my nigger.

+ Sam & Max, Vanquish, JSRF, Pikmin 2, Wonderful 101
Pretty great. Never heard of Bonk's Revenge though. Man, W101 is so fucking underrated, even on this board where pretty much everyone is a sucker for platinum games.






4/4, was thinking of starting radient historia how does it play?

9/9, excellent

6/6 good taste


>someone has Morrowind, Oblivion or Skyrim in their 3x3


4/5. Didn't like TWEWY. Suikoden, Nocturne, Ys and VC3 is all right.

5/5. KOTOR, Empire at War, Bad Company 2, Pokeymans and Mass Effect 2.

How cute. 3/3. Zelda, FF7 and Battletoads.

>tfw haven't played almost any of the "classics"
>hate rating others since I usually can just give 1/1 to 3/3

If i like dark souls and new vegas and consider them my favorite games ever, am I virtue signaling?


>was thinking of starting radient historia how does it play?
Combat is mostly standard JRPG, but there is a 3x3 grid in battle, allowing you to push enemies around for combos (there are attacks that cover a full row or you can put mines and other stuff and then push them so they take more damage).
Story has time travel shenanigans and you need to fix stuff in one timeline to continue on with your quest in the other and things like that (save people that get killed, destroy rocks and other things blocking your way...).

>this thread
the cringe is real

This is what good taste looks like you filthy peasants.

I like the sound tracks in a lot of your games but haven't played them all.


>low poly Portal
Would not play.

Have a (You)

>Counter Strike
>good taste

stop posting


It's hype to hate on Portal now?
I can understand Skyrim, but fucking Portal? It's literally a 10/10.
What exactly is wrong with Counter Strike? Too hard for you?


>What exactly is wrong with Counter Strike? Too hard for you?
It's a terrible online shooter with even worse mechanics and fanbase.


>implying I have enough time and brain cells to even look through all that mess
No, man. Everything should be simple and easy to read, because we're babies.

ok what's a good online shooter, tough guy.


Game Like DooD, QuauQ, Duke NuN eduD, Serious S suoireS, PostsoP, you know, games like that.

Fuck a 3x3
The future is now.

Did you steal this from me?

Enemy Territory, Bad Company 2, Quake 3, NeoTokyo, original CoD, Dirty Bomb, Allied Assault, any Tribes game, etc.

Not fucking Counter Strike you dumb fuck casual.

Fuck yeah Lunar. A sealed copy of 1 and 2 to boot.
>someone with Deus Ex in their 3x3




It's literally 1.6+Source put together, upgraded and way more balanced. If you don't like GO, you don't like 1.6 and source, and that's ok, but don't call the game shit just because it's not your cup of tea.

As for the fanbase, you're right, it's literally the worst fanbase ever...until you reach MG2. Not to mention you can play on CEVO or faceit with 10/10 communities.

Deus Ex is a good game.

It is, but so is morrowind. Won't try to even defend the other two though.

>It is, but so is morrowind

Good virtue signaling list my man.

You just have to accept the fact that some people think TES is dogshit. You'd laugh at someone putting Modern Warfare 2 on their 3x3, right? Same principle.

>Not understanding that both games are dated, but retain charms that no other game has been able to emulate or recapture

How depressing.

Well, no. Deus Ex is dated but it remains a great game with level design, music, and overall gameplay that stands on its own even today.

Meanwhile Morrowind is just bad.

explain why it's not good, and why deus ex is.

You can actually hit things in Deus Ex without needing the game's internal dice rolls to give you permission first.

>literally me


3/3: Super Mario World, Skies of Arcadia, Metroid Prime

4/4: Metroid Prime 2, Jak & Daxter, Paper Mario, Majora's Mask


3/3: Deus Ex, Jedi Outcast, Metal Gear Solid

2.5/3: Jet Set Radio, Deus Ex, ~Okami

4/4: Paper Mario, Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, Pokémon DPP

Go fuck yourself beta male 6/6: Crysis, CS Go, Vice City, Portal, Skyrim, Half-life

3.5/4: Banjo-Kazooie, Half-Life, Yoshi's Island, ~Bioshock

9.5/10, Half Life, Deus Ex, Castlevania, Pokémon RSE, Resident Evil, Portal, Zelda II, Actraiser, Mega Man 3, ~Bioshock

1/1: New Vegas




>Meanwhile Morrowind is just bad.
It's a subjective experience and if you didn't and still don't enjoy it, then you're missing out. I agree that Deus Ex is great.

No. I wouldn't laugh because it's their favorites, not mine. You don't have to place games you don't like on your list of the sake of pleasing dumb anons. If you like MW2 and you think it's in your top 9, then put it.

I don't know why 3x3 threads always turn into taste contests.

3/3. New Vegas, Vice City, Battle Network. Fuck if I knew WHICH Battle Network exactly.

Different dude, my dude, I just think it's depressing that the fun I've had in certain ways in certain games can't be reproduced

Oh you mean the crosshairs you sit still and wait for while getting shot? Enjoy dying instantly to anything that spots you on realistic while you wait.

But you can invest skill points to make that wait... less dangerous and more reliable.

Kinda like how you'd pick what skills and attributes for hitting stuff in morrowind?

Ah, but then you dont have to wait to aim with the gepgun or melee weapons in deus ex.

Magic is the same thing in morrowind, if you cast it, that shit is hitting something.
C'mon. Deus Ex's gameplay is just as fucking clunky.

BN2. I've only played 2 and 6. While 6 has a better combat system it is less fun to play through overall. BN2 is just a game I keep constantly going back to 4-star.

Nah man, that's why videogames are great. Millions upon millions of unique experiences just out there to be had. Sure it sucks a little that you cant re-experience some of those feelings in the same way, but there's always something else to try and have fun with.

Vidya gaems are fun.

Video games ARE fun

I never had any trouble hitting things with guns in Deus're supposed to be stealthy the time you should be running and gunning you should have skills up enough to hit things just fine.

And even with max skill in Morrowind you're still not going to hit every time...and since you hit less with less stamina and you run so fucking slow you're always going to be out of stamina most of the time, it's kinda shit.

And unless you spec to use magic, you get like 2-3 spells out and you're out of mana and I don't play mages.

Morrowind has plenty of other problems, too, not hitting things consistently just seems like the biggest problem it has, but cheats solve those problems anyway and I had fun with it back in the day.

you can be a physical god in morrowind if you invest enough into learning it's mechanics.

I like my spooky ambience.

>try to make one of these
>realise there aren't even 9 games i like

Yeah, I did that once with the skill drain spell glitch run so fast the game can barely keep up with loading new chunks and if I jump I'm going to die when I's fun for a laugh but not how I'd like to play through the whole game.


DMC, Thief 1, Strange Journey, Quake. The two original Shin Megami Tensei games are even spookier than Strange Journey. And I appreciate someone liking Thief 1 over 2.